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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo

    Is a 4cc band outdated??

    Hi Allison: The Glasgows said they only use the bigger inamed bands now. So, sounds like you'll be getting the bigger band. They're great doctors, don't worry. They'll take good care of you. Dr. Adam Glasgow (probably Dr. Arthur will assist, like with lapband they assist each other) is taking out my gallbladder next Thursday. I don't have a worry knowing they're taking care of me. Any more questions, feel free to ask. Take care. Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    The new exercise equipment....

    Dave: I got my trikke today. Love, love, love it. Got a helmet, didn't dump it at all. It's kind of hard to get started, but I just kept pushing kind of like a scooter to get it started. Too funny, I'm 48 years old and I've never used a scooter, but there I was riding my trike! Exercised about a half an hour and worked up a pretty good sweat. I'm sure the kids in my neighborhood thought I was whacked. But two of them were following me asking all sorts of questions. Thanks for recommending the trikke. I look forward to finding alot of cool places to ride it. Folds pretty good for putting in the trunk too. Thanks again. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo

    Is a 4cc band outdated??

    Jennifer: My band doctor gave me a 4 cc band last July. However, in support group they told everyone that they used to give most women 4 cc's and the men the larger band. However, they had three bands that were too tight on women that they had to reoperate and change to the bigger band. Since then they've only done the larger bands on everyone regardless of their size or sex. They said it is harder to manage the fills because it takes more finesse to find the sweet spot, however it's better than finding out a day after surgery that someone's band is too tight before it's even filled. Good luck. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    Who is that girl? Is it really me?

    Tina: Way to go! You look great and I can tell that you feel great too. Sue
  5. Sue Magoo

    Right Decision?

    drod309: Positive thinking may help your situation. Read about the success stories on this site, there are hundreds of them. As far as the heavy lifting goes, your doctor probably told you about heavy lifting during recovery period. If not, call their office and ask because you don't want to hurt the positioning of your band. Good luck, and try to think positive. If you stick to the bandster rules and get some exercise you'll have some wonderful things happen in the next year, like I did. Take care. Sue
  6. Hi: I'm not at the point that Jachut is, but I can testify that it does work if you follow the program. I think it is a committment to yourself that has to be made before you can be succesful. I think that's why my surgeon's group does the psych test beforehand - to make sure you're mentally ready and committed to make change. I love my band because I'm almost a "normal-sized" person again. I've lost 119 pounds since last April 23rd. I did a modified weight watcher's type of plan for three months prior to surgery. I just couldn't stand carrying around the excess weight anymore! Sometimes I go back and forth between being disgusted at how big I let myself get to be, to being proud at how much I've lost. I do try to focus on the positive though because I think it's better for my own personal morale. This can work if you use it as a tool. However, the biggest tool is the one between your ears! I don't think I would be as succesful without exercise, so that's another committment I made to myself. I really think it's important to exercise and change your diet drastically. My band doesn't remind me to exercise, like it reminds me not to overeat. But so far my head's been in the game, and I think I'm winning right now. Good luck. I hope that you can win the battle too. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    Anyone been banded 18 sept 2007 or near

    Hi slimmy120: I was banded on 7/26/07, about two months before you. I lost 38 pounds pre-band, then gained 9 when I was banded, and am now down 119 altogether. Love, love, love my band. It does get harder to lose now than back then. I'm hoping to kick up the exercise some more once this crappy weather is over with. I hope all is well with you. Sue
  8. Sue Magoo


    Hi: If you eat too fast, or too much sometimes you do this thing called "slime". It's really just spit, but it's thicker. I think it is what your body creates to try to move food along when it's stuck or almost stuck. This is gross, but you asked, so I'll tell you. A few times when I've slimed it's like a fricken slime snake. You can almost pull it out of your mouth and cut it with a knife. Once you finish sliming you usually don't have pain anymore from the golfball in your chest that you get if you eat too fast, or too much. Sorry if this was too graphic. Hopefully you won't slime very many times. Sue
  9. Sue Magoo

    How much is too much??

    TxChelsea: Are you comparing what you weighed on your surgeon's scale a couple of days ago to what you weigh on your home scale? You cannot compare the two because there will almost always be differences between two scales. There can also be large variances between weighing yourself at different times of day. I am always lightest in the morning. Another variable is clothes, or naked. I would be so fricken happy if I lost what you lost. I wouldn't be concerned at all. The loss will slow down soon. Good luck with your surgery. Sue
  10. Nicole: They found that I had a hiatal hernia when they did the pre-surgical barium swallow. They fixed it with my banding and haven't had heartburn since. Good luck. Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    Weight loss is getting harder

    Lisa: You may want to try kicking up your exercise for a few days to see if that helps. Also, write down everything you are eating to make sure your calories are 1200 or below. Another thing to try is listed in a reply above, try all liquids for a couple of days. I find that I can stay the same for a week and then all of a sudden my body lets go of a pound or two. Good luck. Sue
  12. Sue Magoo


    Kat: So what specifically did he say about the mons lift and how people feel about doing it versus not doing it? Is the mons lift part of the tummy tuck or is it a separate procedure? I'm guessing that the tummy tuck they pull down and cut all the excess and with the mons lift they pull up and cut the excess off. Just a guess.... Sue
  13. Sophiekittie: Are you taking liquid vitamins too? That might help. I hope you feel better soon. When I was banded last year they told us to have protein drinks after surgery to help with the healing. I was having sugar free carnation instant breakfast made with skim milk with a scoop of protein powder added. Take care. Sue
  14. Sue Magoo

    pain in lower left abdomen

    Gurlygurl: I have gall stones too. I'm having my gallbladder out on 4/17. My pain is intermittent, but it's bearable most of the time. I'm having my gallbladder removed by the surgeon who did my band. Getting gall stones is a side effect of having a sudden weight loss. I've heard that the gallbladder surgery is very similar to lap band. Good luck. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo


    Fran: If you are eating right don't worry about the weight gain. You are probably retaining fluids from the major shock your body is going through. I haven't had plastic surgery yet, but after I was banded I gained 9 pounds in 3 days and I was only on liquids. It took about ten days before it started to come off. Chin up and drink alot. Weird how drinking makes our fluids flush, but that's what they tell me. Take care. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Special K: Good for you! I started with a BMI of 50.7 and I know what you're talking about with the exercise. It does get easier as the weight comes down. I've gotta go because my Daughter and I are walking in a 5 mile charity walk. Keep up the good work. I think it's especially important for us folks with the higher bmi's to exercise with our bands. Take care. Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    Hello from Boston!

    Hi Mamaof3: I read that you are having your surgery in Norwood on 4/8. Congratulations. You must be one of the Glasgow's patients. Dr. Adam did my band, and on 4/17 he'll be taking out my gallbladder. Do you have Dr. Adam or Dr. Arthur as your surgeon? One of them assists the other, so you'll really have both during surgery. Dr. Arthur helped me out twice when I had issues. Did I see you at support group? The last one was very crowded, not usually that many people there, and usually not that hectic. I was the blond middle-aged woman on the couch. You picked a great group. I'm very pleased with both of the Dr's. Glasgow and their entire group. Good luck, let me know if you have any questions because I've been there and done that. Take care. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    Saying GoodBye to SIZE 20's FOREVER!!

    Wow Trystelle: From 330 to a size 14! Sue
  19. Trystelle: Thanks for the reassurance. You're doing so well. You'll be at goal in no time! Congratulations. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    went for a fill and came back empty

    gilliebean: Hope the next time goes more smoothly. I've always had my fills in the doctors office without fluoro and it's always quick and easy. Hopefully the rest of yours will be easy too. Feel better soon. Sue
  21. Hi: I'm glad that my surgeon is a general surgeon. I have to get my gallbladder out. The same doctor that did my band is going to take care of my gallbladder. He and his Dad decided to start banding back in 2005 and he said that he gets alot out of being a band surgeon because he has patients that are patients for life they get alot of gratification from helping us be more healthy, happy people. It's comforting to me. Sue
  22. Sue Magoo

    Delayed Reaction to Fills?

    Hi: I'm guessing that sometimes your pouch gets a bit swollen when it's getting used to a new, tighter fit. Just a guess. It has happened to me twice - at about ten days out. Sue
  23. Sue Magoo

    An Introduction and a Question

    Hi: My experience has been that if a fill is too much it only gets worse, not better. If you're sliming alot you're going to irritate things and you've only been banded about six weeks. I recommend a call to your doctor to make sure that you're not harming your tummy or your band. Good luck. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Let's be honest about exercise

    Hi: I actually walk between 1 1/2 to 2 hours per day, 6 days per week, no matter what the weather is here in New England. If it's slippery out I get on my eliptical, but I hate that. I have long underwear to keep warm, rain coat to keep dry, etc. I'm proud to say that I've lost 117 pounds :huh2: since last April 23rd, and I'm guessing that my weight loss would only be about two-thirds of this if I didn't do all of this walking. I spread the walking into four sessions. Morning 20 minutes (at work), Noon 50 minutes (at work), Afternoon 20 minutes (at work), and usually 30 minutes of walking up and down a big hill at home in the early evening. I have two walking buddies for my short walks at work. I'm fortunate that I have the time available to me for all of this walking. On the weekends sometimes I go for a two hour walk at one time. I use my MP3 player and just keep on going. I miss it if for some reason I can't walk. Good luck putting together an exercise program that works for you. I'm going to start a strength program in June. Sue
  25. love777pink: Can you please tell me about the gallbladder surgery? I'm having mine out on 4/17. I was thinking it would be a piece of cake, like lap band. Any info you can give on gallbladder surgery will be appreciated. Did you have gallbladder out laproscopically? Sue

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