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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo

    Lap Band Failure???

    Hi: You recognize that you didn't follow the lap band rules for the first year. Sounds like you're ready now. Stick around on this site and keep going to support group meetings. You should probably set small goals and small rewards to keep you focused. Good luck. Sue
  2. I only had to wait about three weeks from seminar to first consult with Dr. Glasgow. However, they are probably more busy as the good word spreads. The longest thing for me was getting all of the other appointments done. Good luck. Sue
  3. kjeter: I know exactly how you feel. I've been flipping up and down with the same two pounds since 4/4/08. It's a bit aggrevating. I've even tried increasing my exercise, and that's not helping. Having my gallbladder out this Thursday, so I can already see 5 pounds of Fluid coming on - uggh! If you figure out the trick to getting past those three pounds, please share. I so wanted to be under 200 for my one year anniversary of when I started dieting, but seeing how it's 5 pounds away and I've only got 8 days, not looking good. Maybe he'll give me great pain meds so that I sleep for four days - not gonna happen, oh well! Keep on trying, and know that I will to. Take care. Sue
  4. Hi: I can't say enough good things about the Drs. Glasgow and their entire Lap Band team. I was banded last July. The nursing staff was good at Caritas Norwood Hospital too. Let me know if you have any specific questions. I had Blue Cross too and they covered all except hospitalization copay of $500 and psych exam of $175. Both of the Dr's. Glasgow are great (kind, caring, and gentle) and their office staff is so helpful. Jayne Smith handles all of the paperwork and makes everything happen in the background as far as scheduling, and approvals. The monthly support group meetings are good too. Sometimes they're a bit crowded though. I cannot believe that I started my Lap Band journey last March, started modified weight watchers in April, banded in July and I'm down 119 pounds! What a year it's been. Good luck with getting through all of the preliminaries. Take care. Sue
  5. Sue Magoo

    Here I go.......

    Allison: We have even more in common. My Daughter goes to Bridgewater too. She's in her junior year majoring in elementary education and second major is English. If you come to support group sometime I'll show you her picture. Good luck with the sleep apnea, etc. Sue
  6. Sue Magoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Cindyluhu: I'll see you on the 22nd. I believe the plastic surgeon will be there. His name is Dr. John Fattore. I think he said he will be talking about tummy tuck in his next visit to support group. I don't remember if he said he'd be at the next support group though. See you next week. Take care. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    Here I go.......

    Hey Allison: I couldn't find the right thread to send this on, but I remember that you're going for your sleep apnea test this week. I just wanted to mention that you might want to line up a friend to help you out with getting the glue off of your head the morning after the test. They put things on your body to read what's going on and they have to glue them to your head. I have a Daughter that's 20 and I know how important hair is to young women so you'll want to have someone help you out with this. Good luck. Sue
  8. Sue Magoo

    Did you have weight problems as a child?

    No. I wasn't overweight until I was 28 - after my daughter was born. But now I'm less than 50 pounds from goal. What a great 11 1/2 months it's been. Sue
  9. Sue Magoo

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    FABULOUS! :smile2:
  10. Sue Magoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Sherry: I'd like to join your group next time you get together. I'll keep an eye out to see when it gets scheduled. I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the local bandsters. Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Hi Cindy: Thanks for the good wishes. I'm sure all will go well with the gallbladder surgery. The Glasgows are great doctors and the entire group is so helpful and caring. We've missed you at support group, however it's been kind of "zooey" there lately. Sometimes there are just too many people there. Last time we had support group was the same night as the train crash in Canton and Dr. Adam was called away and Dr. Arthur and the plastic surgeon were being interrupted during the group meeting. It was crazy. Hopefully next time will be less people, and hopefully the doctors won't be called away to more pressing issues. Maybe I'll see you there on the 22nd. Congratulations on being so close to goal! I am very jealous. I feel like I'm never going to get there, but I have a heck of a nerve to complain having not been banded for a year yet. I started as size 26/28, and now I'm wearing 18's comfortably, in fact some are very loose, but 16's are impossibly tight! My personal goal is to be a size 12, but I'm not sure I can get there without a tummy tuck. Hopefully I can because it's going to take some time to save for tummy tuck - will cost more than $10,000. Take care, and keep in touch. Sue
  12. Sue Magoo


    Hi: If you don't already have one, reward yourself with a great MP3 player and download some great exercising music. It's a nice thing to have and it will help with your exercise. Another idea, check out TRIKKE 3-point Carving Vehicles. I got one last Wednesday and I'm loving it. One of the other bandsters recommended it. Congratulations. I think the rewards help to get to the goal. Take care. Sue
  13. Sue Magoo


    Christie: You should go see your doctor. It sounds like it could possibly be a hernia. Hope you heal quickly whatever it ends up being. Take care. Sue
  14. Molly: I'll pray for internal peace for you. While you're going through this why not try to turn your anger for this man into a positive thing. I know this is going to sound kind of whacked, but why not hang a punching bag and put his picture on it and work out your arms? Or, when you're out walking pretend that bastard is 100 feet behind you and you cannot let him get any closer so you have to walk extra fast. Silly things to do to focus your anger into an activity that benefits you physically, instead of internalizing the anger and covering it with twinkies. Good luck. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    The Mental Part

    Hi: I think that keeping active helps with being down in the dumps too. Exercise with some good music on. Another thing, if you're physically tired, that doesn't help. Try to get to bed a little bit earlier because you're still healing and need extra rest. And, make sure you're taking a Multivitamin. Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    SF Popsicles on Liquid diet?

    Nesser08192: I just looked back at my written liquid pre-op liquid diet. It says that you can have up to 3 no sugar added fudgsicles in a day. However, the sugar free popsicles weren't limited. We could also have up to 3 per day of Dannon Light, Yoplait Light, or Colombo Light yogurt. Hope this helps. You're doing the most difficult part when you're on this stage. Good luck. Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    Hello from Boston!

    Mamaof3: How you feeling? I remember your surgery was this past Tuesday. I hope you are feeling well. I think they have a good program over at Norwood Hospital. The nursing staff was very attentive to me when I was having nausea issues after banding. I hope you are well. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    Hello from Boston!

    Hi Allison: I checked my calender from last year. My appointments worked like this: 3/29/07 - informational seminar 4/17/07 - 1st appointment with Dr. Adam Glasgow 4/18/07 - blood work 4/25/07 - appointment with ENT - precurser to sleep apnea test for me 5/9/07 - barium swallow - showed I had hiatal hernia 5/12/07 - Dr. Newman - psych evaluation 5/17/07 - Nutrition appointment 6/6/07 - sleep study 6/27/07 - follow up with ENT - discussed sleep test 7/13/07 - second appt. with Dr. Adam Glasgow 7/18/07 - pre-op at Caritas Norwood Hospital 7/26/07 - surgery 8/6/07 - post surgical appointment with Dr. G. Approx. one year after seminar I am down 119 pounds! Yippee. As far as dieting before the surgery, I think they usually want you to go on liquids for ten days prior to surgery. This will give you a quick loss that shrinks the liver to get it out of their way during surgery. Once you're approved, I wouldn't worry about bmi anymore. Just do what the doctors say to do pre-op. My BMI was 50.7 to start (ewwwww), and I was so ready to stop being so heavy so I took off quite a bit before surgery (38 pounds). If you have more questions, just let me know. If you want to speak to me, just send me a pm and I'll give you my phone number. Good luck with your appointments next week. I am on alot of the threads. I've become hooked on lapbandtalk. I don't have anyone close to me that has gone through this so I come here and browse alot. Take care. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    ljm: Your progress has been so incredible! Congratulations. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    Frustrated - Husband out of work for 6 months

    Julie: Don't even think about cancelling your ps unless you absolutely have to. Try to forget about his being out of work and just try to enjoy having him take care of you while you are recuperating. Then, once you're feeling better, or even while you're recuperating come up with an action plan to get him back to work. Sometimes unemployment will give an extension to unemployment if someone is getting retrained in a new field. Check to see if they offer that service in CA. They do in MA. Another thing that might be available is outplacement services at the place he just left. I was laid off 15 years ago and it can be devestating. I am an accountant, so I went and worked for temporary agencies to hold me over until I got full employment. It took a year for that to happen, but I worked temp most of the time. Good luck with your surgery and with your husband getting back to work. Take care. Sue
  21. Sue Magoo

    Need Help Badly

    Vicky: Sounds like you need help from your surgeon - a fill! This will make things much easier. Sue
  22. Sue Magoo

    Lower abdominal pain

    Alison: I was having issues with abdominal pain and found out I have gall stones and am having my gallbladder removed next week. I was noticing that I had extra gas too. I think you should call your primary care doctor and go from there. Gall stones are a common issue for people who lose weight quickly. Congratulations on your weight loss. Sue
  23. Sue Magoo

    i have got a cold

    Hi: You should call your surgeon and let him/her know. They'll be able to answer you better than anyone else. I got a yeast infection two days before my band and I called the doctor and he just said to do the over-the-counter medication and don't worry about it. Everything went fine. Good luck. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Scared & Embarassed

    You'll probably feel more comfortable talking about being banded after you've seen some significant weight loss. Do what works for you if you're not comfortable discussing it. You don't need negative vibes, so come to this site for support and you'll find comfort and positive vibes here. My biggest regret with the band is that I waited until 2007 to get it done. Had I known about it before then I would have done it before. So glad I'm banded and am successfully losing alot of weight. Best wishes to you. Don't think of it as being the "easy" way out. Because it isn't. The band is a tool that helps you if you eat small quantities and exercise. Take care. Sue
  25. Becky: Have you tried Weight Watchers? It might be more tasty, cheaper, and healthier than the nutri-system. Good luck with whatever you choose. Sue

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