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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Hi: I'm home alone during the college year, so I don't cook much. I love Weight Watcher's smart one's dinners. I usually can't finish them, but there's not enough left over to save either. Because you do cook, have you thought of making some small meals and making your own frozen dinners? You could make a meal and put it on a plate that is freezer and microwave safe and slip it into a zip lock bag. I sometimes have just veggies for supper too. I love the Green Giant frozen cauliflower and cheese sauce. It's only 150 calories for the entire bag. I usually can finish that. Good luck. Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    Diet after a fill

    Royalbee: My surgeon suggests liquids for a day, mushies for a day, then solids. I am concerned that you're having pain in your throat. My surgeon takes a little bit out if you have issues swallowing right after he fills you. I hope you're not too tight. Three weeks between fills might be a bit rushed too. You can tell if you need a fill if you are eating too much at a time (more than a cup), if you are hungry again after eating before 3 hours, and/or if you aren't losing weight. Hope you get rid of that throat pain. Sue
  3. Hi Electraglide: For sure, once banded you will have to push the plate away. If not, there will be some regurgitation going on, and it's not pretty or comfortable. Even with those occasional side effects I am so glad I was banded. I started at 324 and this morning I weighed 193. I exercise alot and I feel about 20 years younger than I did a year ago. Do you have a date for surgery yet? Where are you being banded? I went to Glasgow & Glasgow in Norwood. They have a great group there. They're very caring and supportive. Best wishes to a fellow Massachusetts lapbandtalker. I'm in Norwood. Sue
  4. Hi: My doctor said anything the size of an M&M or smaller should go down easily. Good luck because I know how nausea can be after surgery - yucky and painful. Sue
  5. Sue Magoo

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    BBK: You look so terrific! You can't tell by looking at this picture that you were ever overweight. Look at those fabulous legs! Congratulations on all of your success. Sue
  6. Hi: I feel like one of the luckiest bandsters. My surgeon and his office staff and his partner (his Dad) are fabulous and they would never pull this kind of crap. If they're not supportive now they probably won't be when you need them even more - post surgery. Please do yourself a favor and find a new surgeon. Good luck. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    tight pouch after sleeping in...

    gingerkid: You might want to try and get up in the middle of night and have a big drink of Water. I think that sleeping a long time dries out the pouch and that is what makes it so difficult to swallow things in the morning. I sat in the sun for a couple of hours today and didn't bring a drink with me. When I got home I took three sips of iced tea and it all came back up. Again, I think my pouch got dry and made it difficult. Mention it to your doctor and see what he/she says. Sue
  8. Sue Magoo

    Vitamins and Shakes

    I take the Centrum adult chewable. The non-chewables are too big and they seem to stay in my pouch forever - burping, yucky! Good luck. Sue
  9. Becky: Please don't let that insurance company or those pictures take your spirit away. If it doesn't get approved for insurance you just have to keep fighting and get a second job so that you can save enough to have the surgery done. I can totally relate to your pain and anger with yourself for letting the weight get so out of hand. But, it's better to put that in the past and move forward to the new Becky. Use that anger to drive you to solving this plastic surgery problem. Take care, and big hugs! Sue
  10. Sue Magoo

    I want to live

    Hi: We have something in common. I started my weight loss program at 324 pounds. That was last April (2007). This morning I weighed 196! I'm 36 pounds from goal and hope to attain that goal this year. It can be done. I love my band because it's helped me to lose all this weight and my life is so much better. I think it's great that you're changing your daughter's bad eating habits too. I wish you well. Take care. Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    The new exercise equipment....

    Hastings: How's the trikking going? I'm still loving mine. I take it to work and go out trikking at noon instead of walking. It's alot more fun than walking for exercise. Let us know how it's going with the trikke. Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    pain in lower left abdomen

    Hi: My Sister calls me SuzieQ sometimes. I had pain on my right side and it ended up that I had gallstones. Had my gallbladder out in April. It's a pretty easy recovery, at least it was for me. My pain was intermittant with my gallstones. Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  13. Sue Magoo

    Concern with my lower legs

    Kate Eryn: Some people just have heavy ankles. I'm 5'7", used to be 5'8" and even when I weighed 127 pounds (in my 20's) I had heavy ankles. Unfortunately, I passed this trait onto my daughter. She's almost 21 years old and she has heavy calves and ankles. My legs and ankles didn't hurt until I put an extra 100 to 160 pounds on them. Yipes! I hope you find relief for your pain. Sue
  14. Knee Brows???? Please elaborate. I probably have them, or will have them because my legs were and still are so heavy. I'm guessing that a knee brow is if you have skin hanging from your thigh over your knees. I just checked. I don't have them yet. I still have about 40 pounds to go so I'm sure they're on their way. Maybe I'll have to get a wetsuit for the summer - not! The nutritionist told our support group that we should all get full-length mirrors and study our bodies in them and say only good things about how our bodies look. EEEEEWWWWWWW! This thread is so blanking funny. It's probably not funny to someone who's not sagging all over yet, but it is hilarious to me. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    tchilambe: Maybe you should increase your calories up to 1200 for a few days. Maybe 800 isn't enough for the calories you're burning. Just a thought. I hope it works for you soon. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    New and needing help

    Hi: I was banded ten months ago. My port is just under my rib cage in the middle. I can feel my port. It feels kind of like a hard spot under the skin. It's far enough under that it doesn't show even though that part of my body is getting to be nice and flat. I think of it as my "belly cop" and I am comforted knowing it's there doing it's job with the band. Sue
  17. I can totally relate to the thighs issue. I've gone from a size 26/28 down to a 16 and my thighs look horrible! I have these big lumps of tissue that looks sooooooooooooo uuuuuggggllllyyyyy! My top half is pretty small, but I still have a big belly, butt, and legs. I bought two size 14 bathing suits last year at the end of season clearance. They actually fit! However, I don't want anybody to see these horrible thighs of mine so I went and bought some long shorts (just above the knee) to wear over the bathing suits. I think they're disgusting. However, my Sister tells me they're not any grosser than my legs were before! How complimentary - yikes! There's a plastic surgeon in my future. I hope I don't have to spend all of my retirement funds fixing what I did to myself in my twenties and thirties. I think it's important to focus on the good parts instead of the bad. So, I'm going to think about my neck (no fat at all) and my collar bones. I like both of them because they look so "normal". Best wishes to all of you and finding those good parts. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    It's Kats turn!!!!

    Best wishes from Massachusetts too. Can't wait to join you in the "flat lands". Hope your recovery is quick. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    Any good summer recipies

    Hi: I have something that helps me get through the hot nights with no calories. I have an ice crusher. I crush ice and pour crystal light over it and eat it with a spoon. It's refreshing and it's no calories and it has to be chewed. If not for this and sugar free popsicles I wouldn't know what to have at night that is low calorie. I look forward to seeing other people's responses. Take care. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    Anyone have TT revision?

    Julie: I don't have any advice. However, I wanted to say that my heart goes out to you because you're just getting over the first procedure and you already have to think about revision. I'm guessing that's why we haven't seen any pictures yet. Maybe I missed them. Maybe with a little more time and those other few pounds off it will make a big difference. I hope so. Take care. Sue
  21. Becky: I've heard of people having their panniculectomy's covered if they had issues with skin rashes, or lower back aches. If you have these, get them documented with your surgeon and/or primary care and submit that it is medically necessary because of this history of rashes and/or lower back pain. Best wishes. Sue
  22. Sue Magoo

    Exercise affecting band!?

    Hi: I haven't found anything that would be uncomfortable about exercising and my port and band. However, after a lengthy exercise session I find that my band can be pretty tight. I usually have to drink something, and then wait an hour before eating anything if I've been exercising more than an hour straight. Sue
  23. Sue Magoo

    back fat

    Hi: I don't do any weight training, however I do alot of aerobic exercise. I walk and/or trikke 1 1/2 to 2 hours per day. Luckily my weight has been coming off of my back. My lower belly is another story. I'm wondering if the body choses where to lose from on its own. I'm kind of melting from the top down even though I've lost everywhere I look normal from the belly button up. My lower abdomen, butt, and legs are still very heavy, but I expect that alot of that will go away with the last 37 pounds to goal. Good luck. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    100 lbs! You did it! Now tell me how.....

    Yellowroseaz: I was banded 7/26/07. I was okay with dieting, but after a few months I would always gain it back. I lost 37 pounds pre-op following a modified weight watcher diet. Before banding I did a ten-day presurgical liquids only diet. Then after banding I think I did liquids (with Protein shakes added) for two weeks, mushies for two weeks, and then solids. Since banding I've lost 90 more pounds. Total to date is -127 and I'm within 37 pounds of goal. I exercise alot. I don't have any small children so my time after work is my time. I walk three times during the day. Two of my walking sessions are with coworkers and we walk a mile in 15 minutes. My third walking session is by myself and I usually walk for 50 minutes. Sometimes I forgo my noon-time long walk and go for 20 to 30 minutes on my trikke instead. Way more fun than walking. I climb a hill when I walk during the evening. I try to do it for 20 to 30 minutes. I have a terrific doctor and his team is great too. I go to support group meetings every month. I come here for support too. I think that adding exercise to the mix is critical to my success. I enjoy listening to my MP3 player when I'm exercising. It helps me to listen to fast-paced music. Good luck. Sue
  25. Sue Magoo

    plateau problem

    Penny: I was at a plateau too. So, I started charting my food on mydailyplate.com. It helps me to make sure I don't exceed 1200 calories a day. You might want to change up your exercise too. If you're walking on a flat surface, try some hills. Good luck. Sue

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