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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo

    Surgery went very well!

    Jill: Glad to hear things went so smoothly for you. Me too, though it was a long time ago. Best wishes for your successful band experience. Sue
  2. TxChelsey: I have the small 4 cc band too. I'm at 2.5 and have been there since May (except one week unfilled - problem). This level of 2.5 works for me. I think there are alot of variables for the fill level that will work for each person. I hope you find your sweet spot soon. Best wishes to you. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo

    Manatee's turn for plastics

    Congratulations on your successful surgery. I can't wait to see pictures. You've really done an amazing job with your band. Now, rest, relax, and recuperate! Sue
  4. Don't eat solids! Your stomach needs time to heal and it cannot if you eat solids or mushies now. Set your mind to the fact that you're on all liquids and just do it. You'll be glad a year from now when you've lost alot of weight and feel great. If you don't have a good band experience it could be from not following the doctors orders. Please put your frame of mind to the weight loss mode and follow the program. Know that you'll be much happier if you do as instructed because the results will be fabulous, or should I say flabuless. Do things that don't involve food while you're on the liquid stage. For instance, go for a walk. Take a long bath with a good book. Go to bed early. It's only for a short while and you'll be eating again soon. Best wishes. Sue
  5. Hi: Have you already had your first post-op appointment? If so, what did doctor say about this lump? If not, please call the doctor and tell him that you've got a plum-sized lump. I hope that you're healing well. Let us know how you do with this lump. Sue
  6. I made the mistake of blending hot soup when I was first on mushy stage - yipes. The cover came off the blender right after I started it up and I'm lucky I didn't get burned. So, blend whatever soup you can find, but blend it cold, and then heat it up. Best wishes to you. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    2nd Day Post Op

    If your nausea problem continues ask the doctor to prescribe a liquid antinausea medication. I had it and it's called something like fenegren???? If you can get off the pain meds the nausea problem may go away. I never had pain medication after day 2 because I hate nausea more than I hate pain. Best wishes for your success. Sue
  8. Sue Magoo

    Will .25 cc's make a difference?

    Donna: If you have postnasal drip from your cold he may need to take more out than .25 . Don't worry. He can put it back in when you feel better. Take care. Sue
  9. Hi: It's not throwing up, it's regurgitating. It's quite different. When you regurgitate the food just kind of slides up and out. It's not as violent of a hurl as throwing up is. In addition, it's not all acidy like when you throw up. It's just the food that you just ate mushed up more than when you put it into your mouth. So, it's not as bad as throwing up - honest! Best wishes to you and don't worry about throwing up if you're doing what you're supposed to do you probably won't regurgitate. I get into trouble when I eat too fast. Take care. Sue
  10. Sue Magoo

    bend and purge????

    Hi Everyone: New issue for me that I'm hoping to get advice on. I was banded almost 14 months ago, so I'm not a newbie, but I have something new happening lately. When I drink coffee in the morning and bend to tie my shoes I regurgitate my coffee. When I eat my dinner and bend to put my dishes into the sink I regurgitate. I haven't measured, but I think I'm not overeating. I've been eating 1/2 to 1 cup of food at meals. I almost feel like I'm bulimic because I'm regurgitating so easily. For the first time in more than 20 years I can actually bend and touch my toes. Do you think it's because I'm more flexible now that my bending can cause this purging? Weird, huh. Does this happen to you? What should I do? I haven't had a fill since May. I'm 6 pounds from goal. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks. Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    bend and purge????

    Thanks for your responses everyone. I did call my doctor and sure enough he said I was "too tight". So I had all of my fill removed today and will get it back next Wednesday. I have the small band, so I only have a small amount in my band anyway. So, now I'm on "good behavior" for a week to see if that takes care of this issue. Thanks again. Sue
  12. Frangi: Wow! Congratulations to you. You loooooookkkkkk fffffaaaaabbbbuuuulllloooouuuussss! I forget who used to say it on Saturday Night Live, but you truly do look fabulous. I hope that looking at these pictures brightens your day while you are recuperating from your recent surgery. Nice curves! I'm very jealous. Sue
  13. Bobbie: 150 pounds is possible to lose with the band. I know, because I'm almost there. As far as eating around the band, it is possible, but not probable. Your band will make you hurl if you eat too much. You could possibly eat ice cream all day and not lose weight. I think it is important to go into it with the right mindset. Please know that the band will work for you if you work for it. Make sure you're ready because it is a drastic change. I love my band because I feel 20 years younger and I am very active now. My Daughter doesn't have to worry about her Mom having weight-related health issues either. There are so many reasons to do it, but you have to be mentally ready. I hope that you will be when it happens. Best wishes. Sue
  14. Hi: Don't be surprised if you gain weight at first. I gained 9 pounds the first four days. I was all liquids ten days pre-op and I was all liquids first ten days after surgery. I'm sure it was Fluid retention, but it was shocking to me. On the fourth day I started peeing like crazy, but it took almost a week to get rid of all of it. I recommend that you have a little pillow in the car for the ride home from the hospital. With the jiggly belly the bumps in the car hurt the incisions a bit. Good luck. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    New insurance...will I wait?

    Amanda: All plans are different. Even though someone has the same plan name as you have their employer may have different options selected. The best way to find out is to call the number on your insurance card, or the phone number in your insurance booklet. Good luck to you with your band. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Tigerlilyhair: Hi Deb: I was banded by Dr. Adam Glasgow almost a year and a half ago. I think they are fabulous over there, both the doctors and the staff are terrific. They've helped me to lose almost 150 pounds and I'm 6 pounds from goal! Maybe I'll catch you at support group sometime. I think that the next support group meeting is on 9/23. Don't worry about the fill. Dr. G. will be gentle. I haven't had to have a fill since May, but they've all been pretty easy. He'll have you lay back and put a pillow up under your back. I think that he uses a novacaine first, and then the fill. It hardly hurts. I usually just make small talk and look at the ceiling and then it's over. He's going to have you do liquids on Monday, then mushies on Tuesday, then food on Wednesday. I hope it all goes smoothly for you. Take care. Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    Mrs. Bubba

    Mrs. Bubba: I haven't had the open incision experience, but I remember reading that it takes a full six weeks to recover from this type of surgery when you have the large open surgery incision. Rest and recuperate. Take care. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    Hello From Boston

    Hi Mrs. Mitch: Glad to see more MA posters. Best wishes to you and Mr. Mitch on the lap band journey. It's one of the best things I've done for myself. PM if you have any questions. Take care. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    4 days out - First time Nausea

    NinaWoo: Thank you for the compliment. I have lost alot of weight and I feel great. I think that the key to my success has been exercise along with following the bandster rules. I was banded by a great surgeon that has a fabulous support group. I go to monthly support group meetings where I learn from the other bandsters. I exercise 1 1/2 to 2 hours per day and I actually like it. Best wishes to you. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    4 days out - First time Nausea

    Pain medication gives me nausea. Are you taking pain medication? I hope you feel better soon. Take care. Sue
  21. Hi Sandra: My port is under the biggest incision. It sounds like your port and mine are in the same place. I might be wrong, but I believe that the band is down inside deeper and a bit higher than your port at the end of your esophogus. They probably are close together, but your port is near your skin and the band is a few inches deeper. Good luck with your band. I hope you grow (shrink, really) to love yours like I love my belly cop. Sue
  22. Patty1: Did you get an unfill or partial unfill after this pain started right after your fill? If not, maybe that's what you need. I hope that they can figure it out because it would be a shame if you had to lose your band. Best wishes to feeling better. Sue
  23. Sue Magoo


    Hi: You probably aren't getting enough calories. Make sure that you do because this is a time for healing, not a time for losing. It's a bonus for those who do lose before they get restriction. I actually retained Fluid and gained 9 pounds in 3 days after surgery even though I was sticking to the liquid diet. I don't remember the specifics for when I was first banded, but I remember that they were pushing the Protein. Please take your liquid multi-Vitamins too. BEst wishes to you. Take care. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo


    Hi: I think you may be going through what I went through. I was in mourning of my large,delicous meals. Even though I'd done the liquid pre-op for ten days I was still getting used to not overeating for a few weeks after surgery. It gets better as the pounds come off somehow it offset my missing food so much. Best wishes to you. I can tell you it was all worth a bit of bitchiness at the beginning because overall my disposition has improved alot since being banded and being more physically fit helped my emotional situation. Sue
  25. Sue Magoo

    Banded for almost 4 months & 50 pounds gone

    Vicky: Wow! You look great. I can tell that you feel great too. Congratulations. Sue

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