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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo

    Can someone tell me about Max-Out-Of-Pocket?

    Stacie: Insurance plans vary tremendously depending on what the employer selects with their provider. You really should call the number on your insurance card and ask them. By the way, usually if you have $1,500 max out of pocket, and your family out of pocket is $4,000, then the $1,500 would apply to each person individually until the $4,000 family cap is met. Please get clarification from your insurance representatives. Best wishes to you. I love my band! Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    I'm Gurgling...

    Hi: I'm a gurgler too! It only happens about once per day and there doesn't seem to be anything consistent about it. I'll be interested to hear what others say because I don't think I've heard it mentioned before. I love my band! Sue
  3. Hi: I make a dessert with my oatmeal and it's so easy. I use the instant Honey Nut Oatmeal mixed with a little bit of melted butter to make it crumbly. I put it over drained, canned peaches and bake it at 350 for about 45 minutes. It's a yummy peach crisp. Not sure of calorie count, but I don't eat more than a half cup at a time so it can't be that much. If you add crushed almonds to your oatmeal it's yummy, and crunchy too. Best wishes to you in bandland. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    Help: Pain in Throat, Chest and Back

    Jesse: I feel badly because my lap band and hiatal hernia surgery have done wonders for my heartburn. My lap band surgeon said that one of the signs of a band that is too tight is heartburn. Have you tried a slight unfil yet? I hope you feel better soon. Did they rule out a hiatal hernia? Sue
  5. Sue Magoo

    Pneumonia after surgery??

    Hi: My friend had pneumonia 7 days after lap band surgery. So, you're doing the right thing if you call your doctor. Feel well, and I hope you end up loving your band like I love mine. Sue
  6. Wow! Congratulations. You look great.
  7. Sue Magoo

    5 1/2 yrs postop and having problems

    Hi: I hope you feel better soon. Wouldn't hurt to give your lap-band doctor a call. I know that my surgeon told everyone in support group that if you're having any stomach issues he should be called. Feel better, and keep us posted. When you do feel better, please tell me what it's like after year 2 versus first 2 years banded. I'm almost 1 1/2 years since banding and love my band and my healthier self. I am just wondering if there are any band changes after the first two years. Take care. Sue
  8. Sue Magoo

    Anyone own a TerraTrike???

    Good luck. Don't give up! You're lucky that you have someone to trikke with. I'm hoping to find a local trikke buddy this spring. Best wishes to you and Happy New Year! Sue
  9. Hi Miss Vicky:


    Did you have your band put in at Norwood Caritas? That's where I got mine, with Dr. Adam Glasgow. Great Doctor!


    Best wishes to you. I love my band because it's helped me to become an "average-sized" woman.

    I wish the same to you. It's not easy, but if you exercise too it will come off faster. But then, it's not a race.


    Good luck.



  10. I checked out your blog. Tracy - I hope the rest of your lapband journey goes more smoothly. That was so brave of you to let the doctor do all of that in the office. I wish you well with getting your port replaced. Best wishes. Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    Can you relate???

    Colady: I can totally relate to what you are feeling. I started at 324 and this morning I was at 180 - up from 176 - yipes - Xmas eating:( Will get rid of 4 - 5 pounds over the next two weeks - not worried thanks to my band.) Having gone as high as 324 my skin has been stretched way too much, and I have a nasty hanging belly. Some days I could almost get sick when I think about what I've done to myself. But then, I put my clothes back on and think about how great I look. I won't be able to afford plastic surgery for a long time, if ever, so I just have to get used to it. I try to concentrate on how much better I feel when I am having one of those "I am still fat" days. Most days I feel like an average-sized woman when I am clothed. I'm alot older than you, but I was obese since my late 20's. So, now I feel like I'm in my late 20's, early 30's most days. Some days when I am walking uptown I go by the store windows and see a reflection of an average-sized woman. I don't recognize her, but she is me! Try to concentrate on all of the good things about having lost all that weight and push aside the bad. Please be proud of yourself. I'm sure there are people who love you that are very proud of you. I think that another part that may make it so hard to enjoy our smaller bodies is that we're new to it. It's hard to believe that we can stay small when we're so new to it. We'll probably believe it when we're more used to it. I can see that you joined lapband talk in Oct. 2007, so you were probably banded in 2007. I was too. Best wishes to you. Please share any tricks with me when you figure them out. Take care and enjoy that slimmer body! Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    Lapband Slippage

    Please get to a doctor. A friend of mine got pneumonia right after surgery which can happen to someone who lays in bed for a few days. Please get checked and let us know how you're doing. Sue
  13. I fell off the wagon and good thing I landed on my chubby a$$! I can't help myself when there's lasagna in the house. I make a delicious lasagna. Last year I fell off the wagon too, and gained 3 pounds between Christmas and New Years. I'll have to wait and see the damage for this year. The best part is that my band keeps me from falling off the wagon and keepin' on going. I know that I can lose 3 lbs. in a week if I follow all of the bandster rules and get some exercise, so I'm not worried about gaining 3 lbs. I'll take it off next week. Best wishes to all of my fellow bandsters. Happy, Healthy, New Year. Sue
  14. Sue Magoo

    Anyone own a TerraTrike???

    Judy: Good luck next Tuesday at the rec center. It may take more than one try to get it down. If you want to try it with someone who's experienced and in your area check out www.trikketalk.com The people there are friendly and helpful. Let me know how it goes. Once you find the sweet spot it's kind of like ice dancing with a great partner. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    Anyone own a TerraTrike???

    Hi Teachlady: Have you thought of a trikke? Check it out online if you have a minute. I bought my trikke from www.tampatrikke.com Now they have one that has a motor on it. However, I don't have a motor. Mine is powered by me, and only me. It's probably better for people who live in fairweather places. I had to hang up my trikke in November because it's not made for wet roads. I am addicted to riding it and can hardly wait for March so that I can continue my exercise addiction. I'm sure that my trikke helped me achieve my goal of wearing a size 12 - from a 26/28. I have great muscles in my thighs too!:tongue2: Let me know if you try a trikke. If you do, enjoy the swerve! Sue
  16. Hi: I'm going through a very stressful time at work that is going to last until my job ends - scheduled for end of March 2009. I'm already losing sleep because of it. The company I've worked at for 15 years is being closed by our parent company. There are 60 people that are losing their jobs because of it. I am a worrier. I don't just worry about my own personal situation,but I worry about everybody else too. That's just how I am. I am exhausted all day and having difficulty keeping up with my exercise goals because I'm so damn tired. I go to bed at a reasonable hour but I don't sleep for more than two hours at a time. I've never taken anti-anxiety drugs, but my Sister tells me I better get some. Do you take anti-anxiety drugs? Do they help or harm with your weight loss? How does it effect your disposition? How does it effect your ability to exercise? Which drug do you take? I'm going to see my doctor next week to get a prescription. I'd love to hear from my fellow bandsters that take anti-anxiety meds before I see her so that I know what to expect. Thanks for your help and support. Sue
  17. Hi: My doctor said to call if there was pain. There shouldn't be any pain once you've healed from the surgery. You should probably call your doctor and see if they want to see you sooner. You may want to stick to liquids until then. Remember, if you cannot keep liquids down it becomes urgent for you to get medical attention because dehydration can be very serious. Best wishes and I hope you feel better soon. Sue
  18. Bubba: It's probably time for a fill for you. Once the swelling from surgery goes down alot of banded people get their hunger back. Call your doctor and get a fill soon. Best wishes for you and your band. I love mine! Sue
  19. Hi Poodles. I can be your buddy too. I'm a bit older than you - 49, but now I feel like I'm 29!. I was banded in July 07. I started my journey in April 07 at 324 lbs. and now I'm 176. I feel great. Send any questions my way. I'd be glad to try to help. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo


    Brandy: I was banded almost a year and a half ago. I have a diet soda a few times a week. Sometimes the bubbles come back up in my throat. So, to avoid that I stir the heck out of a coke with ice before having a sip. Another thing I do is let it go flat in the fridge. I find that banded people are already a bit extra gassy, so I usually stir the carbonation out. Haven't had any issues with the band, so haven't had a scan to see if band is stretched. My surgeon just said at recent support group that soda won't hurt your band. Good luck. Sue
  21. Sue Magoo

    Anti-Anxiety Drugs anyone????

    Thanks Cathy. Your response makes me more comfortable with the idea of taking this type of med. Take care. Sue
  22. Hi: I think that when I do eat too fast, or too much, or too large of an item it creates pressure in the chest and pain too. Then, it usually will come back up and out. It's prettty uncomfortable, but not usually for more than a few minutes until it comes back up. Eating too fast can cause me to slime and that's gross, but not usually as painful as it is when I have a pb. If you follow the bandster rules (tiny bites, chewed to liquid, eating slowly) you shouldn't have issues with this. Even if you're in the all liquid phase you should drink slowly so that small quantities are going through your band at a time. Speak with your doctor about your pain and he may have suggestions for you. Best wishes to you newbie! I love my band. Sue
  23. Sue Magoo


    Terri: I recommend that you call your doctor. If you are ten days out and you think you're bleeding inside that could be a problem. I had hiatal hernia repair too. Didn't have any issues like yours. Hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Keys to Success

    Pete: My success has been because I refuse to fail. I have tried all of the diets out there during the last 20 years. I refuse to fail again. Part of this refusing to fail has lead me to exercise 6 days out of 7. I walk 3 to 5 miles per day and sometimes trikke too. I went to the gym for a month, but I think I prefer to walk outside versus doing strength training in the gym. Trikking became my new sport that I love. I actually look forward to trikking. You're in Florida so you've probably seen alot more trikkers than I have. Give it a try when you have a chance. I'm not sure of the weight limits on the trikkes, but check it online. There's a trikke store in Tampa, FL. Google it and you'll find it. Determination and a change to a more active lifestyle have been my keys to success so far. Best wishes to you. Let me know if you ever try trikking and if you like it. Sue
  25. Sue Magoo

    Re-banded + gall bladder removal

    Hi Texas Rose: I had my gallbladder removed about almost a year after starting my diet, and almost 9 months after lap band. I was down about 100 to 110 pounds at that point. My band was fine, so I just had it emptied day of surgery, and had fill put right back day after gallbladder surgery. So good to get rid of the gallbladder pain. Best wishes to you. I'm guessing it's more than 3% for people with significant weight loss. I remember my doctor saying a percentage that was alot higher, but don't remember what the number was. Sue

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
