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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo


    Dana: I think it's because it makes your pouch more slippery if you drink 1/2 hour before eating. So, once you eat the first bite or two might slide through instead of sitting around to give you that satisfied sensation. I don't have that much of an issue with the drinking during the year, except when it is summer. I get extremely thirsty in the summer because I'm more active. Good luck. I hope you shrink to love your band like I do. Sue
  2. Been there, done that. I gained 9 pounds and it took me about 4 days to lose it. It's Fluid retention from all of the intravenous fluids before and after surgery. You'll notice that you'll have a day when you just keep peeing and peeing and the next day your scale will start dropping. Best wishes with your new band. I love mine! Sue
  3. Hi: Sometimes pineapple juice will help disolve a stick. I've tried bending while in a sitting position and leaning as far forward toward my toes as I could reach and that dislodged something once. I hope you feel better soon. If it lasts long and you can't get liquid down call your doctor. Take care. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    Hot Drinks

    Debbi 7155: How about sugar free hot chocolate that Swiss Miss or Nestles makes? It's pretty tasty and it helps with that need for something hot. Somebody said they found sugar free apple cider too. I'll bet that's tasty when it is warm. Best wishes to you for success with your band. Sue
  5. MollyAnne: If you are not at restriction yet then it is very difficult. You've only had two fills so far. Maybe you'll hit your sweet spot on the third fill. I strongly suggest that you start journaling your food intake. Sometimes we just don't notice how much we're eating unless we write everything down. I think there's a website called dailyplate.com Try that one, or there's others too. In addition, exercise will help. Not only does it burn calories, but it keeps you away from the fridge. Best wishes to you. Let me know if you have more questions. I hope you already have another fill scheduled with your doctor. Mine said we could have it done every week after the first couple until we hit our sweet spot. I think I hit the sweet spot on my third fill, but I have a small band. Talk to your doctor about your gallbladder pain too. It may need to come out. I had mine out 9 mos. after lap band. Take care. I love my band! Sue
  6. Sue Magoo

    Exercise: Friend or Foe?

    Hi: I fit in 3 - 4 miles during my workday. I usually walk one mile for my morning break, two miles during my lunch break, and one more mile during afternoon break. Sometimes I exercise at night too, but not so much now that it's so flippin' cold in New England. Sometimes I get on the eliptical. Yesterday temps were somewhere between 20 and 30 and I walked for 1 hour and 40 minutes. MP3 player is a must with great music. If you're in a warmer climate I recommend you try trikking. I love it:thumbup:, but have to wait for warmer weather to trikke again. Check it out at www.tampatrikke.com Or check their website www.trikketalk.com You may be able to find someone local to let you try their trikke before you buy one. If you can't leave the house because of your little one(s) try dancing in your own living room for a half an hour at a time. I know it feels goofy to dance all by yourself, but it is good exercise. It is so important to exercise to help you reach your weight goals. If you can find something you really enjoy it will help you to maintain your weight as you move forward. Best wishes to you. I love my band! Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    The Band and Acid Reflux

    Hi: I had alot of acid reflux prior to surgery. When they did the surgery they repaired a hiatal hernia. This was causing my reflux. After surgery I hardly ever have heartburn. If my band is a bit too tight I can get heartburn, but then I get slighly unfilled and it goes away. You might want to find a different surgeon if you really want to get banded. Best wishes to you. Sue
  8. I can totally relate to the Freddy Flintstone feet. A kind friend of mine told me that I had chubby baby feet because they were chubby and soft looking. Now that I've lost 148 pounds they look like everyone's feet with some definition and some veins that show. They're a size smaller than before. The best part is that they don't hurt like they did when I weighed 324 they hurt every day. Love my band! Sue
  9. Sue Magoo


    Hi: Welcome to lapbandtalk. I think it must be possible to lose 200 pounds, because I've lost almost 150. You can succeed if you follow the doctors and/or nutritionists suggestions for eating, follow up frequently with your doctor until you hit the sweet spot, attend support groups, and find a physical activity that you enjoy and try to do it most days. I walk 3 to 5 miles six days per week. In warmer weather I trikke too. Best wishes to you. Any specific questions, just ask I'm here to help. Sue
  10. Sue Magoo

    So Discouraged. I have the small band....

    Hi: I have the small band and I think I'm at 2.5 cc's. Please be patient. You're probably just one or two fills away from the sweet spot. Best wishes to you in finding your sweet spot and attaining your goals. I love my band! Sue
  11. Hi: If you are eating within two hours of bedtime that could be causing the reflux. Or, you could be too tight and need a slight unfill. Please call your doctor and he'll know what to do. Love my band. Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    does your fill doctor do this??

    Hi: Both of the surgeon's at the group I went to do it by feel and fill. Usually not so bad. Love my band! Sue
  13. Hi: I agree with most of what the others said. I'd like to add that this is a committment that you make to yourself. You're committing to taking better care of your body so that your body can feel better to make day-to-day living more comfortable and enjoyable. I really believe that you have to find an exercise that you truly enjoy. I truly enjoy walking with my MP3 player on and just escaping. However, I LOVE trikking and can't wait for the weather to improve so that I can trikke some more. Also, find a doctor that you enjoy seeing because you'll be seeing alot of him/her over the first year. You need to feel comfortable with them and they will guide you and participate in your success and your hard times. Best wishes to you. I love my band. Sue
  14. Mike: I have to agree with Jachut, however I'm not quite at goal yet. Nobody told me that the last 20 pounds would take so long. I love my band and my biggest regret is that I didn't get it done sooner. Best wishes to you. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    I have SUCEEDED!

    Homer1: I went from 324 to 199 April 07 to April 08, and now I'm down to 176. I never could have done it without my band. I have only had one complication. I had to get my gallbladder out because of gallstones. They can be caused by sudden, large weight loss. Best wishes to you whichever way you decide. My only regret with my band is that I didn't get it done sooner. Best of luck. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    Band hell

    Rocky: I think there are different size bands, and also everybody's body is different. You may have had more swelling once the band was implanted than some people have. I hope they figure out what to do soon so that you can get on your way to loosing the weight you want to loose with the least amount of interruption in your normal, day-to-day life. I love my band. I hope you can soon love your band too. Take care. Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    Food storage containers?

    Hi: I use those 4 oz. containers and I use those "snack-size" zip loc bags too. I bought some plastic baby spoons too because when I started eating I was taking too big of a bite. I also had issues with eating too fast, so I bought a bunch of one-minute timers to slow me down. The timers can be found on www.unclesgames.com They're cheap, so I bought a half dozen of them so I could keep one at work, one in kitchen, one at desk, one at my best friend's house, etc. I wish you well with your band. I hope you grow, (I mean shrink) to love your band like I love mine. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    PM snacking... help!!!

    brendaanise: You might try keeping a bunch of sugar free popsicles in the house. Also, if you put four saltines into a little baggie and eat them on your way home from work that should be enough to hold you over, or how about getting some calcium by having a fat free yogurt just before leaving work. Good luck. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    georgebals: Wow! Congratulations! You've done so well. You must feel like a new person - I know I do. Happy Bandiversary! Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    Hello from Massachusetts!

    Hi: I'm from Norwood, MA. I got banded 1 1/2 years ago at Norwood Hospital by Dr. Adam Glasgow. Great Surgeon and Great Lap Band Group! Love my band, and love being an average-sized woman. I've gone from 26/28 to size 12! Sue
  21. Wow. Congratulations and thank you for your post. It's people like you who inspire all of us. Best wishes to your continued success with your band, and also in life. Sue
  22. Sue Magoo

    Hello from Massachusetts!

    Maggie: Welcome to lapbandtalk. I hope that your lapband journey is as good as mine's been. I was banded July 07 at Norwood Hospital. Best wishes to you. Sue
  23. Sue Magoo

    HELP ME! I can't turn off the slime!

    Aubrie: One of the worst "stuck" episodes for me was with Tuna. I think that it compacts when it's down in the pouch and turns into a rock. Another trick when stuck is to bend as far over as you can and see if gravity pushes it one way or the other. Glad you're feeling better. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Congratulations to all who have reached the 100 pound mark. It can be such an emotional thing because it doesn't feel possible until you actually get there. I sobbed when my scale hit 199.0. It happened one year to the date of my first appointment with lap band surgeon. I brought him and his staff a gift that day (a basketful of healthy (100 calorie) snacks. Don't forget to say thank you to your lap band team! Congrats and keep up the good work. Sue
  25. Congratulations on your weight loss to date, and for handling your recent encounter the right way. Unless they've been banded without getting any education about being banded, then they're fooling themselves. Although, I've heard of some bandsters that let themselves have one day a week to "not worry" about what they eat. Maybe this is one of them and it was their day. I recommend that you keep up the good work, and know deep down that you're succeeding because you're doing the right thing. Some of those people might be rethinking their actions after seeing how successful you've been. Keep up the good work! I think my surgeon's new slogan is "use it to lose it". Obvious that you've been doin' that. You're going to have to come up with a new name soon BigPapa2. Sue

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