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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo


    Hi: My collar bones showed up after many years of not seeing them. Enjoy your knee caps! I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    Had a tummy tuck today

    Rhonda: How are you feeling now? I hope you're resting. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo

    Exercise and swelling

    Hi: Did you get your band unfilled prior to your cosmetic surgery? I did before mine and then I had it filled back two weeks after plastic surgery. The primary reason why I got unfilled is because I have nausea issues with anesthesia. I wasn't able to get it filled quite all the way back but I have some restriction now. If you weren't unfilled prior to plastic surgery you might want to consider doing it until your swelling subsides. I hope your swelling goes away soon so that you feel better. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  4. Hi: I don't think it was more involved. I had a panniculectomy, tummy tuck, and liposuction. It could be the Boston area hospital and surgical costs are higher than alot of places. I stayed in the hospital for approx. 30 hours. My surgeon practices in a Wellesley, so that may be the reason too as iWellesley is kind of "hoity toity". I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  5. Hi: Best to call your doctor to make sure things are okay with your band. I did want to give you a heads up on something I came across my first really hot day after I was restricted.....drink slowly too! I was working out alot and getting really thirsty and I drank too fast and it came back up. So, if you get really hot, please remember to sip your drinks slowly even when you're extremely thirsty. Our bands can be quite fickle. Could be that you have some swelling going on that you cannot feel, but your band can. Have any headcold with postnasal drip will make your band tighter. Not drinking often enough? Waiting too long between meals because you're not hungry? So many things can cause an issue, but overall your band is your weightloss friend so take good care of it and it will take good care of you. Hope all gets better with your band soon. Sue
  6. Sue Magoo

    Exercise and swelling

    Hi: I had my tummy tucked on 5/14 and I'm still on limited physical activities. I can walk alot, but not much more than that, per plastic surgeon's orders. I don't have much of an issue with swelling except for if I try to stretch my day too long. Still wearing a the binder or a spanx-type high waisted panty helps alot, and frankly I'm now more comfortable with it on than off. Please ask your surgeon before you overdo it. You don't want to damage that pretty body that you just went through so much pain and expense for. Take care. Sue
  7. Bucktober:


    Just saw your new pics. Wow! Congrats!



  8. Sue Magoo

    Had a tummy tuck today

    scrappy - Holly molly! Please give in to it and rest more and start babying yourself. You just had a big surgery and you need to recuperate. I had such issues with nausea and dry heaves for the first 24 hours after tummy tuck that I couldn't do anything. It could be that the pain medication is messing with your brain and once you start to wean off it you may have alot more discomfort. I hope not, for your sake. You should discuss what type of activity you should be having with your surgeon. Please follow your doctors orders because it might just be that you're so numb that you don't know that you are hurting your surgery areas. It is most important to heal properly so that you have a great long-term result. Take care and keep us posted. Sue
  9. Hi: I believe that it takes our brains a long time to catch up to our bodies when it comes to significant weight loss. Also, if you're loosing that much weight there is probably alot of extra skin that disguises some of the successful weight loss. I surprise myself sometimes still when I see my reflection in a store window, or mirror, because I don't know who that average-sized woman is, and oh - it's me! Best wishes to you with your band. I love my LapBand and my new flat tummy.
  10. Julie:

    Sorry to hear about your accident, etc. Please get well and hopefully things will turn to the positive instead of accidents, etc. Take care and drop me a line when you are feeling better.


  11. Sue Magoo

    I wanna flat tummy

    Glad to hear your Dad is doing better and that your surgery is back on. I can totally relate to the itching. Mine was because of the fold and also because of having alot of stretch marks on that part of my abdomen. So glad it's gone! Best wishes to you for your flat tummy. I love mine! Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    What is your best NSV so far?

    Hi: I think there are two favorites for me. The first one was when my Daughter told me that she was relieved that she didn't have to worry about my weight problem anymore. The second one was looking at my flat tummy for the first time after my tummy tuck. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  13. Hi Shamrockgirl60:

    I saw your latest before & afters. You look amazing. I cannot believe that you are 30 lbs. from goal. I think that the BMI goals are alot lower than they should be. I think that they should shoot for average weight, not "thin weight". My bmi goal is 159, however I would be gaunt if I went that low.

    You look great and I'm sure you feel great too.



  14. Hi: I think that those that are under 30 have more social committments and they go out alot more than older people. Because of this, they also have more occasions that can involve alcohol and food. Maybe I'm wrong. My doctor told me that his under 30 patients are less successful than the older patients. I can only assume this is based on his experience. You know the old saying about assuming, so I probably shouldn't make any assumptions. I think he and his partner have done about 300+ bands. Perhaps this is too small of a number to use as a base. There are probably more stats somewhere on this board that relate to this. They have a great support system and follow up at their group, so I would think that if the Under 30 group is less succesful it's not because of the effort made on the part of their practice. Maybe people in their 40's and 50's are in more of a hurry to get to their goal weight than someone in their 20's. I hope that everyone succeeds that gets banded. I love my band and my new flat tummy. Sue
  15. Hi: My LapBand surgeon told me that the bandsters that are under 30 years old do not do as well as the over 30 group. Not sure if there's been any research to support this. I'm guessing it is because those that are under 30 are alot more social than those of us that are over 30. In addition, having not carried the weight for as long, it may not be as much of a burden to the younger bandsters. Just my opinion. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    Need some advice...

    Hi: Maybe you have an allergy to whatever the dressings and/or tapes are made of. Latex??? Not sure what to do about that. I didn't like the feeling of my binder over my sensitive sore skin. I read somewhere to wear a very worn out t-shirt under the compression garment because it would feel soft against the skin. I didn't have one, so I started wearing my compression garment over my nightgown or over my pajama top and it was alot more comfortable when it wasn't directly on my skin. I hope you heal quickly. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  17. Sue Magoo


    Hi: I was having big issues with insomnia. It would take me a long time to fall asleep, then I'd wake up after about 2 hours, then take forever to fall asleep again, wake up again after 2 hours. It was getting to a point that I was exhausted! I was going through a very stressful work situation (company was closing - everyone losing jobs stretched over 4 months). I asked my PCP what I could take. I told her that it was like my mind wouldn't let my body rest for very long. She prescribed something called IC Lorazepam. It worked for me. I would sleep 4 to 5 hours before waking up, and I would only wake up once during the night and I was able to fall right back to sleep. Something to consider. I hope you find something that works for you that has little side effects. Good luck. Sue
  18. Luu2008: I had my panniculectomy covered by insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO Blue New England). I actually got a tummy tuck because a panniculectomy doesn't really give such a great result for someone like me. I'm not sure exactly what my insurance company paid, but my out of pocket cost was almost $7,000. It may have been as much as $20,000 in total cost. I had rashes that were under the flap that one of my LapBand doctor's and the Plastic Surgeon had pictures of. The Plastic Surgeon submitted paperwork that included a letter from the LapBand doctor. It took about 3 weeks, but it got approved! I never could have paid full price. Best wishes to you with getting coverage. Back pain along with the mild rash might be just enough. Good luck. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    Brand New!

    Ash: April 2007 weighed 324. Banded July 2007. Weight this morning 184. 140 pounds down. Sounds like inspiration to me. I think it's good to come here and be informed by the members, but some people seem to get very carried away with the negative. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. I love my band and my new, flat tummy (tummy tuck May 2009). Best wishes to you with your band. Sue
  20. Kathyk1256:

    Good for you with such a good start. I don't watch my food intake like I used to and I recently had surgery so my physical activity isn't what it used to be. I play around with 5 pounds and start watching what I'm eating more closely when it starts to creep up toward the top of the 5 pound leeway that I allow myself. I could lose more if I wanted to, however I'm almost 50 and I don't want to have any more loose skin on my neck because it's very wrinkly. Best wishes to you and your new band.

  21. Sue Magoo

    Some things I need to know

    Hi Making sure that you take your daily Multivitamin is so important - especially while you're in the all liquid phase. This exhaustion is something that I had too. Give in to it and try taking an afternoon nap. Rest is so important when you are recuperating. I was so glad that I had two weeks off from work to adjust. As far as the poop goes - less solids in, less solids out. At one point I was almost a week without #2. This will improve as you introduce more solid foods. You should consult with your doctor if it becomes uncomfortable. Best wishes to you with your new band. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  22. Sue Magoo

    Post Op Question

    It does seem so overwhelming at first. I went through a mourning period for my old eating habits. My way of handling it was that I became really b'atchy. It was so hard during the ten days pre-op and four weeks post op. After you start to introduce solid foods it gets alot easier, but don't do it before your doctor recommends it - don't want to hurt yourself or your band. I found it helpful to delve into things that didn't involve food at all. I spent alot of time reading good books in the tub (and at the pool), went to bed early, and walked alot. Please give yourself some time to adjust. It's so worth it! Best wishes to you and your weight loss journey. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  23. Sue Magoo

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Boo Boo: Congrats. Hopefully it's just the flu. Feel better soon and share pics when you feel better to show us your revisions. Sue
  24. Hi Everyone: Just wanted to give a shout out for Dr. Peggy Howrigan, Wellesley, MA. She did my tummy tuck, and even if I do say so myself, she did a fabulous job. Someone that I saw recently told me I had the abdomen of an 18 year old. Dr. Howrigan is caring, gentle, and talented. She explains everything very well so that there are no surprises. I felt very comfortable with her and that's not so easy for me. Her staff is very good too. They genuinely care for people. If you're interested in finding a plastic surgeon in MA, please check out Dr. Peggy Howrigan. Best wishes to my fellow Massachusetts bandsters. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  25. Sue Magoo

    Sue Magoo-How are you???

    Hi All: Just wanted to update. Tomorrow is 4 weeks postop. Feeling great! Doctor said I still have to wear binder during awake hours to keep the swelling down. She can see that I'm still swollen, but I cannot see it. I had a stitch popping through that she took care of with a little novacaine (sp?) and some instrument, piece of cake. She said I can swim in two days if that spot looks good that she just got the stitch from. Great - should be pool weather this weekend She said I cannot do my favorite exercise yet. No, it's not what you were thinking - it's trikking. I really enjoy it so I've been missing it and don't expect to be able to do it again until July. Said I can do eliptical, walking, arm exercises, or leg exercises as long as they don't challenge my abdomen. I'll stick to walking for the next few weeks. I am very pleased with the results so far. Well worth the pain, $$$, and inconvenience during recuperation period. My energy level is almost where it used to be. Now I'm just a bit fatigued from being bored at home while I'm looking for a new job. Fingers crossed out there everyone - I need a job! I love my band and my new flat tummy and small belly button! Sue

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