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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Hi: In case you don't get a response, another place to check is www.makemeheal.com You can probably search through the website to see someone else who had the fleur de lis incision. Another thing to do is check on plastic surgeon's websites. Perhaps your surgeon has examples up on his/her website. Good luck with your surgery. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    Dog Ears????

    Hi: I had a tummy tuck back in May 2009. I think I'm getting a dog ear on one side. I'm just wondering if anyone knows if this can be corrected in the plastic surgeon's office or not? Also, does the plastic surgeon usually charge extra for this if you already paid for the tummy tuck? How do they fix it? Please share your experience with me if you've had a dog ear and had it corrected. Thanks. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo

    Dog Ears????

    Hi Everyone: Just wanted to give you an update on my dog ear. I saw plastic surgeon yesterday and she's very happy with the results so far. My scar is 99.9% flat and light pink and healing very well. She said that if I still have a slight dog ear in January she'll take care of it in the office with an easy procedure. I hope it's gone by then on its own. I didn't ask her if it would be no charge, but I assume it will be because she's fixing up her prior work that I've already paid for. So embarassing to have pictures taken in the nude by the plastic surgeons, but it could help someone else considering this surgery and my face isn't there, so nobody would know it was me. If you're on the fence about having a tummy tuck, go for it. It really makes a difference in making me feel like a normal person after all of the weight loss. It's so good to have the excess tummy skin hanging gone! I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    Stuck!!! OH MY GOD!!

    Hi: For future reference, that I hope you won't need, they say that pineapple juice helps get things unstuck. I tried something once that worked and it was that I stood up and bent as far over as I could and reached as far as I could and a piece of chicken came back up. It is so uncomfortable to get stuck, so we all have to remember to chew, chew, chew and swallow only small bites at a time. Even two years out I have to constantly remind myself. As far as drinking while eating goes, I haven't had a problem with that. However, occasionally I just want to get the taste out of my mouth. I can go and brush my teeth to help with that, or I can take a small drink, swish it around, and spit it out. These tricks might work for those of you who have issues with eating and drinking. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  5. Sue Magoo

    hitting a plateau

    Hi: Your body may be adjusting to your current routine and it might be happy where it is. So, try something different. Try changing your form of exercise so that you use different muscles and vary the speed to so that you boost your metabolism. Try changing the foods you are eating too. Don't know how this works, but it usually worked for me when I was at a plateau. Good luck! I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  6. Hi: Time to start over with your eating habits. I think it worked best for me when I was eating the same healthy choices each day and that's all that I would have in my house. Try having some oatmeal or cream of wheat for breakfast. I'm always tightest in the morning so I have to have something that goes down easy for breakfast. For lunch, why not a multigrain cereal bar crushed up in some fat free yogurt. Or, crackers with some cheese? Or, some soup with the broth drained out? Something solid so that it stays with you for 3 to 4 hours. Late afternoon snack - ten or twelve almonds? Sugar free jello? A stick of string cheese? Dinner - Anything you want to have that is solid food, but just enough to give you full feeling. For most people that is probably about 1/2 to 1 cup. Night time - my toughest time - sugar free popsicles, sugar free pudding, crushed ice with crystal light on it, sugar free hot chocolate. Go to bed early to avoid late night snacking. Best wishes to you. The above menu may not work for you but it can give you some ideas on how to approach your new start with your band. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  7. Good luck! If you have a history of rashes or other issues related to the excess skin and have them documented (or even photographed) it might help. I wish you well. Sue
  8. Neesh: I had those horrible headaches too. I think it was from giving up caffeine. I think that the best thing that helps you to get through the pre-op liquid diet is to remember that you are making your surgery safer by following it to the "t". Best wishes to you. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  9. Sue Magoo

    Me 173lbs

    You look fabulous! Where did you get the dress?
  10. Sue Magoo

    Panniculectomy appeal success!

    Kathy: I'll be thinking of you. Best wishes on your panni on Thursday! Let us know how you make out. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  11. Sue Magoo


    Hi: Maybe you need a fill. Have the portions you've been eating grown a little? Is it almost that time of the month? Did you eat anything extra salty over the weekend. If so, could be Fluid retention that will go away. Don't panic. Watch how things go over the next few days and then decide if you need a fill or not. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    Gall Bladder Disease

    Hi: Gallbladder removal isn't too bad of a surgery. One trick I learned was that if you wear something tight fitting over your jiggly belly it helps with the pain. Good luck! Sue
  13. Sue Magoo

    My motivation to exercise.

    What a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing. Sue
  14. Sue Magoo

    Anxiety and throwing up!!

    Hi: Have you tried anti-anxiety drugs? It may help. Hope you get better soon. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    I am miserable

    Hi: Sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable. You've had alot of good advice here so far. I just wanted to add that alot of the LapBand surgeons that have websites have their diet plans on their webpages. If your surgeon has a website take a look. If not, take a look at my surgeon's website. His website is www.massweightloss.com I think it's under the "For Patients" tab, and then click on post op diet. Hope you feel better soon. Please believe that the pain and discomfort you're suffering now will be so worth it in the end. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    Hernia in belly button?

    Cathy: I remember reading somewhere else that someone got coverage for alot of their tummy tuck cost by having it done along with a hernia repair. Good luck! Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    3 days post operation

    Hi: Pain medication makes me feel sick to my stomach. If you're still taking pain meds you might want to consider switching to just liquid tylenol. That did the trick for me. If you do stop drinking, or can't get liquids down, please call your doctor. Dehydration is bad, bad, bad. Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo


    LK Bear: Sounds like you are eating only slider foods. These are bad for two reasons, first of all they don't stay in your pouch long enough to tell your brain that you are full, and second they are usually higher calorie than the foods you should be eating to lose weight and keep healthy. Please go and see your doctor and get a small unfill. Best wishes to you. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    Tell me why you love your band.

    Angie: I love my band because it has helped me go from size 26/28 to a size 12. I love my band because I'm now an average-sized woman. I love my band because my feet don't hurt anymore and they used to hurt all of the time. I love my band because it has given me better self-esteem. I love my band because I can still eat whatever I want, only a tiny bit, but I know that I still can have some of everything. Best wishes to all on their band journeys. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  20. Started at 26/28, and am thrilled to be in a size 12. I'm so happy to look in the mirror and see an average-sized woman looking back at me. Sure, I still have a little bit of muffin top, and my legs are heavy, but they don't show with clothes on :biggrin: Unfortunately, if I lose much more I'll be gaunt in the face and neck and my wrinkles will show too much. I'll take the heavy bottom versus a boney and gaunt looking top half:wink2:. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  21. Hi: I had rashes that were documented (and photographed) by both my LapBand surgeon and the plastic surgeon. Because of this, my insurance company picked up the cost of a panniculectomy (insurance covers with rashes) and I paid the difference to have the tummy tuck (considered cosmetic, without coverage by insurance). Medical costs are very high where I live. I was told that the insurance company was covering almost 2/3 of the cost, but my out of pocket cost was still $6,800. Well worth the money and the discomfort healing from the tummy tuck. I'm very happy with my flat tummy:cool2:. My hanging skin was really bad on my abdomen prior to my tummy tuck.:biggrin: They only cut off 4 pounds, but it seemed like there was 20 there to me. Good riddens! Best wishes to you with your band. Sue
  22. Hi: My surgeon suggests that if you get too tight because of post nasal drip that you should go in for an unfill (or partial unfill). Then he has you come back in two weeks and get it put back as long as your post nasal drip is gone. Too bad it's so expensive :biggrin: I hope you feel better soon. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  23. Sue Magoo

    Tummy tuck 9/9/09!

    Mini: Sorry you're having a down day. Your hormones get messed up when you have such a big surgery and it can bring on some depression. Things will get better soon. The numbness will improve. I would say that I have about 70% of my feeling back at 4 months out from my tummy tuck. You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel because you don't have those damn drains hanging from you anymore. That was when I really felt like I was a new person, after the drains came out. Hope your next few days are better. You should stand up after you read these emails and go to the nearest loved one and tell them that you deserve some hugs. It might help! Take care. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hi Smilin_Apple: I'm afraid you're not getting enough nutrition to be healthy. You should probably discuss it with your surgeon because you probably need to get a slight unfill. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but your health is more important long term than a short term unhealthy megaloss. Malnutrition is a very serious issue. Hope things improve soon. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  25. Leena: Congratulations on your weight loss success. I have the small band too, and am currently filled to only 2.0. I was as high as 2.5 before my tummy tuck but haven't been able to go back up again yet. I know you'll find your sweet spot again soon. You probably lost it because you're continuing to lose and you're so close to your goal! You go girl! I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue

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