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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Hi Skinny: My doctor provided the first binder and it's velcro from top to bottom at the middle, kind of like you would wrap a towel around you, but it's made with stiff stuff and the velcro closes at the seems that go vertical from the ribs down almost to the pubic bone. I couldn't have worn that one comfortably under the correct size clothes - only jammies or sweat pants. At this stage you could probably buy a binder at Kohl's or JC Penney. You'll want to make sure you buy the kind that has "bones" in it so that it doesn't roll up or down. I bought one from JC Penney that I would use still if I wanted to try to get an hourglass figure with a tight, flat stomach. I did wear it about a month ago because I wanted to look extra thin for an event that I went to. It went from just under my boobs to just above my yoohoo with enough room to bend comfortably. I also have one that I bought at JC Penney. It doesn't have the "bones" in it, but it stays up good and it has a panty and tops of legs in it too. Has to pull down to go to bathroom, but because it's just a tight stretchy thing it's easy to pull up and down. I lost another pound this week for my weigh in at the doctors. He says it's a battle to maintain during the holidays, and a big plus to lose. I'm focused and working at it still. Down 5.5 in two weeks with 14.5 to go! Hope you can keep the swelling away! Thanks for your prayers for my job situation. I am an Accountant and was the Controller at my last job before we were closed by our new parent company. It's hard to find a job at my level, or even just below. Tight economy doesn't hire alot of middle management. But I keep trying and hope that things improve on the job front soon. I'm very bored staying home alot. Take care. Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    I am oversea and I need help please?

    Hi: Another reason to call your surgeon is that he may have someone to recommend for you to see in the country where you are. I you do go on all liquids make sure that you add Protein in. You can also get liquid Vitamins to help you through this all liquids phase. I hope you feel better soon. Please let us know how you're doing. Take care. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo

    $4500 lap band

    Hi: I clicked on it and you can't tell who is offering this special. It's probably in Mexico. Good luck. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    Please someone give me answer quick!

    Hi: Did you band surgeon look at your CT scan? You might want to ask him/her to. Not that many ER docs have alot of band experience. My band doctor says that if you have an issue below your chin and above your knees to at least give him a phone call. He had one patient that had 3 days of tests before he knew she was in the hospital. He went in, took a little Fluid out and all of her discomfort went away. He could have saved thousands of dollars if she'd called him first. I hope you feel better soon. Please let us know what it is so that we can learn from your experience. Take care. Sue
  5. Sue Magoo

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie: I checked out your pics too. You look fabulous! The drains I had were near my hip bones. They didn't hurt at all when they came out. Enjoy that new body of yours! Sue
  6. Sue Magoo

    have you been aske dto remove saline?

    Hi: What you've mentioned is called an unfill. I've had to have small unfills two times because I became too tight. One time was because of a head cold and post nasal drip. The other time I have no clue. If your band is too tight it can cause alot of problems and actually cause you to gain weight because you'll just eat slider foods. Don't be afraid to have a little taken out if they suggest it again. Good luck with your weight loss. You've already lost 67 pounds so you must be doing alot of the right things. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    I missed my 1st fill

    Hello Southern Charm: The more threads I read, the more lucky I know that I am because the LapBand surgeon that I have is so much more patient and customer friendly than alot of them. I would look for a surgeon that is a little bit more flexible in their scheduling for your future care. Or, learn to live by their schedules. Best wishes to you. I feel bad that you'll be in "bandster hell" for so long. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  8. Allie:You look fabulous. Well worth the pain and the $$$!
  9. Sue Magoo

    dilated pouch

    Annie: I hope you feel better soon. Does your doctor have you on any medication for your heartburn? I take prilosec and it does a pretty good job. I've heard that Protonix is the best medicine for gerd. If you're not taking anything ask your doctor if there's something he can prescribe for the heartburn. Sue
  10. Sue Magoo

    Fanny Moves to Phase Two

    Fanny: We'll all be thinking of you. Best wishes to you for your upcoming surgery and recovery. Remember, there's a reason why they say to rest, rest, and rest. You'll heal better and recovery quicker. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    Starting over

    Stevee: I have issues with being accountable to myself too. I have gained 20 pounds in the past six months with boredom and stress of being unemployed. I recently called my band surgeon and told him that I was struggling. My band is just right - green zone. My head is in the problem. While in the same size my clothes are getting too tight and I don't want the 20 pounds to become 30. He and I discussed my issues and we decided that going in for weekly weigh ins might be just what I need. So, two weeks I went in to face his scale. Last week I went in again and I was down 4.5 pounds. This week I'm hoping for two more. I hope to lose all 20 pounds by the end of January. I believe that once I am working again it shouldn't be a problem, but while I am home too much I am struggling. Best wishes to you getting back on track. I hope you start to love your band again soon. I already love mine again.:smile: Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Hi Skinny: So tough to be back at work so soon. I hope for the best for you. While I was reading your post about your first day back to work I was wondering if you're still wearing a compression garment or binder. I found that it helped alot with the swelling if I kept it on all day and didn't take it off until bedtime. It also helped keep everything in place for those unexpected sneezes. I wore mine for about 3 or 4 months. I'm sorry about your son making you worry. That's our job as parents isn't it? Hopefully he'll listen to your advice and do the right thing. If not, maybe it will work out for the best anyway. Like 10 to 16% of Americans I am unemployed. My company was closed in April by the new Parent company. I had three weeks of rest before my tummy tuck and unfortunately I've had six months of rest afterwards too. I'm very anxious to get back to work and have been trying very hard to get a job. There aren't many jobs out there for my position at this time. I am hopeful that things will turn around soon. I was okay with being laid off in the summertime, but it's so boring now and I really want to work. It's too easy to eat when bored and am now weighing in at my lapband surgeon's office weekly so that I can be accountable to someone besides me. I've gained 20 pounds since being laid off. I took off 4.5 the first week I weighed in (last week). I am hoping for two pounds a week until I can take off the remaining 15.5 pounds that I don't want to keep. I'm not changing my ticker because it's just a small bump in the road that I'm getting over in the next two months. Have a great week getting back into the groove. Take care. Sue
  13. Sue Magoo

    i cant sleep on my back

    Hi: I'm guessing you should have very little discomfort after two weeks post op. Please give your doctor a call and explain what's going on. Hope your pain goes away soon. Sue
  14. Hi: You should call your insurance company and ask them for a confirmation number for the surgery that you are approved for. Write it down and save it. I remember I got a letter in the mail, but it was weeks after I heard from the person who coordinates the surgeries at my LapBand doctors office. Best wishes to you on your band journey. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    Clothing Advice!!!

    Hi: While transitioning from 26/28 down to sizes 12 and 14 I discovered Salvation Army Thrift Store and Savers. It gave me something to do that was cheap and entertaining. I could spend $20 and get alot of stuff. I started buying things there in my current size and also my goal size. I had alot of size 12's and 14's by the time I got to goal and most of these items cost less than $5 each. They just require washing or dry cleaning. You'll be surprised at the things that you can find in these stores and they are priced amazingly low. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  16. Hi: I didn't have much to start, and had less after losing 140 pounds. My experience has been that the tops of my boobs have "emptied out". You may want to start socking away a few bucks if you want full and perky breasts once you're close to your goal weight. Best wishes on your band journey. Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    Band Getting Removed on 11/30

    If you can't even keep Water down you should probably go to ER because you'll become dehydrated which is very serious. I think a couple of the symptoms include thirst and dark colored urine. Please don't fool around with dehydration. I'm concerned that with symptoms like you are having they made you wait 3 weeks to get in to see them. I am very fortunate that my surgeon's office says to call 24/7 if you're having any issues and if necessary they'll come in to the office overnight to do an unfill. They say if you're uncomfortable for more than 20 minutes give them a call. The aftercare is just as important as the surgery and without a good aftercare team it's hard to succeed with the band. I hope you feel better soon. Let us know how you make out. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    something isn't right....

    I hope you continue to feel better each day. Just wanted to give you a heads up that sometimes iron pills can cause constipation. If it's not one thing, it's another. Best wishes to you. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    Walking... Fact or Myth ?

    Hi: Walking has so many benefits. You get fresh air. You get rid of stress. You burn calories. If you are walking at a fast pace and holding in your stomach muscles it works out your muscles too. Another benefit is that you can't take your fridge with you :thumbup:. I started at 324 pounds and let me tell you my feet hurt every day. I walked during all of my breaks at work. Twice for 15 to 20 minutes and then during my hour lunch. I also walked after work too. I made sure I walked at least 5 miles six days per week. It really helped me to lose 125 pounds in the first year of my new life. I used to walk because I had to. Now I walk because I like to. I found another exercise I love. It's called trikking. You can check it out at www.trikketalk.com I started trikking when I got down to about 225 lbs. It's a fair weather type of sport that I enjoy very much. I did a 24 mile trikke this past summer that was the most I've ever worked out. I found that listening to my MP3 player with fast music helps me keep my pace. I use a pedometer. Two days ago I walked 20,800 steps. That's almost 10.5 miles! I hope you and your band become friends with an exercise because it makes loosing the weight much easier. I wish you well. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    The Neck

    Hi: Remember, we are our own worst critics. Other people probably don't notice your neck lines at all. I started at 324 pounds. I think I had 3 chins. I'm now down to only one, but I do have the start of a turkey neck right where my neck meets underneath my jaw. Oh well, still alot better than it used to look. I couldn't tolerate my hanging skin on my lower abdomen, however alot of women get a few wrinkles and a turkey neck, so I can deal with those. In cold weather climates we can wear turtle neck sweaters to cover up our necks for about half of the year. Hope you find a way to be at peace with your body changes. I love my band and my new flat tummy. Sue
  21. Sue Magoo

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie: Amazing how exhausting having a shower can be. Sorry you're not getting your drains out yet. They're kind of a double-edged sword. On the bad side they're uncomfortable and inconvenient. On the good side they're sending all of the excess Fluid out. I had issues with constipation too. A teaspoon of mineral oil for a few days made me regular again. Take care and rest up. Sue
  22. Hi: I'm not sure if it will help post lapband, but when I was postop from gallbladder removal surgery I put on a spanx-type undergarment. It kept everything in place so it couldn't jiggle at all which helped me alot. If you do try this, make sure it goes well above your incision area and make sure it won't be rolling down. Best wishes to you to feel better soon. Sue
  23. Hi: Sounds like you need to go see your band surgeon. It sounds like you may have an infection. Get better soon. Please give us an update after you see your surgeon. I love my band and my new flat tummy! Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Skinny: I got a fill about 3 weeks after tummy tuck. My port is just under the center of my rib cage. My doc has us lay back and arch our backs so that he can get easy access to port. I had to wait until I thought I could stay in that position without hurting too much. Glad you're doing so well.:biggrin: Take care. Sue
  25. Sue Magoo

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Hi Allie: You've been through a rough time so far. I hope you continue to feel better. Remember, rest and relax helps with the swelling. Another thing, be careful about losing too much while you're recuperating. You need good nutrition to help with the healing. Your pic is fabulous. Can't wait to see updates. Take care. Sue

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