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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo

    Tummy Tuck for a smoker????

    Hi: I say quit now! My surgeon wouldn't do any cosmetic surgery for a smoker. I think it's a general rule about elective surgery, not worth the extra risk if someone is a smoker. Also, it's very hard to heal when your system is compromised by circulation issues, etc. caused by smoking. At least that's what she told me. Another thing is that it can be a lengthy surgery under anesthesia. It's hard to breath afterwards and I haven't smoked in almost 24 years. I hope all goes well and I know it's hard to quit. I smoked almost 3 packs a day back in the 80's when you could smoke everywhere. I quit the day I found out I was pregnant and haven't smoked since, and that was almost 24 years ago. Good luck! Sue
  2. Hi: Best wishes to you. I think that the best advice I can give is to think about it one pound at a time. I wish I had measured myself before banding because it's sometimes hard to see the progress without a tangible measurement. Sometimes the scale won't move, but your clothes will become looser. Good luck. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo

    boiled eggs

    Hi: I think that you might want to try seeing a different band doctor and have that surgeon do a barium swallow to see your band positioning. It sounds like you're not restricted well enough if you can eat as much as you said you could. When I had good restriction (small slip right now and unfilled waiting for rebanding in 3 weeks) I could only eat 1 piece of pizza. My band is like a belly cop and it puts up the stop sign when I've had enough food and allows no more. Hope your new food plan works for you, but make sure you take daily Vitamins too because sounds like there aren't many veggies there. Keep us posted on your progress. Take care. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    To Much??

    Hi: I had my tummy tuck just over a year ago. I didn't do anything but walk for the first two months. I wore my binder when I was walking too. That seemed to help keep the swelling down. I'd agree with the other poster and build up your time gradually. Maybe even start with just 20 minutes first week, 30 minutes second week, etc. Take care. Sue
  5. I discussed it with both the plastic surgeon and my lapband surgeon and they both agreed that it was best for me based on my nausea issues after anesthesia. I had dry heaves for the first 12 hours after tummy tuck. Horrible when you've just had your belly cut wide open! I'm sure there's swelling near the band after tummy tuck because I think my entire abdomen swelled for quite a while after the tummy tuck. All worth it though! Sue
  6. Hi: I got a complete unfill the day before my tummy tuck and got refilled about 3 weeks after tummy tuck. Didn't gain then. I had so much nausea after tummy tuck that it would have been a problem if I hadn't been unfilled. Best wishes to you. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    PAIN under my right ribs...

    Have they checked your gallbladder? My pain from my gallstones hurt under my right ribs and it was intermittent. It's quite common for someone who has lost alot of weight in a short period of time to develop gall stones. Hope you feel better soon. Please let us know how you make out. Sue
  8. Sue Magoo

    Pain in Sternum area

    Hi: You may be filled a little bit too much. I sometimes wouldn't feel the full effect of a fill for a week or more. I would call your doctor and ask him if he thinks you may need a slight unfill? Like, somewhere between the last level you were at and this new level. It's amazing how just the tiniest bit can make a difference either way. Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  9. Hi: Mine covered about 1/3 of a tummy tuck. They covered the panniculectomy part of it, but only because of medical reasons - rashes that were documented. Good luck! Sue
  10. Sue Magoo

    In need of veggie ideas

    Hi: Fresh, raw green Beans make a delicious, crunchy snack. I also mix canned diced tomatoes with canned green beans and sprinkle a little bit of grated parmesan on them. It's almost as good as Italian food without any of the Pasta and very low in calories. If you want to be adventurous try the different single serve frozen vegetables that green giant has. Some of them are yummy! Best wishes to you. Sue
  11. Hi: I have a small slip that doesn't seem to want to repair itself even after being unfilled for more than 5 weeks. I love my band, and I need my old "belly cop" to work his magic again. I'm scheduled to have revision surgery on 7/20. I think I'm just having the band fixed and the port will stay right where it is. My surgeon is going to use the larger, newer model band than the small one I currently have. So, I imagine that getting to my sweet spot is going to take alot more fills than the first time around. Can anyone's whose gone through this twice tell me what's different the second time around? I'm within 20 pounds of my goal, so I don't have to do the ten day clear liquid pre-op diet. Other than that, though I don't know what to expect different. Please share your experience with me if you've had band revision surgery. Thanks. Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    Second time around...................

    bumping the post to try to get a response.
  13. Sue Magoo

    Need advice ~ PLEASE ~

    Hi: I know that with my old insurance they could get referrals after the fact. Did you call your band doctor for a visit yet? I would do that and tell him/her that you're in alot of pain and you need to be checked. Or, go to the ER, but don't you usually have $100 or more for a copay for emergency room? Hope everything turns out okay. Please let us know how you're doing. Sue
  14. Hi: Mine is where your new port will be. I love mine because it's nice and flat and out of the way. Very comfortable after the initial healing period. Best wishes to you. Sue
  15. Hi: My band slipped. I don't know what caused this, but I started to gain weight and noticed that I could eat more than I had been. Other than that no symptoms. Went to doctor thinking I needed a fill and he said that no, actually I had a small slip (shown by barium swallow xray). He unfilled me back on 5/8. I've been back twice and the slip hasn't repaired itself. I'm trying ten days of liquids now and am going back this Friday for another barium swallow. Neither of my band doctors think that the liquids for ten days will help, but they thought it wouldn't hurt to try. So, try I will! I just started a new job in January and don't want to take time off for surgery to have it repaired. In fact, I will probably just schedule a week of vacation time and not tell them that I'm having surgery. I don't have any pain, just some heartburn that I haven't felt since I started liquids. I'd love to put off having the repair surgery for a couple of months. Does waiting with a small slip lead to erosion? I don't want to risk that because I need to have a band. I'll be asking my doctor on Friday, if it hasn't fixed itself. Just a little impatient and wondering if anyone else knows. Please let me know if you know the answer. Thanks. I still love my band, we're just not getting along lately! Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    Do slips lead to erosion????

    Update. Went to doctor today. Had another barium swallow. The slip is the same as it was. Doctor said that it won't lead to erosion by putting off having it fixed. He said that I may gain weight because my pouch is too big because of slip. So, I'll go back in two more weeks to check the slip again. I hope I don't gain weight. I lost 10 pounds this week on liquids only, but I'm back on food again. Best wishes to all you slippees out there! Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    Do slips lead to erosion????

    Hi: Just bumping this post up because I didn't get any responses yet. I hope someone knows. Thanks. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo


    Hi: I call it my spit snake! I like that you call it a Jellyfish. Only happens to me if I eat too fast. Sue
  19. Hi: Not Brigham & Women's, but at Newton Wellesley Hospital I was very happy with Dr. Peggy Howrigan. She's kind, gentle, and very experienced. If you google her you can find her. She did my tummy tuck and I'm very happy with the results. Her office staff is very helpful too. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    Where in Mass. is everyone from?

    Hi Jiminy: I have been going to the Glasgows for 3 years. Great people and doctors! I'm from Norwood. Maybe I'll catch you at support group some time. Sue
  21. Sue Magoo

    Gall Stones

    Hi: I had gallstones after 9 months of being banded. Had my gallbladder removed and no problems since. The surgery is easier than lapband surgery because you don't have to deal with the food adjustments afterwards. It's usually done as outpatient surgery too. I have one suggestion that was helpful to me. Because I had lost alot of weight prior to the gallbladder surgery my tummy was getting quite jiggly. When they did the gallbladder removal the biggest incision was right above my belly button. That was the sore one. It hurt every time my belly jiggled a little. My Sister said to put on something really tight so that it couldn't jiggle. I had a spanx-type thing so I put that on. Made all the difference in the world and took all of the pain away! Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  22. Sue Magoo


    You two look great! Congratulations and you're such an inspiration! Sue
  23. Hi: I have a slip. It's been three weeks unfilled and hasn't gone back down. So, I'm trying ten days of liquids in hopes that'll do the trick although surgeons don't think so. When you get your band replaced (they're going to put a bigger band on) do they have to replace your port too? I like where my port is and haven't had any issues with my port. Just wondering. Please let me know if you have experience with this. For right now I'm going to try stay positive so that my slip will move down and then I won't need surgery. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Trouble when I initally start eating

    Hi: I had similar issues when I was first banded. There were two issues causing my problem. First, I was waiting too long between meals and would actually be hungry when it was time to eat. Second, I was eating too fast once I got to eat. My problems were only at dinner time. I mentioned it to my surgeon and he said that I was probably waiting too long between lunch and dinner causing the issue. He recommended a nutritious late afternoon snack (like FF yogurt, fruit, veggies, rice cake, a couple of saltines) that would be just enough to tide me over until dinner. In addition to that, I started using a one-minute egg timer to make sure that I waited one full minute between bites. Worked like a charm for me! Best wishes to you. Sue
  25. Hi: I am so sorry to hear about your major slip. My thoughts are with you and I can imagine what you're going through. I have a little slip and I've been unfilled for almost 4 weeks and will probably have to replace my band. Unlike you, I don't have pain, only anguish. My first stick was with tuna - eating too fast. I couldn't eat tuna for two years. I love my band still and cannot imagine going on without it. I'm kind of scared that when I do go in for replacement they'll put me under and go in and change their minds and just take my old band out. I've gained 13, now down to 9 pounds since my band was unfilled. Yikkes! Best wishes that you're going to recover quickly and that you can go forward with your plastic surgery next week. Let us know how you make out. Take care. Sue

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