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Rainbows End

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by Rainbows End

  1. Ok... I'm bummed. My Surgeon went to the Super Bowl and his flight was delayed to the point that my surgery for tomorrow is cancelled. :( The silver lining is that it is only postponed till Thursday (2/6/14) and I sure wouldn't want him to be suffering from partying too hard (since the Seahawks won) or have jet lag while he's working on me! Yikes!!! :) I think everything happens for a reason and so this has a reason also. I was just so pumped and mentally...

    1. BigGirlPanties


      that's disappointing, but 2 days isn't so bad after all this time waiting, right? Good luck :)

  2. On the countdown to my 2/4/14 gastric bypass surgery!!!!!!!

    1. HumanMerelyBeing


      Ooooooh, me too! Same day. Best of luck to us!!! : )

    2. Rainbows End

      Rainbows End

      :P I can't wait to compare notes on how things are going! Thanks for the reply!


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