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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SugarFreeMe

  1. SugarFreeMe


    My best guess is that you're over eating. You need to eat slowly and look for your bodies "signal" that it's full. I will either belch or hicccup. Either of those and I know that even one more bite will be too much. Also, what are you eating. Grease, sugar and carbs like Pasta or rice could also be a culprit.
  2. SugarFreeMe

    Purée ideas

    You have no idea how much you miss flavor until you do liquids for nearly a month. Hang tight, I promise it gets better.
  3. SugarFreeMe


    I've slowly added carbs like brown rice, wheat pasta, 1/2 sandwiches for lunch with wheat bread or pita's instead of just deli meat with cheese. I add a couple of tablespoons of low sugar/organic granola to my greek yogurt. LKIttle things like that. I've never done no fat, low fat so that isn't an option for me, but if you've eliminated that, you may want to increase that a bit.
  4. SugarFreeMe

    Purée ideas

    Not sure how you feel about Soup, but my husband made a phenomenal Squash soup. The flavor was just what I needed after weeks of nothing but liquids. They also have some at the grocery store you can purchase. Check by the organic isle.
  5. Boost up the physical activity. Did your surgeon give you an ultimatum to loose a set amount of weight? If not, don't sweat it, the liquids are more for liver shrinkage and a shorter post-op recovery.
  6. SugarFreeMe

    Going Home Today

    Welcome to the bench. You're on your own, but never alone. We're all here for you.
  7. I also me my surgeon twice before the surgery. I'd be upset like you as well.
  8. I've taken Advil a couple of times (Tylenol doesn't work for me either). The only thing that happened was my headache went away.
  9. SugarFreeMe

    Struggling with protein

    You need to find the Protein that works for you. Remember that protein in and of itself has a flavor, when one says "unflavored" it means it's not had a flavor such as vanilla or chocolate added to it. You'll be drinking it for a while at this stage so experiment with several. If you go to a Vitamin store they typically sell single servings so you can try several. Also search this site, there is a listing somewhere of companies that will sent you "free of charge" a sample of their product. I wouldn't recommend too much meat at this stage. Even at 9+ months out I have a problem digesting it. Good luck.
  10. SugarFreeMe

    preop Visit!

    I had a week long liquid diet, but not all require it. If you feel like you want to give yourself a head start, it certainly can't hurt. You could also do a limited liquid diet. I've heard people have shakes for Breakfast and lunch with a Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers meal for dinner. It's supposed to help with liver function, easier post-op healing, shorter surgical time and for me it helped to lose another 5 lbs. As for the pre-op appt. The appt with my surgeon was basically for him to verify that everything was in order and that I was ready (mentally) for this whole process. I also had the pre-op at the hospital. They did the final blood work and some other tests (nothing major at that point), they gave me my "day before and morning of" instructions and information about the hospital stay. Very easy, nothing to stress about. Best of luck and congratulations to you.
  11. SugarFreeMe

    Days off from work

    I'd talk with your manager/boss. If at all possible, don'e delay. If you wait too long you'll have to go thru all the testing again. Good luck.
  12. SugarFreeMe

    I am new here!

    Karma - Welcome to the group and congratulations on starting your new improved life. First off, LOVE your positive attitude. I really think it helps when going thru all of this. There will be things that come up that you'll need to have a good outlook with. Everything can be overcome, you just need to be patient. I'm glad you got a good feel with your surgeons office. I've read many posts here and elsewhere about people who don't like or have problems with their provider. My surgeons office is awesome, I never felt judged or looked down on. Everyone there is supportive and caring. Now you get to start your work. Get those appt scheduled girl. It's all so exciting and the end result is so great. Ask questions here, there are so many people who have some really thoughtful and helpful advise. The support is amazing. You got this girl.
  13. SugarFreeMe

    Crush or Liquid meds? RNY.

    I had RNY - for the first month I had to crush pills. I didn't take time release so I can't answer to that.
  14. SugarFreeMe


    http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ Good Luck, you can do it.
  15. SugarFreeMe

    New Here!

    I totally agree with Djmohr - You need to make the decision with your surgeon. Most everyone here (no offense to anyone) will ultimately give you their biased opinion based on their personal choice. Each procedure has it's reasons for being the right choice for certain people and being problematic for others. ALL decisions should be based solely on your current health, your future health concerns, eating habits and expectations. There isn't anyone here who is medically able to tell you what's the correct procedure for you. Do your homework, compile your questions, attend a seminar and talk with your surgical team. They will be the ones to tell you what's best for YOU. Best wishes in whatever you choose.
  16. SugarFreeMe


    Every day with the pre-op diet is easier. I firmly believe it's mind over matter, if you want this you'll do it. As far as what type of surgery to have, that's only something you and your surgeon can know is best for you. Each has it's own purpose, and should be decided on based on your current health and your desired goals. It's not something you should depend on someone who isn't aware of your particular situation can tells you is best. Trust your medical team on this one. As far as post-op food choices, it really isn't as bad as your imagining. You'll be fine.
  17. SugarFreeMe

    5 days post op

    Pain on the left side is normal for most but if it's excruciating and you get no relief with your meds I'd call your surgeon to be safe. Try a heating pad, that helped for me, most of my discomfort was gas and excess air from the surgery. Keep hydrated, walk and relief will come.
  18. SugarFreeMe

    Gas 4 days post op

    It should start going away. I found that a heating pad helped, that and walking as much as possible, Even a walk from one end of your house to the other will help. I promise, it gets better.
  19. SugarFreeMe


    I went to my first seminar on Dec 22, 2013, first consult with my surgeon on the 21st of January, 2014 with surgery the 18th of March. 9 months later I'm down 85 lbs and almost at goal. BCBS of Illinois doesn't have the 6 month weight management requirement (not all require this) so I didn't have to worry about that. Testing went smoothly. Every insurance and surgeons office has different requirements. Your surgeons office works closely with insurances, they know exactly what you'll have to do. Mine gave me a check list telling me what to do first, second, ect. They included phone numbers, Dr. names, basically everything I needed to get my pre-requisites done. Good luck. You'll do awesome as long as you stay positive.
  20. SugarFreeMe

    16 days post open. Side pain

    It could be that your pouch isn't ready. Maybe stick to liquids until you can talk with your surgeon. There's no need to rush the process. Slow but sure is better then rushing and getting sick.
  21. SugarFreeMe

    16 days post open. Side pain

    I experienced pain internally, also on the left side. I was told to go back to pureed and soft foods for a while and it did resolve itself. Go easy on your new pouch and call your surgeon, but don't panic. I believe this is normal as I've heard others have also had left side pain as well. Best of luck.
  22. SugarFreeMe

    New to support group

    How horrible for you. I know you said that lawyers won't help, but please try to at least report him to the state medical board. Nobody should have to go thru this. I've heard of others having the surgery reversed in the most extreme situations, hasn't anyone suggested this to you? As someone who has found success in having the procedure I feel awful for you and anyone else who experiences complications. We all go into this knowing its' a possibility. Please do everything in your power to take care of yourself.
  23. 9 months post-op, my appt with the surgeon yesterday went great. He used the word "normal" when talking about my current weight. I'd like to drop a few more for some wiggle room, but if that doesn't happen, I'm so happy now it doesn't matter
  24. SugarFreeMe

    Yes I feel better....no Im not always "happier"

    Great topic and great feeds. I've was diagnosed with "depression" shortly after my son was born in '96. I take Zoloft and fortunately it works for me. I know for me personally it's a chemical thing not something that is bothering me, upsetting me or causing me stress. I do feel great as a result of the weight loss, but it has had no effect on the depression.
  25. SugarFreeMe

    eleven weeks post op need help eating

    If you're working out that much, I can see where you'd need the calories. If you don't get enough of them your body will go into starvation mode and quit burning anything. I'd suggest things like swimbikerun suggested. Good fats that have calories to burn. Stay away from saturated fats and carbs, they burn slower, also you should probably add a couple of extra Protein shakes in to keep your energy levels up. Good luck - Once the steroid treatment is completed you should be back on track.

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