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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ladypoohbear

  1. ladypoohbear

    Share BariatricPal!

    This is an awesome site. So many people and so much information. Lovin it. I was thinking about voleentering wth bariactic patients. Any input how and where to start.
  2. ladypoohbear

    Welcome Gastric Bypass Veterans!

    My husband and i both joined the y.m.c.a. Recently. We love it. Today something just hit me. I noticed the differnce the way people treat you when you're a bigger person as apposed to a smaller person at the gym. Kinda sad..oh well...have a grest day
  3. Since i had my surgery i dont think about food. Never hungry. I have to look at the clock to eat.
  4. ladypoohbear

    What’s Your Halloween Plan?

    Im going to be handing out candy and eating none of it.
  5. ladypoohbear


    Starting from a very couch potato to now im at bike riding 4 miles and walking 1 mile 3 days a week. Never thought id ever say i love excercise.
  6. ladypoohbear

    What foods made you dump?

    I dumped once, when i ate a whole slice of pizza...o.m.g. Never experienced soo much pain in stomach area. Thought i was going to explode. Thank god it only lasted bout 45 min... Bread is a no no for me.....
  7. ladypoohbear

    Regrets? ?

    I had mine june 17 2013. Lost 130 lbs so far...i have no regrets,i love my new meeeeee. 1st 3 or 4 days i was sick as a dog. Every day after felt better every day. Although when my dr. Told me that my back wont hurt any more if i loose weight....now i laught at that...ha... Pain still here.
  8. I ate bread ..it felt like bloaty extreme full feeling. Ugh...then i threw up. Now i cut way down on bread stuff.
  9. I had one after surgery. when i woke up it had been pulled out. They left it out, didnt need it.
  10. That is awesome ...i remember that point. Congrats. And have fun
  11. ladypoohbear

    please tell me the truth

    Yepper. I eat pizza with thin crust. Yummy.
  12. ladypoohbear

    Help with my Hair!

    I noticed hair thinning bout 3 months after. Now it looks better after i got good haircut. Slowed way down.
  13. I Before surgery I drank bout 4 cups a day. Now I have 1 cup in a.m. then maybe 1 or 2 decaf a day.
  14. ladypoohbear

    June Post Ops!

    Hi. Ive had my bypass on june 17th 2013. . Lost 130 lbs. With 7 till goal. Lovin it... Shoppin!!! :-)
  15. ladypoohbear

    Passing G@S !

    I too have past lots of "fluff" after surgery. Mine slowed down, but i do still "fluff"
  16. Ya I've had back problems before surgery and my Dr. Told me if I loose weight, my back would feel better. Not..... it still hurts even after loosing 130 lbs.
  17. ladypoohbear


    Ah yes...I remember my approval letter. Excitement mixed in with nervousness. Have a great journey
  18. ladypoohbear

    1 year out

    Hi all......1 year 4 months out. Love life..love the scale....love mirrors... and sooooo many clothes......having a great journey. :-)
  19. ladypoohbear


    Before I had my surgery, I ate all kinds of meat. After surgery , when I ate meat, I threw it up. Its like chewing on flesh. Ugh... but I do have meat once in a while. :-)
  20. Instead of munching, I read, joined the y.m.c.a. and walk in the pool ,I cook...that sounds like a bad thing but actually I dont taste while cooking. Food means nothing to me anymore. I'm never hungry. I have to look at the clock to see when to eat. But then again, I don't push it. I love keeping busy, except that my back pain etc. Slows me down... just trying new things. Life is awesome. :-)
  21. I live in bremerton too. A support group sounds good. Im in.
  22. I live in bremerton too. Count me in

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