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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ladypoohbear

  1. ladypoohbear

    Pen Pal Goodie Boxes?

    Ya i chaulk it up to pen pals didnt work. I sent a box and heard no reply if she received or liked it. Oh well i wont do that again .. Wat a shame
  2. ladypoohbear

    What I received from my Pen Pal!

    Oh well...pen pals sounded like a good idea. Moving on.
  3. I'm from Petaluma Ca. Currently we live near Seattle Wa.June 17th 2013. Rny Lost 134 lbs...3 more till goal....the hardest 3 . Welcome....
  4. ladypoohbear

    "You took the easy way out"

    Easy way put. NOT!##### id like to know how u figure its easy way out. 1.Measure everything that goes in your mouth. 2. Be sure not to overeat, cause you will like crap. 3. Return doctor visits. 4. Read labels 5. Chew chew chew. 6.make sure you getting enough protein. i could go on and on.... But the point is...its ongoing for life hard but yes...well worth it.
  5. ladypoohbear

    June Post Ops!

    June 17th 2013. Down 134 lbs. Love shopping, but still back ,neck hip, leg pain. Oh well. Onward....
  6. Welcom. Make sure you get lots of protein and lots of fluids. Chew, chew, chew,. But most of all, have fun.
  7. ladypoohbear

    Dinner Frustration

    Wats the big deal about going out to dinner? My husband and i go out 2 x a week. We have fun and We have leftovers. Problem????
  8. ladypoohbear

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Yesterday I went to Walmart and shopped for clothes in the normal sizes area. Of course I had to look for that area because I always went to the big lady section. When I got there I found a pair of jeans size 34 and oh yaaaa they fit and looked good. Thats down from size 44.... I started to dance and spin in circles, I was so happy. After I realized people were watching me, I stopped and said " Hey...I lost 134 lbs, and I'm shopping". I got lots of smiles and continued shopping. Yes that was a moment.
  9. I too have no desire to eat or drink. This is weird. Its like my hunger button got turned off. I kinda love it. But then I don't.
  10. ladypoohbear

    New Years

    Im going to enjoy life being 134 lbs. Lighter and get lots of clothes... Happy new year to all...
  11. Merry christmas to all. Have a great protein day...
  12. ladypoohbear

    Why Am I So Cold?

    I've been feeling cold for months now. That is a wierd feeling when its 70 degrees in our house. Hot flashes coming more often and hotter. Black cohash helps with that though.
  13. ladypoohbear

    "You took the easy way out"

    How is getting a gastric by pass an easy way out? Its easier because we got the "tool" to use. It a life long commitment and change. People loose weight different ways. Wat works for one person might not work for another person. Have a great day
  14. ladypoohbear


    Ya hair thinning sticks. But it does grow back.
  15. I had gastric bypass last year. I never regret my decision to have it.
  16. ladypoohbear

    Protein requirements

    Im supposed to have at least 80 g.of protein daily. Im having a hard time getting protein, having bout 40 to 50 g. Currently. I dont think about eating and drinking fills me up. Eeeek
  17. ladypoohbear

    Hunger, what does it feel like?

    Had rny june 2013. Ever since surgery i never feel hungry. Lovin it
  18. ladypoohbear


    Water aerobics is fun and easier on the joints than land.
  19. ladypoohbear

    THC in my system?

    I smoke once in a while too. They say it not really good because you get the munchies. Then overeat. What people do on their own time should not matter unless it hurts ya. Anything in moderation is cool.
  20. One of my doctors told me that if I loose weight, my back pain would be better. Ha, I lost 130 lbs. And pain still there. Of course being 130 lbs light I'm getting into exercise and Loveing it. Maybe when I get back into shape it will feel better. Right now I'm enjoying be lighter even though I hurt still.
  21. ladypoohbear

    What Causes Appetite Loss after WLS?

    Since my surgery I don't get hungry. I look at the clock so I know when its time to eat.its like my appetite button got turned off. Awesome.
  22. At Swedish, they had people who had surgery years ago and they talked about how they lost weight. They had a question/ answer period.
  23. ladypoohbear

    Please I could use some support.

    Yes I remember my stomach hurting for a while too. When I was in the hospital, my nurse told me to put a pillow on my stomach and press it lightly to your stomach. It helped with pain while moving around.
  24. ladypoohbear

    Buddy needed!

    Hi there...I'm from Cali. Too but now live in Wa. I'm here f you like to talk. Have a great day.
  25. Swedish has a support group in Seattle. Anyone can go. I liked it.

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