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Everything posted by Meems

  1. Has anyone else experienced this? I started this journey in September 2013. I went to a seminar and then made an appointment to meet with the Nutritionist and get started. That was the day after Thanksgiving, November 27th. All through December, in the midst of moving, and the holidays, I spent many days having lab tests, and breathing tests, and xrays, and stress tests, etc....I went to the three workshops in January and was led to believe my surgery would be the second week of February. I didn't hear anything so I called the surgery center and they advised me that my insurance requires me to be in the progam for three months before they can submit my paperwork. Ok, so that makes the first day they can submit my paperwork Feb 27th. They gave me a final date to meet with the surgeon, Feb 19th and the final meeting with the nurse, March 3rd. And still I am waiting.....I am so afraid that by the time they schedule the surgery I will have to start all the labwork again.....I have been struggling every day to keep myself motivated. I waiver back and forth between trying to behave with my diet and eating things that I feel like I will never have again. I am trying really hard to stay positive but it's been discouraging. Help!
  2. Hi SugarFreeMe....no I don't have a liquid diet to follow until after the surgery. I have been working on cutting back my portions and eating and drinking separately, etc.....but no liquid diet yet. I also have several different types of protein shakes to try but I am waiting also until after. I figure I will give myself as much variety as I can because I will be on liquids for about a month or so. Have you had your surgery yet? I am glad it's finally here and I can get on with this. Best of luck to you!
  3. Thank you everyone for your encouragement. They finally called me yesterday very late in the day. I am scheduled for March 25th....finally! I thought I would be more excited but I have been so sick with a nasty flu that I could barely lift my head up.Didn't tell them how lousy I have been feeling for fear they would cancel or postpone on me. I am feeling slightly better today and hopefully will be able to keep something in my system. Been out of work for almost an entire week already....lost another 10 lbs in the process but it was a very tough way to lose it. Trying to get my head straightened around now and back into weight loss mode. I just want to be able to move around better and feel better...that is the ultimate goal here. I will keep everyone posted and thanks again to everyone and good luck.....
  4. Meems

    February Surgeries

    Zoefruitcake...,best wishes for a successful surgery.....normal to be nervous but remember what a good decision this is and how many positive things that will come from this!...let us all know how it goes......
  5. Thanks for your replies..I appreciate your reminders that this is a long and lifetime process....I guess I was just venting my frustration....My entire life seems to always be about waiting and having patience....when the kids are big enough for school, then I'll take care of myself....when the kids get into middle school, I will have time to work out.....when the kids go off to college, etc......something always gets in the way, or I let things get in the way.....It takes me a long time to make a decision but once I have made it...I need to go forward. I am still losing weight so people are complementing me and encouraging me at work....I am still eating some of the things I love so much but only once more and in much smaller portions. I am trying to stay positive but my weight combined with bad knees are working together to make this winter weather so difficult to get around. I keep telling myself that by next winter I will weigh so much less and it won't be so hard to get around. I have my "final" apt with my surgeon this coming Weds and then my family visit with the Nurse on March 3rd. The program told me they were submitting my paperwork on 2/27so it will most likely be the second week of March for surgery.....csmcord, thank you very much for the list of things to focus on....that will keep my mind busy and help me to get mentally ready for this....and Kristinrny you sound like you have had a positive experience and will do well with all the preparation you have done.
  6. Hi all, I have been in this process since September 2013 after being diagnosed with diabetes and deciding that I had spent enough time just thinking about surgery and researching, etc.....I went to an informational forum recommended by my primary doctor and decided on the gastric bypass. Then I started the process of doctor appointments, meeting the surgeon for the first time on November 27, 2013, the day before Thanksgiving. I had already started to lose weight due to the diabetes situation. As things progressed I got the indication from everyone that I met with that I would have everything completed in time to have my surgery by mid January to mid February. I have been to the nutritionist, the workshops, etc....my long visit with the nurse and my last surgery appointment were scheduled for today but due to the weather, I had to cancel. It turns out that I don't need to be in a hurry because based on my insurance guidelines, I have to have been enrolled in this program for at least 3 months before they can even submit my paperwork for surgery. So that means my paperwork won't be submitted until at least 2.27-14 at the earliest. I have made so many changes in my life. My husband and I moved out of our home, leaving my daughter and her 4 children there and moved into an apartment so that we could reduce our daily stress. I have begun swimming three times a week to get my self into a routine of exercising. I have been trying to get things done ahead of time at work so that there will be a minimal disruption while I am out. I am ready.......mentally, physically, emotionally......and now.......another whole month of waiting......I am afraid that I am going to get discouraged and overeat.....I have been trying to stay positive and focused but just feel so anxious not knowing when this journey will begin.......anyone else in my shoes? How do I keep my resolve?
  7. Meems


    wow you look fantastic...what type of surgery and how long ago?
  8. Meems

    February Surgeries

    I am crossing my fingers that I will get a date within the next couple of weeks. My journey probably started a couple of years ago when two of my good friends had weight loss surgery. Also, two of my daughter's bridesmaids have been successful with their surgeries. One did the lap band. She lost her weight slowly but looks fantastic and has kept it off for more than 4 years now. The other one had the gastric bypass, lost a great deal of weight, got pregnant, and has kept most of her weight off since. Her son is two. A very good friend had the lap band surgery but had some complications and had to have it removed. However, she still looks fantastic and doesn't seem to be having any trouble staying fit now. I do have one friend who did the bypass who lost over 100 lbs but has put more than half back on. She has been very encouraging though because she states that she did not follow the rules and tells me that if I do what I am supposed to do, I should be successful. She did not exercise at all and has not kept up with her Vitamins and supplements. I took a long time deciding to do this but since then it seems like it has gone by really fast. I have one more workshop to attend, an appointment next week with my husband and the surgical nurse and my final appt with the surgeon both set for Feb 5th. I am confident that I will be able to lose the weight. My doubts are centered around handling my stress and problems in a new way. I made a major life decision in December which has greatly reduced the stress in my life but I already feel like I am coming down from that success as I get used to my new surroundings and circumstances. My family is supportive but doesn't always really understand what it is I really need. They are also not used to having to put aside their own needs and wants for mine. I have kind of drawn a line in the sand with them, allowing myself to take care of me, even though my feelings of being selfish and self centered are never too far below the surface. I keep waffling back and forth between trying to watch what I eat with the maddening urge to eat all those things I won't be able to have after surgery. It's intimidating to think of all the things I cant have anymore but then I remember that losing this weight will allow me to do so many things I haven't done in year or ever. Please, any comments about how you all have handled any of this stuff would be very welcome at this point. Thanks.

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