My dearest May Flowers,
I am so upset I could cry. My boss came into the office yesterday with a cold and although I tried to stay away from him, last night – I started coughing and my throat was sore. Today, I sound like I have a school of frogs in my throat. I called the nurse of the doctor who will be performing the lap-band procedure on me, and she said, “Oh, you sound awful! Take some Tylenol Cold and Flu and give us a call on Friday… You may not be well enough for the procedure….” Now, I don’t have to tell you guys how that just crushed me. I had to psyche myself up for my May 13th surgery date, and I was SO excited, now I may have to postpone it??? I prayed and asked for a sign if this surgery was the right thing for me. Is this a sign?? I’m trying not to be depressed, but it is really….really…hard right now.