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Everything posted by Starbright
Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......
Starbright replied to princess_n_thep's topic in The Lounge
Try this powder stuff called Barkeeper's Friend, avaialble at Meijers, it is designed for stainless steel. -
I had a first NSV today, but it's kinda wierd!! I was fixing a store bought chocolate cake that some icing had come off . It is for my future daughter in law's birthday today. After I put the cake away, I noticed that the box side had a huge slab of icing on it. I needed the box for the cake, so I took the knife and scrapped off that icing. and .......threw it down the garbage disposal, followed by hot water! I have never in my life thrown away icing, especially chocolate....it feels so good to be in better control!
I just weighed and I had to share!
Starbright replied to BeckyinTexas's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Wow Becky~! great job! I am one and a half weeks out of banding, have lost fourteen, I know it is water, but I will take it. I can't wait til I can have those big weight loss numbers! Went to curves today to exercise, first time since surgery, felt kinda odd, never got my heart rate up, but jogging does not sit well with incisions!! but like Scarlett O'Hara said "Tomorrow is another day!" -
My banding was August 1. Everything went well, and I don't feel too bad considering. I will be glad when the bloated whale feeling goes away. Liquids aren't too bad and I don't feel very hungry I am excited to begin my journey!
Hey, stayed up to midnight, ate a snack at 11:45 cause it is now August 1, my band date.....Thought I would not be able to sleep, nervous and all that, but I am really tired, and not scared as much as when I had my gall bladder out. So at 9:30 a.m. say a good word for me that I have a safe, fast surgery and a good recovery. Waiting to see you all in bandlandia, Donna
Thanks Margo, I have been too busy today to think much about it. I know tonight when I settle down, the old mind will be doing it's thing, a bad case of the "what if's" After reading all the good things from others, I know this is a step in the right direction. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new phase in my life.
In answer to "should I just diet" If diet worked for us, we would already be at our normal weight. We need the tool of the band, and the psych part about why do you eat too much and how do you change your mind set. Is it easy? no way, but nothing worthwhile is easy. At curves they had a rubber model of five pounds of fat and five pounds of muscle --you would be amazd at how big five pounds of fat looked. Also, yesterday I carried my toddler grandaugher who weighs 22 pounds. I was tired and winded after carring her for a few minutes---hm minus 22 pounds, now there is a thought! Remember that old song "you don't know what you've got, until you lose it" I am ready to lose it!!!!Band date August 1
Congratulations Grandpa Greg!!!
Starbright replied to NancySmiles's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
You are in for the time of your life ! Even though I enjoyed raising my children, there is nothing to ompare with the joy of grandchildren. For one thing, I am older, and I know they won't break, I have more money to spoil them with, and I am patient. It is so wonderful when they climb up on your lap and snuggle with you. Congrats on joining the grampa-gramma group! -
I have struggled with weight my whole life. The last time I weighed 180 was 25 years ago when my son was born. I have been on every diet known to mankind, starting with liquid protein in the 80's, Weight Watchers so many times I outta have a plaque with my name on it, Jenny Craig, meet with the doctor Diet, etc. For over 30 years I have been losing the 50 lbs, but the dream never comes true. I think with the band as a tool, and me being ready, I will finally be able to conquer my demons of sugar, fat, and eating when I feel like it. I found the band by accident while looking at surgical weight loss. It made more sense to me. I have been trying to get the band since May, due to slow response from doctors sending their reports to my surgeon. Finally I will be banded August 1.... am I scared Yep! Second thoughts.... everyday Yesterday I found a magnet in my drawer that said "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" Well finally I really want to find out , I don't really want to be "thin" I want to be "normal" I don't want to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and think "how gross" I don't want my heart to wear out before it's time because of my indulgences all the time. I want to buy clothes in a regular store. I want to stop taking five medications a day related to my obeisty. I want what I think I look like to be what I really look like! So Band, here I come, it is my choice and my chance.
I am scheduled for August 1, with Dr. Zoe Deol in Michigan. Right now I am on Atkins type diet, and nervously and excitedly counting down the days. I too hope for an easy recovery, and as they say on the radio, "lets get this party started!"
I feel the same way!! my date is august first....happy, scared... I'm a fifth grade teacher, and I so wanted to be already opperated in the first part of July so I could go back to school different. One thing I have learned in the last few years is that God has his own time table and it does not matter a lick what you want. You are going to be fine, put it in the hands of the Man!
Oh my gosh.. got my date, August 1! Today I see the nutritionist for pre op diet. My wierd little mind is already trying to circumvent the diet, how will I go to a baby shower? my in-laws anniversary?? My first thought was to lie and say I was having some mysterious female surgery..... My spikey daughter said , Heck mom, you have done all this research, gone to fifteen dr. apointments, and it's your body and you are doing something good, tell them the truth, you're having lap band surgery and go for it! So today I start my journey, a little scared, and a lot hopeful for a different kind of life.
Tink, I feel your pain(or I wish I did!) still waiting for my date. Just think, pretty soon weight will be rolling off of you! Every slurp of liquid is a sip in the battle!! Drink on, Brother!
God Bless you Nancy as you go through this. My Mom has frontal lobe dementia and has been in a nursing home for seven years. I thank God every week that I go, that she still remembers me! Your Dad is remembering his Nancy with the laughing face in heaven forever, hold that to your heart, there is no sickness there.
Magic bullet is a small blender about the size of a large water glass. It comes with snap on cups, and lids, and you can blend, take it off the machine, turn cup bottom down, attach a ring and drink it right there. It is conveniet, and easy to clean, much better than hauling out the big blender. Got mine at Kohls on sale, love it.
Okay, so I'm waiting for my band, and I 'm trying to do the right things and go to Curves and exercise every day after work. So, every night I go to Jump and Sweat.... good yes? No!!! Last night I got a cramp in my upper thigh, and as I collaped on the couch, a cramp appeared in my right hand that made it curl like a little old arthritis ridden lady. College son says I am dehydrated, and that is why it cramped. DH says I need potassium, ie. eat a banana dear, I just want some advice to avoid a repeat performance. I checked it out on the internet, and the first thing to pop up was people getting severe cramps from using Advair, asthma drug. I would hate to give that up, because it is so effective in controlling my asthma. Any suggestions or words of wisdom??? I hate pain!
thanks, ate the banana, drank water and milk, no cramps last night. Guess this means I have to exercise again, I was kinda fishing for an excuse.......
I had a nice little chat with my dietician, Patrizia, who said , "The Band is only a tool" not the magic bullet! The trouble with being fat, is that we have developed lots of bad food habits over the years. I know the right things to eat, but I have chosen the wrong things for so long, they feel right to me too. It is your mind that needs retraining. You can't do it all at once. It seems to me, that food is also an addiction, only we can't go "cold turkey" cause you have to eat. My DH and I argue about this all the time. He says smoking is impossible to quit, I say weight loss is harder because you still have to eat food. I am still awaiting my band date, but I know it is my "fat brain" I really have to work on!
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!!!!! (thank you Donna Summer!) Guess what I got in the mail today..... a pre-approval letter from MESSa my insurance carrier, and I am APPROVED!!!!!!! now I just have to wait for all my doctor appointments to catch up with the office and a date will be set. Oh my God!!!and by the way thank you God!!! Now I'm feeling a little nervous because it is becomming real not just an idea I am kicking around. Help me my band sisters and brothers, I am this close ready to take the jump and I need a push!!!!
I'm so excited! and I just can't hide it.....
Starbright replied to Starbright's topic in The Lounge
Thanks you guys! I feel better already. Come to think of it, I have done at least forty or fifty things in my lifetime that have been way more risky than this. Sometimes I think it is the committment issue, this is something I have to do and change my life style, no more back slidding, quitting after a day (week, month , year) I have been the "diet queen" ever since my 20's. I have lost the same 30 pounds more times than I can count. I was one of those women who "carried my weight well" If I ever told my true weight, people were amazed. I have a good mom who taught me to dress well for my size and have good self esteem. Now that I am in my fifties, (and chasing sixty up close and personal) health problems are closing in. Nothing real bad, but still there. Then there's my 9 year old grandson with Friedrich's Ataxia (Muscular Dystroypy) who will get progressivly worse, wheel chair bound by middle school, life expectancy 20 years from diagnosis, and I need to be there, fit, slim , and healthy ?cause my daughter won't have time to nurse maid me! So, I'm working hard on being mentally ready to do this right.Keep on telling me how great it is gonna be! -
I am a Cancer, love the water, mother nurturer, think I have to take care of everybody, moody at times, married to an Aquarius eek! We do have some interesting conflicts.....to top it off he is very annalytical, cut and dried kind of guy, where emotion is the ruling factor in my game. We will celebrate our 27th anniversary this year. It hasn't been easy, especially this last five years, but something keeps us hanging on, must be love....
An old boyfriend from highschool called me "Star" I picked Starbright, because I see my future as a lot brighter when I lose some weight. I always like looking at the stars early in the morning when it is quiet and peaceful. My DH leaves at 5:00 a.m so there are lots of stars out then. All my appointments are done and I am waiting for a date.....anxiety attack happenin'
Glory! I have almost all my appointments done! I have been poked, prodded, x-rayed, squished, smashed, bruised and bloodsuckered all in the name of science and medicine. One stroke of luck, sleep center was all booked up but today when I called they had a cancellation, lucky for me! Unlucky for me ( and her too) the dietician got very sick and canceled because she has to see a doctor this Saturday. I can see a small glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Doc's office sent my paper work in on June 1, maybe I will get a birthday surprise (June 28) Hmmmm. My fifth graders think I have some terrible incurable disease because I have had so many Dr. appointments. I have assured them that it is "just tests" but they are not convinced, uncanny little rascals aren't they!
Ok, here I am going through many appointments where people are picking and poking and taking pics of my innards, and all of a sudden, I am getting cold feet, Waffling--- should I do this or not Look at the complications some people have what if I can't control my eating monster brain, what will my family (only told my adult children) think--- what about vomiting, sliming, infections of the port, == what if I die while I'm operated .....(I know dumb stuff, but it does swirl through the brain) Has anyone else felt like this????
Because you guys are like family...
Starbright replied to Jonathan's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Johnathan, losing all your weight and following your dream, two great accomplishments! As for the "spuids" kids are very adaptable, especially if they have a stable home to go back too. Good luck on your new adventure.