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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by charlieblue

  1. charlieblue

    Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts

    Well said! Thank you. I will keep a copy of your Do's and Don'ts close at hand as I take my first steps after surgery; and continue to refer to them through my successes and especially during setbacks and set points/stalls. Blessings fellow sleevers!!
  2. Hi Benny and all the others on this thread. I commend each of you for your courage and for setting boundaries that feel right and comfortable for YOU. These boundary lines may or may not be the same for everyone. While others are not entitled to know such personal information I find it can be more uncomfortable to carry around secrets and tend to "over-share" as a result. So, when it came to this very personal journey I've made a conscious decision to exercise a greater level of discretion than I might otherwise have done had this been another type of surgery. I stumbled upon Bariatric Pal just in the nick of time and have been searching for this particular topic for a few days. My Feb. 3 surgery date creeps ever closer and I'm struggling with whom to tell and NOT to tell about my news. It took over a year to make my ultimate decision to move forward with my VSG and I've done tons of research as it's my nature to do so. I've also watched many YouTube videos of other sleevers. They've each made my decision SO much easier. I work in close quarters in an office setting with only about 9 administrative staff at my location. One of these co-workers had a Gastric Bypass many years ago. So far, I've told my husband, two teenage children, my mother, two sisters, my boss and one co-worker who also needs to know. These seven people have ALL been at least neutral if not outright supportive. They have expressed concern, a healthy dose of skepticism, and caution; but ultimately have been supportive - even those naturally slim ones who've not walked in my shoes along the arduous path of being overweight for years. Today, after more careful thought, I decided to open up to the co-worker who had Gastric Bypass. She smiled and hugged me. In her embrace I felt an immediate sense of camaraderie and acceptance. She told me how happy she was for me. I knew I had made the right decision. I'm sure she was also delighted to have a new "bariatric buddy" to commiserate with now! Unlike my family and co-workers, my husband's family is large (in number), rather opinionated and controlling. Once I broached the subject of weight loss surgery with one of them and she immediately responded, "NO! YOU'RE NOT DOING THAT!" I just brushed her comment aside and said I was just taking the 12-week preparation class to educate myself about the options 'out there.' Despite the controlling nature of that side of our family, we are close and they are loving and supportive of our family in many ways. I know they will feel truly hurt if I wait until after surgery to spring the news on them. I believe they will eventually come around once the realization sets in that this was my decision to make, not theirs. The partial explanation approach: "I'm just eating a healthier diet and exercising more." will never fly with this group. They all know I've tried EVERYthing to lose weight and they'd never buy it. They're far too astute. I suppose time will tell. I'm leaning toward spilling the Beans about a week before surgery so they have time to process the concept; but I'm still not 100% sure when the "right" opportunity will present itself. I'll suppose I'll just have to follow my heart and trust my own instincts ... Like most others, my decision was based primarily on the priority of extending my life and to ensuring my children and husband will have a mom/wife around for a long time; one who will soon be physically able to keep up and participate fully in our lives together. Blessings to all of you and my gratitude to those of you patient enough to read my posting. It's much longer than I expected it would be!
  3. charlieblue

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Me too! Feb. 3 in Los Angeles. Excited & terrified all at once. Just focusing on breathing... sigh!
  4. charlieblue

    My sleeve Day 1

    Sorry my Emojicons next 2 your screen name didn't post (turned out as a numeric string)
  5. charlieblue

    My sleeve Day 1

    Thanks XXShelXX???????????? You're the first person to reply to my post. I feel more like a "real" part of the sleever community now. This whole thing is still surreal. The only other time in my life I had surgery under general anesthesia was when I had my tonsils out at age 17. Ironically, (LOL) I dropped to 118 lbs. after that due to my inability to swallow (the pain was horrible). Now I can't wait to be thin again -- even if I don't get down THAT far.
  6. charlieblue

    My sleeve Day 1

    Thanks for all the product referrals. With just 15 days to go until my surgery and my pre-op appointment not until Tuesday the timing of your suggestions is perfect! I'll bring the list of these soups, protein and peanut butter powder, and beverages to share and discuss with the Dr. with plenty of time to order and stock up! Keep the recipes coming please. The baked ricotta sounds great and I don't think I'd have thought of the bean/enchilada/cheese thing. Does the enchilada sauce cause any discomfort like heartburn or gas? Also my nutritionist told me in my 12-week prep course that red meat was on the "No-No List." Have others had the same instruction?
  7. charlieblue

    I got my date for surgery

    Good luck! My surgery is Feb. 3. I'm excited and nervous. Waiting is so diffucult. I wish you all an easy and smooth recovery.
  8. charlieblue

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    My VSG is set for Feb. 3. Good luck to everyone else on their journey!
  9. charlieblue

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    My VSG is set for Feb. 3. Good luck to everyone else on their journey!
  10. charlieblue

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    My VSG is set for Feb. 3. Good luck to everyone else on their journey!
  11. Hi, I just joined Bariatric Pal and noticed your entry. My surgery is scheduled for Feb. 3 and my Dr. asked me to lose 3 lbs. prior to that day. I'm so eager to get it done that I lost and regained 2 lbs. in the last few days. I should just be grateful it's not the SAT! Take cae!

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