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band teacher

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by band teacher

  1. band teacher

    Had my first fill! Now What?

    Thanks everyone. I'm trying today to really take it easy. Was on 24 hours of liquid (till 1:30 p.m.). I had a Protein shake (6 oz) at 7:30 a.m., a 5 oz Greek Yogurt at 11:00 a.m., Wendy's Chili (probably 8 oz) chewed till nothing at 1:30 p.m. and 5oz of tuna pureed with mayo at 4:30. Everything went down fine, nothing got stuck, feeling fine. Not full, but not starving. Hoping I'm not hungry tonight and if so, will drink liquid. I have not seen my actual surgeon since 8:00 a.m. on the day of my surgery. She is wonderful, but I would like to see her again. I have only seent he physician's asst. That is also who did my fill yesterday. I just find it weird that she asked me where my port was...'Umm, I think this is it??" Then said "it seems higher than we normally put them", then put the needle in, had me sit up and gulp Water, and I never felt anything with any gulp. Nothing. I have friends who have said they had to spit the water out. Then when I noticed the bandaid for the needle insertion was placed 3 inches below where I feel my port, it made me wonder if missing the port can happen? I even called back to question that and she assured me she wouldn't have gotten air out if she had missed the port. I wish I knew what the different parts of my new anatomy are. I feel a lot of tenderness/pain/lumps at the belly button (this is where they went in lapracopically, so I assume that is what that is from). Write under my ribcage, to the left is where I think my port is. Very hard bulge there, the best way I can describe it is when you are 9 months pregnant and the babies foot is pressing against you. That's exactly what it reminds me of. So is that the port, is that the band? Is the tenderness I feel from that or the hiatal hernia (no clue where that is). I'm sure in time, I'll be able to ask my surgeon (I'm requesting to see her for the next fill) and find out what all of these new parts of me are. Then I'll have a better understanding of what is normal and what is not. Thanks for the help.
  2. band teacher

    Had my first fill! Now What?

    Band teacher and lapbandchic: You two should go back to the beginning of this thread and read all the posts. All your questions will be answered. tmf tmf, I read the two pages of this thread, started by lapbandchic, before I posted my question. I don't see any answer to my question of whether or not it is possible for the port to be missed entirely during a fill. Can you point me in the right direction to that answer on this thread? Thank you.
  3. band teacher

    Had my first fill! Now What?

    Oh no! You and I seem to be so simliar...in our starting weights, weight lost, surgery date, and end goal. I keep worrying that I have something wrong because I feel tenderness, bumps, not sure what is the port, band or hernia repair. I just ate a can of cream of chix soup, yes the whole can. I am not full, I had no trouble getting it down. This is after a 5cc fill today? Can that be possible? I'm nervous that these large portions are going to cause damage.
  4. band teacher

    Had my first fill! Now What?

    This is my first post. I had my surgery on 12/11/13. I lost 14 lbs in the first two weeks. These past two weeks on solid foods, I've been eating just about everything, and far too big of portions, and gained a pound back. So, needless to say, I was looking forward to my first fill and getting restriction to get back on the losing track. I went today, and they put in 5cc, but honestly, I am wondering if they missed my port completely?? I even called back to ask. She assured me that she got it, because she took air out when she first put in the needle. I just noticed that the spot where the bandaid was, is about 3 inches lower than where I think I feel my port. She did say that is common because it shifts from laying down to standing. We did the "Water gulping" method, but I don't know if I really felt anything, or felt it go away. To me it was a whole lot of "guesswork". About 30 mins after she filled me, I went downstairs to the cafe and had tomato bisque. Easily ate nearly a cup of Soup (8oz) and could've kept going. I don't feel any different than I did over the last two weeks. Is this normal? Could it be possible that they did miss the port?

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