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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About gixxergirl

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 08/05/1973

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  1. gixxergirl

    NC - Charlotte

    I have found a few of gastric bypass groups on facebook. I pray you are feeling better. I am interested in a local support group. I live in Gastonia, and I will be having my surgery 9/12/14. I also live in, Gastonia, NC. Although, I'm a Newbie & just getting started with all if it. My husband is having doubts, concerns, and really NOT WANTING ME TO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT, AT ALL!!! I'm super excited about it though because it's something that I've dreamt about and wanted for over 15 years or more now. I don't have any friends on here nor do I know and understand on how to get friends in these forums and posts. Could please give me all the info, details, and a complete review of your completely entire experience was like which actual surgery did u have and why that kind, how the recovery was following surgery, and basically your current results are with all information and details were/are, pretty please???? I come in height Wise at, 5'7 & my starting weight was 315.2 lbs as of, May 20th, 2016. This is also the biggest n most heaviest I've ever been within my life and I'm only 33 years old. On that day though they did start me on, Phentermine, 37.5mg tablet, once daily, just to begin with. Sammie Nealy
  2. gixxergirl

    NC - Charlotte

    I was looking for a place to hold it but I've been admitted to the hospital like 3 more times since April with this last time being in July. I'm just getting back into the swing of things. I apologize for dropping the ball.
  3. gixxergirl

    African American RNY Sisters

    I know I'm not eating and drinking enough. I get about 80-90 grams of protein but I will drink two Premier protein drinks each day plus almond milk and protein powder.
  4. gixxergirl

    African American RNY Sisters

    I have Cigna and got approved in three business days.
  5. gixxergirl

    NC - Charlotte

    How did surgery go?
  6. gixxergirl

    NC - Charlotte

    That's a great idea because I've left messages at a few places. One said they already had a support group but we could join them. If we met at a park, Saturday mornings would be best for me because I work in Rock Hill until 530pm most days.
  7. gixxergirl

    African American RNY Sisters

    I'm so envious. I feel like I'm not losing weight at all. Tomorrow makes one month. Day of surgery I was 240. I've been at 227/229 for two weeks now.
  8. There's a great YouTube video that demonstrates why. The fluid pushes the food through the pouch too fast causing you yo dump or feel hungry too soon. The video shows him put applesauce in a funnel. The applesauce drips slowly through but when he adds water, the applesauce is kinda liquified and pours out fast.
  9. Try a week. I can't drink that much water.
  10. gixxergirl

    African American RNY Sisters

    Well welcome. When I was finished with the preop stuff it all seemed to happen so fast.
  11. I totally stopped losing weight. Apparently I'm not eating and drinking enough. Are you eating six times each day?
  12. gixxergirl

    African American RNY Sisters

    I pray all goes well. I know this is exciting.
  13. I use Resource Beneprotein. I just make sure the food is less than 140 degrees and I mix it in. [ATTACH]44365[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]44364[/ATTACH]
  14. gixxergirl

    APRIL 21st Sleevers!

    I'm on soft foods
  15. About a week out I couldn't stop crying. The doctor said it was the anesthesia and prescribed prozac. I only took one. Fortunately I have a good support system

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
