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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Zoey716

  1. AFTER a FOREVER stall -Who's down 3lbs this week??! THIS GIRL!

  2. NSV @ Crossfit last night - I completed 100 BOX JUMPS! First time ever trying them and I did 100!! WOOT!

    1. Bmjohnson


      that is fantastic. congrats on an amazing nsv.

    2. Sharpie




  3. @@Cgraham0397 - I add benefiber to my shakes and it definitely has helped me.
  4. 4 weeks after I had the sleeve, I had a small leak that they think happened from a small ulcer that formed on the incision on my stomach. I ended up having a 2nd surgery. It was a bit of a scary ordeal. I had a drain put in, was not allowed to eat for 5 days - but was hooked up to TPN (IV nutrients/lipids), had so many tests and procedures to try and find out what was going on and why. I was in the hospital for 6 days. About 2 weeks later I ended up back in the hospital with a kidney infection that was a result of not being able to get in enough fluids to flush my kidneys properly. So I was back in the hospital for another 2 days. With the complications that I did have put aside - I have had a fantastic experience and results from having the sleeve done. I have been very happy and pleased with my results, and have progressed very well. My doctors are all very happy and pleased with my progress. At my 6 month post op appointment I had already meet their 1 year goal for weight loss. I had a rocky start but am so very happy I had the sleeve done and never have regretted getting it done.
  5. Zoey716

    Fitness Trackers?

    @@aroundhky - I use myfitnesspal & mapmyrun apps. They are helpful to track activity and calories in, but I doubt I burn as many calories as it shows. I use mapmyrun more as a journal with my PR's, ME's and time for Crossfit. It's helpful to look back on it. I also like it for the GPS when I do go running (When it's not 7 degrees outside), I find its very accurate which is great. Im on the fence about buying into a FitBit type of device though. Would love to see more feedback and experience on these items.
  6. Zoey716

    2015 Crossfit Open

    @@ProjectMe - check to see if the Crossfit gym near you has a beginners class. My box, has what they call an "On Ramp" class. They meet twice a week for a month, to learn the basic lifts, different equipment, positions, terms etc. I found this so very helpful when I started, to go into a regular WOD with a bit more knowledge! Best of luck - it becomes addicting but oh so very rewarding!! When you go - let me know how it goes!
  7. Zoey716

    2015 Crossfit Open

    @@ProjectMe - it's a international competition. Last year over 209.000 athletes participated! Every week Crossfit posts a different workout, and at an affiliate gym, you are judged on the workout. This year they are scaling the workouts (modifying) so that more people can participate (like ME!) . Those athletes who compete on a larger scale for CF use the open to qualify for regional competitions. I'm no where near that level, but am looking forward to the challenge and the workouts!
  8. Zoey716

    Cream of rice w/chicken broth

    @@MamaTo3inNH - cream of wheat was also a go to for me post surgery. If you're allowed - try adding a dash of cinnamon to it for a bit of flavor!
  9. Zoey716

    Cream of rice w/chicken broth

    The rice may be too much for your tummy to handle. Try straining your creamed Soups.
  10. 2015 Crossfit Open is coming! Who's in??! :)

  11. What are YOU doing to get your activity in today?

    1. aroundhky


      Did a great trap and upper back workout earlier. Now....just exercising my fingers. :)

    2. TEXASLADY52


      I have a pedal elipitical under my desk......great for when it is bad outdoors. I sat at my desk and pedal away. Pedaling now....LOL

  12. Crossfit in T-minus 3 hours. Lord help me.

    1. Zoey716


      @Stevehud & @ProjectMe - I have been doing crossfit for quite some time now. My box focuses on skill and strength before we go into a WOD (workout of the day). My box teaches proper technique, posture and accountability. Everything is modified to one's ability. They want us to be challenged but successful, and that has lead to my success there so far. I have zero reservations about stepping into my box, as I know I am getting the best coaching and instruction out there. I would encourage anyone who is slightly interested in giving CF a shot. I have built muscle, endurance and confidence in myself, that I have never had. #thisshitworks

    2. ProjectMe


      @Zoey716. I was a collegiate athlete & can appreciate the challenge. Proper technique and instruction is definitely key to enjoying yourself and not getting hurt. There's a gym run by ex/retired military near my house and I can't wait to give it a try! Just waiting until I feel I am stronger as I'm only 4 weeks out from surgery.

    3. Stevehud


      im not putting it down, if it works, awesome! that's great, just saying. Im sure it varies with the instructors etc. as with any intense program a bad instructor can cause problems.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  13. OMG my skin is CRYING for some humidity! DONE with winter!

    1. ProudGrammy


      i know what you mean!!!!

      -7 today in good ol" syracuse, ny brrrr

  14. What are you doing to get your activity in today?

    1. amponder
    2. Zoey716


      @amponder & @Babbs - great job you 2!!! Zumba is super fun! and Babbs - having a trainer give you a program is a great idea! Soreness does get a bit better. A tip - after your workout, take a nice warm bath with 2 cups Epsom salt. It will help with the sore muscles! :)

  15. Zoey716

    Before and After - Full lenght

    From the album: During

    Not quite an "after" picture yet - as I'm still working on it! But SO happy at how far I have come!

    © Elizabeth Krombel

  16. Started this morning unearthing my car from a ton of snow...good times.

    1. ProudGrammy


      where do you live - not much snow here in syracuse, ny - but brrrr - baby its cold outside -btw -car and i went into ditch couple of days ago doe to ice and "snow storm" of sorts - couldn't see !!! take care - stay warm kathy

    2. Zoey716


      @proudgrammy - oh no! hope you weren't hurt when your car went into the ditch! so scary! we had about 10 inches or so. not too bad, but the plow in our parking lot buried us in. lol. sunny out right now. pretty! but COLD still. a lot of schools and businesses closed today because the road conditions were quite poor. stay warm & inside if you can!! think the snow may be heading your way.

  17. Almost 9 months post op & down 114 from date of surgery. Completely happy with my progress so far. Working hard at obtaining my goal!
  18. Zoey716

    Before & After Close up

    From the album: During

    I never realized just how round my head used to be. :/ My eyes and smile look so much bigger now!! AND I have a chin (only 1)! Haha.

    © Elizabeth Krombel

  19. There may be a mini blizzard &subzero temps outside - but tonight you WILL find me @ crossfit. :)

  20. Crossfit was great last night - killer workout! <3

  21. Getting back to basics. On track for nutrition today. Crossfit tonight. Let's do this! :)

    1. StartingOver2015
    2. ProudGrammy


      back to basics is good to do - it will give you that "push" crossfit too - you are aces - keep up the good work - what a good way to work in the new year - you are aces!!- good luck - kathy

    3. Zoey716


      Thanks @StarvingOver2015 & @proudgrammy ! :)

  22. Stomach flu = down 3lbs! Gotta take the good w/the bad! :)

    1. Beni


      Silver lining!

    2. Zoey716


      @alxmak1021 -Thanks! Feeling better for the most part. The loss has DEF slowed down. I met Dr. C's 1 year goal at my 6 month appointment. So they warned me that my weight loss was likely to plateau - in which it had. I am still losing - but it is a much slower pace. Need to get strict with my diet, protein and water intake after New Years. Want to kick it into gear - hoping to reach my goal by my 1 year. Hope you are doing well & that you had a great holiday season! :)

    3. alxmak1021


      @Zoey716 Glad to hear you are feeling better! When I went for my 6 month apt they didn't really say to much. Just that I have been doing really well. Cavaretta didn't set a goal for me either. I hate the fact that one day the scale says one weight then the next day it is 2lbs up. I don't get it!!! very frustrating! I am almost thinking to up the calories, some days I get to almost 1000 calories. I know he said he wanted me at 1200 when I go back next month. Just seems so high! 2015 is a new year!!!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  23. Love the holidays but can't wait to kick 2015 into gear! :)

  24. Just trying to maintain for the next 2 weeks...holidays are tough!!

    1. Forsythia


      So. Much. Food. You can do it!

  25. Does anyone else get the hiccups EVERY DAY?!

    1. bobbyswife


      I get them all the time and I'm still pre op. I can't imagine post. I hope it's not even worse.

    2. Zoey716


      I get them after I eat. I get them after I drink. I get them when I haven't had anything to eat OR drink. I get them mid morning, mid afternoon, etc etc. It's really ridic. They don't last long - but I get them several times a day. :/

    3. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      My daughter is like that... since she was a baby she gets them ALL the TIME! I do the little 1 hiccup at a time thing. My office mate just giggles at me!

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