Ok, let's see I'll try to do my best to answer everything.
Protein drinks-I drank high protein Ensure. I really liked the chocolate flavored one. After days of having just broth and jello, the Ensure was the best thing I ever had :-)
I bought 2 giant containers of protein powder, but I could never get it to mix into drinks without being able to taste it, so I finally gave up on that.
The liquid diet scared me too, but it's not so bad. During that first week, I wasn't hungry. The first day my stomach growled was a week after surgery, when I went for my post-op check-up. Even then, it wasn't uncomfortable.
I could fill up really easily on small containers of applesauce, or a small container of yogurt. I was never ravenous.
I am eating solid food now. I haven't had many problems from that, aside from learning to slow down and chew well. I was eating with friends one day and started eating like I used to, taking larger bites and not chewing as well as I should, but I was soon reminded not to do that. I ate too much too fast and it came right back up. Lesson learned.
From reading these posts, I see that I'm in 'bandster hell' right now. I feel like I should be eating less, but sometimes I'm just hungry. By making high protein choices (high protein slim fast bars, a small piece of cheese, and tuna are some of my favorites), I can stop the hunger.
I am no where near as hungry as I thought I would be, and it's a lot more manageable than it was before surgery. I have a lot more energy, I don't get the mid-afternoon slumps, and I just feel so much better.
I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, just ask. I don't mind answering them at all. The unknown is scary...I'm relying on the pro's on here to help me through the different stages. It's nice to find a whole community of people that are going through the very same thing I am.