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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by truck8595

  1. truck8595


    From the album: truck8595

  2. Yup, what everyone has said here. I left the hospital up 8 lbs from when I went in, those IV fluids had me bloated like a stuffed sausage. It'll come off (and then some) before you know it. Best of luck to you!
  3. Working out = adding muscle and burning fat. Muscle weighs more than fat, plus your muscled are going to hang on to whatever fluids it can to help your them heal and regenerate. Even if you aren't dropping pounds, I can almost guarantee you're dropping inches. Plus you're improving your metabolism and burning more calories even when you're at rest. Exercising is ALWAYS better than not exercising. Don't worry so much about the number on the scale!
  4. Wow, yeah... if I am reading this right you were just sleeved in December? I'm trying to wrap my mind around even being able to FIT that many calories and protien grams into my sleeve, even just a couple more months down the line. I know it does stretch a little as the swelling subsides, but THAT much? Yeesh, I dunno... that sounds like work!
  5. I'm just shy of six weeks out and sipped on a few small glasses of red wine over this past weekend. They didn't do much for me as far as getting "buzzed" or anything but I can certainly report no ill effects with the sleeve. Was nice to be able to enjoy it, though.
  6. I lost exactly 32 in the first 4 weeks. The last 2 weeks were definitely slower than the first 2, though. I think us gentlemen tend to lose more quickly at first, though. As has been said ad nauseam here-- everyone is different, so don't feel like you have to "measure up" to other people's results! As long as you are following the plan that has been put before you, even if the weight loss is slower than you'd like, then you're doing it right! Proud of all of you! Keep up the great results and keep being the inspirations you are!
  7. truck8595

    In between meals

    I find I start to get a little peckish mid-to-late morning and mid-afternoon as well, so I'll usually have a yogurt, apple sauce or a Protein bar to fill me up between meals. Definitely a nice pick-me-up!
  8. truck8595

    Getting food stuck?

    Yep, it's happened to me at least a half dozen times too. I consider it part of the learning curve that is navigating how much is enough, how much is too much, how fast is too fast, etc. Not the end of the world, but it sure ain't fun either.
  9. truck8595


    I called myself a "walking furnace" before the surgery, always roasting hot in the summer, and always warm in the winter. I'm a month post-op tomorrow, and I cannot BELIEVE how often my fingers and nose are freezing cold and I always seem to need a "blankie" when I'm home on the couch watching TV or something. It's amazing and funny to me how that works. Also, in slightly related news, I have found through my workouts that I barely sweat now, whereas before I'd break a sweat just walking across a room. I wonder if the struggle to get as much Fluid in as possible has to do with this, or if it's another component of our altered internal thermostats? Interesting indeed.
  10. Hey all! I'm just shy of 4 weeks post-op (sleeved Feb 19), and as I have progressed from pureeds to soft protiens and now into some more solid regular foods, I wanted to see how some of you coped with the learning curve that seems to come with navigating the new plumbing. There's a TMI alert that comes with this, so read at you own peril! I've probably had a half dozen incidents where either I have had one bite too many, ate maybe a touch too quickly, or just ate something too rich or too fatty-- or maybe a combo platter of these things. What usually results is a mouthful of sudden saliva, a little dizziness, and after a quick jaunt to the bathroom, it's followed by really slimy vomit, almost a mix of vomit and even more saliva. It's not a violent puking at all, in fact it's rather gentle compared to, say, a real ralph-fest from partying too hard from back in the day. I've had ti happen to me at a restaurant and even once while I was driving (thank goodness I had an empty cup in my car or that could have gotten UG-LEE. ) So my dilemma is navigating this learning curve-- trying to read the signs my body gives me that I've had enough to eat. Many times I am good at picking up on that. Sometimes, not so much, and my sleeve lets me know in the rudest way possible. I am sure this has got to be one of the speedbumps on the way to our 'new normal', right?
  11. truck8595

    Corned beef & Cabbage!

    That sounds delightful. Probably gunna steer clear of it this year, though!
  12. Hi all! Feb 19th sleever here! Best thing I have ever done! I'm currently on soft protiens and am doing well with most foods I have had but have had a handful of ugly incidents after eating either just a bite too much or a tad too quickly. Puking post-sleeve is just WEIRD, amirite? Looking forward to getting more solid foods in down the line, but with small meals filling me up so well, I'm very satisfied with what I do have. Soups are still my favorite meals-- so many options! Pre-op weight (Jan 10): 377 Day of Surgery (Feb 19): 339 Today (Mar 13): 310 I am so proud of all of you for taking the big step. We're taking our lives back, people! Do you realize just how COOL that is! Much love, ~Truck
  13. truck8595

    Alcohol- I was a drinker

    Alcohol is a big concern for me too, more long-term than short-term. Before surgery and before the pre-op stuff, I was a guy that could (and would) put away a 1.75 of Bacardi in a weekend. Just loved to get my drink on. It never interfered with my work or my social or home lives, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make my wife more than a bit concerned that I may have been sentencing my poor liver to a slow death. Fast forward to now-- I am three weeks post-surgery and feel fantastic. At the moment, I don't have any desire for an adult beverage, but the fact that I CAN'T for obvious reasons makes it a no-brainer that I couldn't possibly entertain. Six months from now, though, when it might be acceptable to try a beverage every now and again, is what I worry about. My hope is between now and then I will have worked things out both physically and mentally to the point where I won't even need to worry about it... I don't worry about it so much as a transfer addiction so much as just the "search for the eternal buzz". I really hope just being high on life and high on weight loss success will replace that buzz.
  14. I'll be having my first "out-to-eat" excursion on Wednesday, and let me tell you, I am pumped for it! It'll be three weeks post op for me on that day, and I have never looked more forward to a hot steaming bowl of restaurant soup more in my life!
  15. truck8595


    I had a catheter in for mine... had never had one before. Just woke up from surgery and there it was. Mine was in until very early the morning after my surgery. It was awkward as hell and I don't know that it was necessary, but let me tell you-- when they took that thing out, it was easily the worst part of my 2-night stay. I had no idea how far "up there" they stick those things!!!
  16. truck8595

    Chest pains

    Could it be bad heartburn or acid reflux? I'm just shy of 2 weeks post op and have found that taking tylenol (even broken into small pieces) seems to cause me heartburn troubles.
  17. truck8595


    I too have had this phenomenon happen to me (sleeved on 2/19)-- every time I open the fridge, the scent from the jar of crushed garlic, even though it's closed tightly, is so overwhelming that I get dizzy and almost feel like I am going to hurl. Slightly less dramatic but almost as repulsive is the scent of freezer burn. Oddly enough, my wife tells me she doesn't notice either smell.
  18. 19th here also! I could hardly get to sleep last night I was so excited... tonight? Probably more of the same. Best of luck to all of us! Let's DO this!
  19. The big day is coming and it's all becoming more real by the day! I'll be rockin' the sleeve on the 19th, and I'm still just school-girl giddy about it. I suppose the nerves will kick in at some point, but how was all of it for you guys? Were you all gung-ho right up until the big day? In somewhat related news, I have been on my pre-op diet since Jan 9th (1200 cals a day w/ 3 protien shakes and 2 lean 'n green meals) and have managed to have the best of both worlds-- I've dropped 36 pounds but still managed to sneak a couple of food funerals in there! Being 5 days away now, I think that fun part's over, but what a journey it's been thus far. Pre-op exam with my primary doc tonight, some sort of mandatory 2 1/2 hour meeting/class with the surgeon tomorrow, and next Wednesday, BAM! I'm gunna be the king of sleevetown (or something like that...) My best to all of you whereever you may be in your respective journeys! ~Pat
  20. truck8595

    Hey February 2014 sleevers!

    Feb 19th for me-- just a week and change. I, for one, am excited... LET'S DO THIS!!
  21. Hi all! I'm Pat, am new here, and I too am going through the process of becoming a sleever! I had my first appointment with the surgeon a week ago today, and all my stuff's been sent to insurance for approval. Hoping I will have said approval in another week or so tops, and surgery another couple weeks after, putting my potential surgery date at the beginning/middle of February. I weighed in at 377 and have a pretty big midsection (being 5'9", I am sure you can imagine...), so the doctor actually put me on an immediate 1,200 calorie per day restriction which began last Friday, with 3 protien shakes and 2 small meals (protiens and greens) per day. I've adjusted really well despite a very mentally rough 2nd and 3rd day and have actually dropped 22 pounds in this time. It's gotten easier, and on day 7 I can say it feels like my brain is starting to adjust to what my body had already settled into. It's a real encouraging ego boost to be sure, but my question is: has anyone else had to do something similar before they even got their surgery date? I read many stories of people doing the 2-week liquid diet once they get their approval and surgery date, but wondered if anyone else has a story similar to mine and how they fared/dealt with things? I look forward to connecting with you all and wish you all the best in your respective journeys, wherever you might be! Cheers, ~Pat
  22. It's all about keeping ourselves around and healthy as long as possible for those who love and depend on us, my man. Figuring out who to tell (or not) and when sort of morphed throughout the process for me. There's no right or wrong answer I don't think-- whatever answer brings the most happiness to you and for you is the right one. And that might change over time. Keep the faith, Benny! We'll me miniature versions of ourselves in no time!!

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