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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SecretBander

  1. SecretBander

    Anyone else self pay?

    I am scheduled for surgery Feb 4th and am self pay. I am interested in knowing how many people go this route ? I took out a loan to be able to pay for the surgery. My surgery could be covered by insurance but there are so many loopholes and a 6 month waiting period. With having to meet my deductible first, I decided it was worth the difference to get the surgery NOW and not wait. I may regret this once I start paying the loan back lol but this is the decision I made.
  2. SecretBander

    Onederland !

    Today I weighed myself and I could not believe my eyes - the scale said 199.5!! This is the first time in years (9?) that I have seen this number. Stats: Female, 5'4 1/2 , 30 years old Surgery 2/4/14 weight 244lbs Today 6/28/14 199.5. And this is without any fills since surgery (my surgeon puts in 3 cc at time of surgery though).
  3. SecretBander

    What Did I want from WLS?

    B-52, I appreciate your story and all the wisdom you pass onto us newbies. I forget how often you do just liquids , is it monthly for a few days ? I did all liquids yesterday and most of today and felt great. I actually even felt full after a thicker Protein shake. I thought this was a slider food ? But am happy my body gets full from it. I have been banded 4 months, 3cc put in at surgery and no fills since.
  4. SecretBander

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    Renee, are your pictures current and highlighting your new found confidence ? Try okcupid, it's free and not nearly as much of a hookup site like PoF.
  5. SecretBander

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    I am 3.5 months post op. I can't believe how much my confidence skyrocketed in the first month or so after surgery. I had been doing online dating for a while but had been single for 3 years. A month and a half after my surgery I met a wonderful guy who is now my boyfriend. I started a thread about my fears of eventually having to tell him about the surgery. A week after starting the thread he asked about my scars and I lied. The guilt was killing me and so I came clean and this amazing guy took it in stride. So I am on cloud nine now and want to play matchmaker for all my single friends so they can be happy too
  6. I had my surgery 2/4/14. I didn't tell anyone about the surgery and had it done in a other state. I have since told my parents but that's it. I'm 30 years old. I am so happy since having the surgery. I haven't had any fills save for the 3ccs put in at surgery and am losing slowly but well. I'm down 35 lbs and close to onederland! I can eat anything but the band controls the portions. Perhaps due to my new lease on life I met an amazing guy about two months ago. I think he may be a keeper and while I'm no where ready to tell him yet I think if this goes where I'm thinking it will I will have to eventually tell him. This makes me slightly nervous. Anyone else go through this ?
  7. SecretBander

    How to tell new boyfriend ?

    Update : I told him on Saturday night and I feel so much better to have that weight off my shoulders. He is a wonderful guy and didn't miss a beat. I am a lucky girl
  8. SecretBander

    How to tell new boyfriend ?

    I feel like I jinxed myself by starting this thread. He asked me last night about the scars . I made a joke about it but he asked again later in the night during some pillow talk. I was kind of in shock and told him it was from a surgery. He said he gathered that much and wanted to know what kind. I lied and told him appendicitis. I was then up all night regretting my answer and have had multiple crying episodes today thinking about it. I don't like the idea of this terrible deed staining my fresh new relationship that is so wonderful.
  9. SecretBander

    How to tell new boyfriend ?

    He has to have seen the scars but hasn't asked. I agree with you all and will keep mum for now. But yes it may come up sooner if he asks about the scars. Also my portions are small but not tiny. Nothing that raises too many eyebrows. And I do sip during meals
  10. SecretBander

    before and after pics

    Looking good! How much have you lost?
  11. I was banded feb 4th in Phoenix and had some difficulty finding a doctor for follow up visits here near Philly who would take me on as a patient. I had my first follow up visit a few days ago and it went very well. My surgeon is of the more aggressive fill school of thought and I got 3cc's the day of surgery. The guy who will be my doctor going forward is more conservative and was surprised how much I was filled at surgery. He said I was doing well and losing well (22 lbs since surgery) so didn't want to give me a fill which I was surprised about but eventually came around to his way of thinking. They invited me to go to a support group and had me do a full blood panel. All in all I'm happy and will go back in a month for another recheck. Just wanted to share my experience, I was very stressed for a few weeks when all the offices I was calling were not willing to take me on as a patient!
  12. From the other side of the coin, I had a hard time adjusting to the new/different dynamic between me and one of my college friends when she lost over 100lbs. I was chunky but she was always very very heavy and I was used to that. It's terrible to say but she was one of my only friends I could go out with and be the 'skinnier' one. Now I kept this internal struggle in and didn't let her become aware of it as I knew it was caused by my own insecurities. I continued to applaud her hard work and she recently had skin surgery and is a body pump instructor. I am very happy for her and we are good friends to this day but it did take some time for me to adjust to the new her.
  13. SecretBander

    Special NSV

    While I don't like real fur items, I have to admit it is a pretty special NSV!
  14. I don't have a nutritionist, it was not required or recommended to me. I'm one month 1 week post op. I see all these posts saying how much protein you are supposed to eat, I've seen mentions of 90 grams a day. Is this inflated or real? I don't track calories daily in myfitnesspal, I tried but always give it up and can't stick to it. I am happy with my progress (18 lbs down) so am not complaining about that. I just don't see how it's possible to get in that amt of protein. I eat 1 egg for breakfast and coffee. Even if I would eat 2 eggs that's only 12 grams of protein. If it's a day where I have Greek yogurt which is only some days out of the week, that's another 12-16. I have a few slices of cheese/lean deli turkey for lunch, maybe 6-10 more grams of protein? And then at dinner, I usually have salad with chicken (but not always) that 1 chicken breast is only 23 grams. So I'm barely at 60 on a day where protein is in every meal and there are plenty of days where I get sick of the same routine and have something different. So basically just wondering if people do actually meet those protein goals on a daily basis ?
  15. Thanks for the ideas. I thought that ideally in the long term we were supposed to not rely on shakes in our diets because it's a slider?
  16. SecretBander


    After the glue or whatever it is that's on your incision after surgery fell off (took like 2 weeks for me) I've started using mederma scar gel alternating with silicone scar strips. My scars always have something working on them. Not sure of how much it's helping because I'm only alittle over a month out from surgery. I'm very annoyed by the bikini comment too!!
  17. I'm curious, what food causes you guys to vomit?
  18. SecretBander

    PMS SOS!

    I gave into my cravings this past week during my time of the month and bought a package of devil dogs. I love those things. But now that I'm banded I am unable to binge like I was before so even though it's a 'bad' food i only have it in moderation and get back on track in a day or two.
  19. I can gulp no problem but haven't had any fills yet just the 3cc they put in at time of sx
  20. SecretBander

    Good Questions & Good Answers

    I only access this forum from the app on my iPhone. I have tried clicking on someone's user name but can't ever seem to find the 'ticker' that some refer to that tells me someone's surgery date, pre op weight, current weigh etc. is it not possible with an iPhone?
  21. Don't think this is possible but just wanted to confirm. I'm 8 days post op and still on a liquid diet. I have a few times (when I forget) gulped down many swallows of water or protein shake in a row with lout feeling any problems. I try to catch myself as I know this behavior isn't good in the long run but just was wondering if it was possible to stretch the pouch(?) with a large quantity of liquid?
  22. SecretBander

    Pre Op Hospital List

    If you like it dark and quiet for resting, consider ear plugs and/or an eye mask. As I was laying there in my (shared) room trying to take a nap the sun coming in the window was blinding. I had the nurses close the curtains but sun still seeped through. Was wishing for an eye ask at that moment so I could have darkness.
  23. SecretBander

    Are you comfortable talking about it?

    I am two weeks post and no one but me knows about the surgery. I had it done out if state while away for a work conference. I am not married but my parents and immediate family are very close (figuratively and literally - must live within 20 min from me and I have 6 siblings ). I wanted to do this for me. I didn't want to be judged. I know my family would be supportive but I didn't want everyone honing in on what I was eating or not eating.
  24. SecretBander

    Pre Op Hospital List

    Easy slip on shoes, even slippers to walk around the hospital hallways
  25. SecretBander

    Banded 2-13-14

    Give yourself a few days. I was hungry the day of and after sx but it went away.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
