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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Alfie

  1. Alfie

    Starting over

    Hey there, Yes!! You are starting with a clean band slate so look ahead and know that this was a learning experience for you. You learned from what happened to you so that if you see signs of this on your journey again, you will know better. Best of everything to you. Regards, Alfie
  2. I agree with your frustrations. The whole point of the band fills is to slowly get you up to a restriction that is comfortable to you. While it is not a magic bullet the whole point of it seems to be being overlooked by the doctor.
  3. Ok, I don't know why but I have been excessively belching for the last 2 days. :confused:I have no pain but if I stifle the belching, I get nauseous. These last two nights I must've belched at least 100 times and they are long and loud. It's not that it hurts or anything but it is uncomforable to have to keep burping. I did not eat late tonight although last night I did. It gets worse when I lay down...which is not conducive to sleeping! :blink:I had a fill 1 week ago bringing me to 6.5 in a 10 cc band. My restriction seems like it is good and the way it is supposed to be. I am not eating anything that is overly gassy. Anyone else having this problem and any solutions..I tried Gas X but it did not help.
  4. Thank you all for the responses. Mary, that happens to me also with the little burps. They don't bother me though, just the constant long loud ones. Finally, I have gotten some relief. I wound up taking the maximum of Gas X which is 8 strips in a 24 hr period. Now today the awful burping has subsided. I think my husband was about to scream. I know it was getting annoying to him because it was annoying me plus it kept waking him up P.s. I was also using a straw for the first time and for the last 2 days and my band friend told me that could cause extra gas... who'd a thunk it? Thanks, Alfie
  5. Today: 2 scrambled eggs w/approx 1/2 Tb. grated cheese 1/4 turkey burger (no bun) 1 slice of red beet :tongue2: oh and a few string beans. I know this is not enough for the day but I just got a fill 1 week ago and am not able to eat too much
  6. Alfie

    life of lapband?

    Hi Guys I found this site and think it will answer your question plus other information. The second point answers the life of the band question. LAP-BAND® System Surgery Frequently Asked Questions </SPAN> LAP-BAND® System FAQs | Gastric Bypass Surgery FAQs | Bariatric Surgery FAQs 1. What are the advantages of having LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery instead of gastric bypass surgery? See the LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery Information page 2. Should I have the LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band taken out once I lose the weight? No, the band is designed to stay in for a lifetime. Studies show that most patients will regain their weight if they have the band taken out. 3. Do I have to have adjustments for the rest of my life? How many adjustments will I need? Patients may need a little adjustment to the band volume every couple of years after the incremental adjustments required at the beginning. The average patient will come in for adjustments 6 to 8 times in the first year after surgery and may come in for an adjustment once or twice the second year. Patients may not need an adjustment at all in the third year. 4. Why don't you just "crank it up" and make the band tight all at once during surgery? The body needs to adjust to the new band. There is a little bit of swelling immediately after surgery and tightening the band too early or too fast has been shown in the research to result in more complications (including having to have the band taken out). 5. Is there such a thing as having the band tightened too much? Yes, the band can be over-adjusted. When the band is too tight, patients cannot eat solid foods without regurgitating the food or feeling very uncomfortable for many hours. When the band is too tight, patients tend to gain weight because they are resorting to the liquid and/or softer foods that travel through the band easily. These foods tend to be higher in fat and higher in sugar. When patients start this dysfunctional eating pattern, they are taking in more calories than if the band was looser. A band that is too tight will also cause heartburn and coughing in some patients. 6. What happens if 10 years from now I start to gain weight? What do I do? We see you annually in the office for a check-up, however if you are gaining weight, it is time to come in so that we can assess the problem. It could mean that you need a little adjustment in your band volume to provide a little more restriction. There may be a problem related to the types of food you are eating or there may have been a life crisis and emotional eating or depression may be taking hold. 7. What is the LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band made out of? The LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band is made out of silicone and titanium. 8. Is it possible for a person to reject the band? Yes, it is possible to have a reaction to any foreign body. Studies on the LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band have shown that it is extremely rare. 9. Do adjustments hurt? There are fewer nerve endings in the skin of the abdomen and patients say that the adjustments are nearly painless. Patients have said that the needle stick hurts less than a shot and less than the needle stick for blood studies. 10. Are adjustments made in the surgeon's office? Yes, adjustments are made in the surgeon's office. On a rare occasion, the port is difficult to feel and a patient may have to go to the radiology department to have the port accessed under fluoroscopy. 10. How long has the LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band been in existence? LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band was first placed in a patient in Belgium in 1994. The FDA approved the LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Band for use in the U. S. in June of 2001. 12. How much weight loss can I expect with LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery? For the first 1-2 years you should expect 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week. In the long term, you can expect to have 50-70% of your excess weight stay off. 13. If after surgery, and despite following all the rules, I am at a plateau of weight loss, what should I do? Plateaus are a normal part of the weight loss process. In the first year or two after surgery, weight loss plateau usually means that you need to come in and have a little bit of Fluid put in the band to increase restriction. Occasionally, plateaus are caused by the Band being too tight. If the Band is too tight, weight loss will resume after a little fluid is taken out of the Band. If the above causes are ruled out, we will have you keep a food and exercise diary. The diary will include the times and quantities of foods eaten, drinks taken, Protein grams consumed, and an exercise log. We may have you consult with the dietician as well. 14. What should I do if I "can't cope" after surgery? Weight loss surgery causes a lot of changes in a patient's life including dietary changes and development of a new lifestyle. With any change in our lives, there is a feeling of loss of previous life patterns. Patients may have feelings of sadness, anger and frustration when going through so many changes at once. We remind patients to be patient with themselves! We advise patients that if they experience persistent sadness for more than 14 consecutive days, along with loss of interest in things they were previously interested in, they should contact the Bariatric Center or their primary care physician. These are signs of depression. 15. What should I do if I cannot exercise very much due to back pain? We know from experience and scientific research that you will decrease post-op complications and increase your chances of weight loss through following the pouch rules and nutrition handbook AND being more active. We encourage you to find resources in your community to help you develop a program of movement and activity. For example, many of our patients with joint problems enroll in Water exercise programs at a therapy pool. Others find that recreation programs have recumbent exercise bicycles that allow you to sit while pedaling a bicycle. 16. I'm worried that after surgery, my emotional eating will return. Want can I do? Here are several suggestions we give our patients: Talk about your feelings with your support persons. Perhaps the stress in your life is high and you are returning to old habits of coping. Schedule an appointment with the behavioral nurse or other specialists to explore alternatives to dealing with emotions in ways other than eating. Call the bariatric center and ask for assistance. Attend support group meetings to hear how other patients are solving that problem. 17. What is the purpose of support groups? There are many benefits to attending support groups; here a just a few of them: To hear from others who have similar problems to your own To Celebrate positive changes in each patient's life since the surgery To learn new information about bariatric lifestyles To brainstorm solutions to problems To provide motivation to follow the rules that will work for individuals for a lifetime To meet people who have had successful results of the surgery and are willing to help others To talk with a group of people who understand your journey like no one else does! 18. How much pain will I be in after LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery? Most patients experience mild to moderate pain. A common analogy used by patients post-op is that it "feels as if they did 200 hundred sit-ups in a row and their abdominal muscles are sore". More pain is commonly felt over the port site incision. Your pain will be well controlled so you will be able get up out of bed to walk and move around after surgery. 19. When will I be allowed to drink after surgery? You will most likely be able to drink Clear liquids on the day of surgery or the day after your surgery. 20. If I qualify for same day discharge, how long will I be in the hospital? Starting from the time you reach the surgical floor to recovery, it has been on average 6-8 hours. Times differ from patient to patient. 21. What are the expectations of patients in the hospital after surgery? Get up out of bed Walk in hallways as much as tolerated Sit in chair as much as tolerated Use your incentive spirometer (plastic breathing device) 10 times per hour while you are awake Concentrate on fluid intake Work on achieving good pain control with your nurse prior to discharge 22. What is the age range for being eligible for LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery? Age range is 18 to 75 years of age but depends on the individual surgeon’s preference. 23. How many days off work will I need to take for the surgery? Depending on the type of surgery and the surgeon’s preferences, most patients take 3-5 days off from work for LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding surgery. It varies from patient to patient.
  7. Alfie

    Banded last week

    Hello, I hope you are feeling better very soon. Yes, I would say that as time goes on, you will get to know your band better. Right now, since you are just starting out, you really don't know what to expect, but as time goes on things will get more predicable. At least that's what happened to me. I was also starving soon after my band. Some people seem breeze through this period as far as hunger is concerned but in my case, I was "starving" 4 days post op. Give yourself a chance; you're just starting out and all the best to you. Regards, Alfie
  8. Alfie

    I hate myself!

    Hi Jennifer, Don't go beating yourself up. Hey, you were only just banded. Sometimes things can get rough but you have the band which will help you keep in check in the long run, especially after you get some fills. I don't know about anyone else's journey but since I've had enough fills to give me some restriction, my cravings have gone so far down. I've had my band in since January and I've done wrong things like eating too much or the wrong stuff but this is different than before the band because I have that tool. You are not a failure!! Regards, Alfie
  9. I am at 6.5 cc's in a 10 cc band and I have good restriction and it feels so good not to be thinking of what to eat next all the time.
  10. Hi there, I also have a 10cc band and have 6.5cc's in it. I just got the last cc on Friday past. I also am feeling good restriction. I too feel liquids in my throat, but I can eat a small amount of solids and can manage to get in the recommended amount of fluid. By what you posted, I feel like you are right on with your fill. (Just because you are feeling the liquid in your throat before it goes down doesn't "necessarily" mean you need an unfill.) Also, I would try the chew chew chew thing and slowly and see if you still have pain. I know sometimes if I am very hungry I tend to eat faster and thats when I usually have the problem. Regards, Alfie
  11. Alfie

    Can't stop eating!

    Hiya, Congratulations on taking control of your health. As for the "binging", I think that is what happens to a lot of us. I mean, after all, this is a big decision and don't many of us use food for so many things like when we are nervous, happy, sad , frustrated, angry and the list goes on. From what I've read and also from personal experience, this is what many of us have gone through. Also, we may think we have to give up so many of the foods we love so we therefore want to say goodbye to the food. I know many people have had to give up certain foods that they can not tolerate. This is not so for all people as I am one that can eat the same things I used to except less of it. And even if I can't eventually tolerate some foods, it is so worth it!!
  12. Alfie

    Whats your sweet spot?????

    Hi there, I wish you all the best with your new band. I am also at 5.5 cc's in a 10 cc band and I have some restriction but not all the time. For example, in the mornings I can eat usually which is weird cause most people are tight in the morning then after that I can hardly eat. But today, it was the opposte. The band is tempermental. Anyway, I feel like if I just had maybe another cc it would do me good. Unfortunately, my doctor only gives fills every 8 weeks. I've had 3 fills to get me to 5.5 and my second one was given early because I called and asked to come in early. I was also gaining weight in the beginning and it was getting very frustrating. Hopefully, you will reach your "sweet spot" after your next fill. Regards, Alfie
  13. Hiya, Yes I had the same thing. It actually started the very next morning after my surgery. I can't remember how long it lasted but it was a least a week if not two.
  14. I had 3 cc's put in at my first fill (7 weeks after surgery) but he decided to take .5 out because the water stayed in my throat for a few seconds. Later that day, I wished he wouldn't have taken it out because I had no restriction to speak of. He gave me another appointment 8 weeks later, which I think it way too long from what I see here and hear in the chat room. I called him last week and asked if he could see me early so after 4 weeks he gave me another fill of 2cc's and for now my restriction is very nice.
  15. Alfie


    I was told no soda but I know someone that is banded that drinks beer and soda all the time.
  16. Alfie

    Helpp!!! Pleeaassee!!

    Hi, I think it depends on the size of your band. Like if you have a 4cc then .5 cc may seem okay. If you have the new larger band which is a 10cc or 14 cc band then .5 is very very small. I would call your regular doctor tomorrow if you can.
  17. Hi Chillie, I hope your restriction lasts but usually with that little of a fill it may only last for a week or two before you'll be ready for another. Best of everything,
  18. My doctor "required" that I lose 10% of my total body weight. That was also 29lbs for me. I actually wound up losing exactly 20 at that time and he was thrilled with that and surgery went as planned. My friend's son in law had surgery with the same place and he was also required to lose 10% of his weight so I suppose that's standard with this office. Regards, Alfie
  19. oh wow fur, when where you banded? Could it still be swelling from surgery? I've heard of doctors putting in a fill at the time of surgery, but I didn't know they put in 6 (I'm not sure if my doc filled me during surgery, or if my band was that new prefilled 3cc band). I guess I'll find out on 3/7. Hope it gets better! Regards, Alfie
  20. Congratulations Para, thats encouraging. Keep up the good work and enjoy your cruise.
  21. Hi DLew, Thanks for replying. Well, I haven't yet had my first fill (due 3/7). Wow, so how long did the doc take to give you the 2 after the frst one? I am right now "trying" to muster up some willpower because I have no restriction (hardly). I guess I'll have to be whiteknuckling it for a long time.:thumbup: p.s. don't let the tracker fool you; most of that happened for 8 months before I got banded!
  22. Alfie

    Excellus BCBS of NY

    Hey Live, thats great, I wound up paying 150 for the co pay for my hospital stay..that was it. I believe my fills are covered as well! I hope!!:thumbup:
  23. Alfie

    Excellus BCBS of NY

    hey LiveLoveLaugh, good thinking...sneaky but good LOL.
  24. Alfie

    Excellus BCBS of NY

    Hey Luu, Actually I have Aetna not BCBS. I lost the weight; 15 lbs in April, May 07, then 20 required by the surgeon (well he wanted 30 but got 20 :thumbup: ) Then the rest post op. I am struggling right now, as all swelling is down and I have no restriction. Due for a fill on March 7. Regards, Alfie
  25. Alfie

    Excellus BCBS of NY

    I know this is trite but I think it would be loads of fun to be able to try to gain weight for once!! :thumbup: My insurance experience went pretty smoothly; I did get denied one time but it was because there was a small detail in my paperwork missing. We got that cleared up and I was approved the next day. The surgeons office actually put through the paperwork and within just a couple of days, I got denied and then like I said was approved right after we sent in the revision. So altogether it was about a week. I have Aetna HMO and I live in New York. Regards, Alfie

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