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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by BrantS1976

  1. I gave up the soda a month prior to surgery. I used to drink it all the time, but have to say I felt better after a couple weeks of not drinking it. After hearing all the warnings about carbonation and any kind of WLS, I just avoid it all together. I decided my health was more important to me than some of the foods and drinks I previously enjoyed. On a similar note, I haven't had a philly cheesesteak since surgery either. Definitely miss those more than the soda LOL.
  2. BrantS1976


    Congrats on your approval. Always happy to hear when insurance works out for someone. Being self pay kinda sucked.
  3. While the complication stories are scary, they are rare and the risks of not confronting the obesity problem are just as real and far more likely to occur. I can be hard to tell people what you are doing, but remember that you are doing this for your own health and are making a great decision for yourself. At your weight, if you don't want to tell people you had WLS, you can probably just tell people you are dieting and exercising and it won't seem odd. I started off at 383 pounds and four months in have lost 80 pounds, so it's pretty apparent to everyone and not easily brushed under the rug. The surprise for me has been that people have been really supportive and I was surprised how many friends and colleagues I have who have had a friend or family member who has had WLS.
  4. BrantS1976

    Dont laugh.... Ok maybe

    Did she happen to explain how one moves ones hips like yeah? (reference to lyric from Party in the USA) Yes, I admit, I know a few lyrics from one of her songs. Shoot me now please. LOL
  5. They sound awesome. Looked up their website and will have to get some for when I am craving something sweet by guilt won't let me reach for the ice cream.
  6. BrantS1976

    I love my coffee

    I love coffee as well, but have done my best to limit it to one cup a day now... sometimes two if it is a really hard day.
  7. BrantS1976

    Dilly's belly

    Sounds like you are taking the right steps to get in the right place mentally as well as physically. If your mind is strong and focused on the goal, the WLS will be just the tool you need to succeed long term. Thinking positive thoughts for you to get approved and continue your journey.
  8. BrantS1976

    having surgery tomorrow!

    Advice... take the time you need to recover. Get up and moving like the doctors will tell you. It feels like the last thing you want to do, but it does help. Don't be a hero, no shame in taking the pain or anti-nausea meds if you need them. The need for them will pass in a day or two anyhow. Most of all, just stay positive and remember why you decided to do this. After a couple days you will be feeling good, and a couple months in you'll feel great and wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
  9. BrantS1976

    i am so happy!

    Congrats on the milestone! Those feel great. Keep up the good work and keep your head up. Good things are coming your way and I am sure you will find someone who will love, appreciate and treat you with the respect you deserve.
  10. BrantS1976

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Count me in! Starting weight 305 lbs Goal for St. Patty's Day 293 lbs Going to make the trip from the third dimension back to the second on this one. Haven't been there in about 12 years. Should be fun!
  11. BrantS1976

    How does it feel?

    I'm down 78 pounds, and it feels amazing. Way more energy, move better, feel better, no longer worried about where they seat me in a restaurant (booth vs. table) or any airplane flights I have to take. Physical stamina is 3-4 times what it was before surgery.
  12. BrantS1976

    Hair loss

    Supposedly it happens between 4-8 months after surgery if it will. I am about four months out and just noticed last night that I was suddenly shedding way more hair than usual. Not to worry, I've heard it does grow back. My hair is pretty thick anyhow, so maybe in the meantime I can go a few extra weeks without a haircut.
  13. BrantS1976

    Hello From Peninsula

    Congrats, that's awesome. Do you ever go to any of the support group meetings there at NWWLS?
  14. BrantS1976

    Surgery today!

    Good luck, although I am sure you are in great hands and don't need it. Congrats on the big first step to a new you. Just follow the recovery instructions they give you and don't feel like you have to be tough and pass up the pain or anti-nausea meds.
  15. BrantS1976

    Dont laugh.... Ok maybe

    Was there any twerking?
  16. BrantS1976

    Tomorrow, tomorrow....

    Good luck and congrats on tomorrow, the first day of your new life. Follow the recovery instructions, and don't push it. If they tell you to get out and walk after surgery, do it. It really does help cut down on the pain. Also, don't be brave. Ask for pain and anti-nausea meds if you need them.
  17. I have to agree with Belladonna723. You are the **** and he is acting like a douche. I can understand how someone going through the changes we all go through could bring up some odd feelings in one's significant other, but as a man his comments to you offend me. They show a complete lack of respect for you and a desire to just keep you down. I'm not one to tell people how to live their life, but you deserve better! Hopefully he can come around and treat you better. If not, then do whatever is best for you as you deserve so much more than that kind of treatment.
  18. BrantS1976

    Hello From Peninsula

    I have to agree Dr. Chock has changed my life. I was so impressed with her during my consult as she took a lot of time, answered all my questions, etc. On a side note, I hope no one minds me joining this group. I actually had plication surgery and Northwest Weight Loss in Everett. There are barely any people on the plication section of the board, much less from Washington. In terms of the surgery I have more in common with you sleevers than the band folks.
  19. Coming up on 4 months next week (Oct 24th) and 78 pounds.
  20. BrantS1976

    Dont laugh.... Ok maybe

    The only question I have is had Miley's career crashed far enough that she's appearing at the Emerald Queen Casino, or is she still playing the Tacoma Dome?
  21. It is really fun the unexpected places you find support. The President of the division of the company I work for was at our office visiting on Wednesday and noticed I had lost a lot of weight. Somehow I felt comfortable enough to tell him how I had done it and he proceeded to commend me for making the life improving decision and we proceeded to have a 10 minute conversation about it. There really are a lot of people out there who get it, and don't see us as weak or taking the easy way out for having WLS.
  22. BrantS1976

    My rant update (dh)

    So you were born in 76 as well. The nice thing about this site is talking to people in the same age range. Most of the people at my surgeons support groups are quite a bit older. Sorry I've been offline for a bit. Work has been crazy (three people left) and my son had to have minor surgery (ear tubes). How are you doing? I hope you're doing well and moving along the path. Let me know how you're doing.
  23. You could make a similar (and equally unfounded) argument about the sleeve and how are some staples going to keep the contents of your stomach from falling out into your body cavity. Simple with the sleeve it's not like they're in there with a red swingline stapler, and when the suture the stomach they use permanent sutures and a stitching technique where if one suture fails it doesn't affect the others. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it would be nice if they could be informed a bit before rendering one.
  24. Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Brant and I had the plication surgery on October 24th and have lost 69 pounds. I had the surgery here in Washington as part of a clinical trial. Upon doing my research on the different procedures it interested me as you do not have the potential for a leaking staple line like the VSG. I know that complication is highly uncommon, but the idea of having my stomach held closed with staples was a bit disconcerting. The clincher was that my insurance would not cover any procedure, so I was going to be private pay, and plication was almost $6k less as the after care was included for participating in the study. I look forward to seeing what everyone else has to share as we all go through this journey together. In just under four months this process has already significantly changed my life and my only regret is that I did not do it sooner.

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