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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by BrantS1976

  1. BrantS1976

    Easter Challenge

    Didn't have a chance to post yesterday Goal weight: 283 pounds (would put me at an even 100 lost) Starting weight 292 pounds Current weight 291 pounds... ugh just one measly pound
  2. BrantS1976

    Easter Challenge

    Finally got a chance to log in. Nothing exciting to report. Hit a plateau this week. Goal weight: 283 pounds (would put me at an even 100 lost) Starting weight 292 pounds Current weight 292 pounds
  3. So my doctor and everyone else who knows is telling me how great I am doing. I have lost 88 lbs in five months, and I feel great. However... I would be lying if I didn't say that I am scared to death right now. I have lost over 80 pounds twice in my life and it didn't stick. Logically, I know that in those cases, I didn't have to tool of WLS on my side and it never came off this fast. I also know that in the past I was nowhere near as good about what I was putting in my body as I am now. Despite the best efforts of my rational mind, I am scared of screwing this up. Like anyone else I make little mistakes here in there, occasionally allowing myself a very small treat that is not on my ideal food list. The fear also sets in everytime I have a long day at work and I don't make it to the gym because I am exhausted. This time around success means more to me as I want to make sure I am around to watch my 15 month old son grow up. Leaving this life early is no longer an option I am willing to accept or talk myself into. Not sure what it says about me that I am fighting this hard for this, but am still scared to death I might screw it all up. I appreciate any thoughts or insights you guys may have,
  4. BrantS1976

    Easter Challenge

    Goal weight: 283 pounds (would put me at an even 100 lost) Starting weigh 292 pounds This should be fun!
  5. BrantS1976

    Easter Challenge

    First one was fun, so count me in for this one. My goal is 283 (12 pounds) which would put me at 100 pounds lost six months after surgery. Missed my goal by about two pounds on the last challenge, so I'm ready to go get this one!
  6. Looking great and excellent weight loss for your first six months. Congrats, all your hard work is paying off!
  7. BrantS1976

    Passed my 1 yr anniversary

    Congrats on your anniversary and your success. You look incredible.
  8. BrantS1976

    Any REGRETS out there?

    Like others have said, my only regret is not having WLS sooner. Also as others have said, it is a lifestyle change. Be ready to commit fully an you will see results. Once you see the results any thought of regret goes away. You will need support, and it will be available to you (online here and through in person support groups - most surgeons put one on). Take part on them. Even if you think you don't need them, you will find you get something out of it.
  9. BrantS1976

    Panniculectomy in 2 weeks.

    Looking good even just a few days after. You must be so excited about reaching your goal and getting rid if the loose skin.
  10. I think I need to embrace that way of life. My 99.99/0.01 way of viewing things is probably not particularly healthy for me. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts and support. A lot of good ideas in here. I appreciate it greatly.
  11. BrantS1976

    Newbie needs help!

    I was actually six pounds heavier the day after surgery due to all the fluids and swelling despite the fact I did not eat a thing in the first 24 hours.
  12. BrantS1976

    What do I do?

    I think most of us who are on here have been (and in some ways still are) right where you are. I found by facing it, it no longer became something I was afraid of, and instead I gained the confidence that I could take it on. I say this, but I am still working on my own internal self talk in my head. Despite having lost 88 pounds in 5 months, I still get down on myself. I think that is probably going to be the toughest thing for me to fix on this journey. I think the key thing is to work on figuring out how you got to where you are and what some of the causes are. No sense in bringing all that extra baggage along even after you've lost the weight right?
  13. BrantS1976


    I am in Washington and had the plication surgery (without band) as part of a study in October 2013 and have lost 88 pounds so far. My only regret is that I didn't have it sooner. This surgery was great for me, but as it is still considered investigational and generally done as part of a study, insurance will not cover this type of WLS. Since I was self pay I chose this because the method of surgery sounded safe to me and it was least expensive as my doctor was providing the aftercare for free if you were willing to participate in the study. That saved me about $5 or $6k off the cost of what a sleeve would have been.
  14. BrantS1976

    What do I do?

    I have to disagree. I think it is time to step on that scale and face your fears head on. I chose to make a lot of changes prior to surgery, including giving up soda and other foods that did me no good, and it made the transition much easier. For me facing my weigh problem head on and tackling some of my problem foods before surgery helped show me I had the power to change. While WLS is an amazing tool, that is all it is. It is not a magic pill, and to lose weight still requires hard work and diligence, even after surgery.
  15. BrantS1976

    Would appreciate a "buddy" or mentor

    Chris, If you don't mind, i would love to pick your brain as well. Looking at your starting weight, you were in the same boat I was. At my heaviest was 423 lbs, and was 383 lbs when I started my two week, pre-surgery diet.
  16. BrantS1976

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Current weight 295.8 lbs. Starting weight 305 lbs Goal for St. Patty's Day 293 lbs. Missed my goal by 2.8 lbs. Not bad considering I hit a stall for most of this last week. Not what I hoped for, but I'll take it.
  17. BrantS1976

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Current weight 297 lbs. Starting weight 305 lbs Goal for St. Patty's Day 293 lbs. Down 1.9 from last week.
  18. BrantS1976

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Current weight 297 lbs. Starting weight 305 lbs Goal for St. Patty's Day 293 lbs. Down 1.9 from last week.
  19. So to give some background, at my heaviest in 2007 I was at 423 pounds. When I started by WLS journey I was at 383. I had my three month post op appointment on Tuesday and weighed in at 312 pounds. My surgeon said I did great considering I survived the holidays and lost 16 pounds. Now I have a milestone in my sights, leaving the 300s and breaking into the 200s. I think the last time I was under 300 pounds was probably in my mid-20's when I spent a small fortune on a personal trainer and went from 330 to 245. I appreciate any words of wisdom, advice or encouragement in taking down this first big milestone.
  20. BrantS1976

    The 200s are in my sights!

    Well, wanted to update and let you guys know that I finally hit the milestone. Weighed in at 298.9 lbs this morning. Considering that at my heaviest I was over 400, being able to say I am under 300 feels great! Thanks for all the support.
  21. BrantS1976

    Under 300!

    From the album: 300 No More!

  22. BrantS1976

    300 No More!

  23. BrantS1976

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Couldn't check in yesterday, but doing so today, and I've hit a milestone. Current weight 298.9 lbs Starting weight 305 lbs Goal for St. Patty's Day 293 lbs. Finally broke into the 200's!
  24. BrantS1976

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Current weight 301.2 lbs Starting weight 305 lbs Goal for St. Patty's Day 293 lbs Going to break into the 200's any day now!
  25. Glad to hear you got your apology and he tried to explain himself. I hope he comes around and is more supportive, but am glad you are prepared in case he doesn't. Take care, and keep us posted.

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