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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by luvelyn2hot

  1. I am 12 days post op (sleeved Jan31st) and lost 8 pounds during the first week (last Friday). I am now on puree foods but still unable to eat much everyday but the scale has gone up almost a pound. I am a little discouraged because it's kind of soon for me to hit a stall. Can someone provide some insight please?
  2. luvelyn2hot

    Can this be happening?!

    Thanks everyone! I will leave the scale alone for a few. I appreciate everyone for responding.
  3. I was sleeved on last Friday 1/31st and I was wondering when should I expect to see the scale move post surgery. I have not weighed myself because I am only 4 days out and still feel a little bloated. However, do you think the scale will show some progress when I go to the doctor on Friday? I was a lap-band patient years ago but I don't recall much in the beginning. Your advice is greatly appreciated!
  4. Thanks everyone for your feedback! I'm excited about my new journey and vow to take the good with the bad.

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