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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jencovi

  1. Jencovi

    Surgery Jan 13 2014

    How long post op were you when you got pregnant?
  2. Nothing to feel guilty about. You know what you are doing wrong (also what you're doing right). As long as you make the changes you feel you need to thats good! At least Penny's story is making some people take a look at themselves. Thank you sharing your story and being real with us. Good luck on your journey!
  3. Yay! How exciting to be satisfied by 90 calories and be moving on to phase 4! Congrats!
  4. I am having this conversation with my best friend tomorrow. At lunch. At our fave restaurant. Ha! Back when I was banded she did okay. There were times she would make a snide comment here or there. But we are still besties. And I have a feeling I will get a similar response!
  5. Wish I was closer. I'm here in OC. How's the recovery going?
  6. I agree. She needs MAJOR help and hearing it from someone who has had surgery is very different. A lot of people who haven't struggled with obesity and food addiction just assume she's lazy. While that may be partially true, as a fellow sufferer we understand she needs some intense therapy. I saw some comments saying she's a waste of a person. That's terrible because she is dealing with true addiction. If she reaches out for the help she needs she could turn it all around. But having people call her names and harass her isn't going to help much. Especially if she's unwilling to face her demons.
  7. Jencovi

    Post-op type 1s?

    Thank you do replying! Congrats on reducing your insulin. Keep me updated on your progress! I am 3 weeks away from surgery so I will know soon how I do!
  8. Jencovi

    Post-op type 1s?

    What a great site. Thanks!
  9. Jencovi

    Post-op type 1s?

    Thanks. Unfortunately type 1 never goes away.
  10. Jencovi

    band to sleeve

    I am having the sleeve on 2/13. I was banded in 2009 and had it removed in 2013. My surgeon recommended the sleeve back when he removed my band but I just wasn't ready. I am glad he didn't push me and let me come to the decision on my own. Good luck on Friday! Please let us know how you do.
  11. What did you say? I went to the page but there are so many comments and topics!
  12. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I'm being sleeved on Feb 13th! Those feelings are so normal! I come from a failed band and just got my sleeve date. I have some serious bouts of anxiety from time to time but I know that this will be the best thing for me and my future. I'm 5'5" and 222. I am smaller than some, but feel terrible. It's not just my self-esteem. I feel sick and tired everyday. I refuse to let fear hold me back. Keep us updated on your journey! Jen
  13. So glad you are back home and on the road to recovery. And thank you for the reminder that I need to stay active. Just over 3 weeks til my sleeve.
  14. Jencovi

    Help Please anyone

    Zicam is also a good one if you can get it. Similar to emergen-c but is available in a spray. Me and my family find we respond to it well. Good luck Hun!
  15. Thank you for sharing this. Such valuable info!
  16. Ok. My story is kind of long. To make it short...I had lapband surgery in 2009. I had a bad experience and ended up with atelectasis and was in the hospital for four days. Also, I wasn't given a lot of education about the band before hand. I now refer to my previous surgeon as "the chop shop." I had my band removed after having far too many complications from it. It was removed by my current surgeon in March 2013. He tried to convince me to revise to a sleeve during the band removal but I didn't feel like I knew enough about it to have it done. I didn't want to make that mistake twice! He was super understanding and said we should take the band out and if I wanted a sleeve or bypass I could come back anytime. Nine months later I went back after doing a lot of my own research and consulting with my GP, OB (had a baby five months before my band was removed), and my endo (type 1 diabetes for 23 years). They all supported or suggested the gastric sleeve. I have been approved and done all the necessary steps to have surgery. I am scheduled for Feb. 13th. My question to everyone is how anxious/nervous are you/were you before surgery? I can't tell if my anxiety stems from the awful experience I had the first time around or if its normal. Last night I had a full panic attack and told my family I couldn't go through with it. Of course as soon as the attack ended I felt like a fool and today have felt completely at peace with the idea of surgery. I have had WLS before. I know how eating will be different and how it may effect my relationships. I just can't figure out if the anxiety is typical pre-op jitters or the fear of failing again? Possibly a mix of both? Anyway, enough of my story. I would love to hear how you might be feeling or did feel pre-op and maybe your (healthy) coping mechanisms. Thanks for taking time to read this!
  17. Jencovi


    Hey Ashley! Thanks for your story. You never have to apologize to me for typing too much. I'm a wordy woman myself. Lol. Glad to hear your recovery is going so well. I am 29 (not quite as young as you) and have had many surgeries in my life. I have a feeling my pain may be greater this go around because I have scar tissue from the band placement and removal. But I can handle it. Going home is definitely the hard part. I think the best part of the crappy experience I had is feeling more prepared for the lifestyles changes and recovery period. Please keep me update on your progress! I'm still a month away and would love to get any info I can!
  18. This is something you should be on alert for. I had lapband in 2009 (getting sleeved on 2/13) and my crutch switched to shopping! My husband and I were engaged at the time and he got deployed before my surgery. Then deployment was extended and we had to change our wedding date which had been pretty set in stone (had already sent out save the dates, lol). My stress activity became shopping. I spent...ready for it?...Ten thousand dollars in the nine months he was deployed on things I didn't need. Shoes, purses...whatever I saw in that stressful moment. So the crutch won't necessarily be booze. It can be anything. I did end up in counseling and then began turning to exercise when stressed. My next stress-related purchase was an elliptical. It changed my spending habits and I really did use it. (It's in storage for now as my husband is now out of the military and we had to move in with my parents for a few months) but it will be back in my life as soon as we find a new place. As for socializing, coming from a band background, I just ate smaller portions when out with friends and had leftovers to feed me a few more meals. So order something you REALLY like. Lol. I wish you the best of luck!
  19. Jencovi


    Hi Kathleen, Yes. My first surgeon was only in it for money. The surgeon I have now (who also removed my band last year) is wonderful. I can tell he genuinely cares for his patients. He didn't try to push me in to anything and let me take my time to research what I wanted (if I wanted it at all). I love to pray. Yes, some may roll their eyes at that. But I do find faith is the greatest comfort. I appreciate that reminder. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I'm glad to hear how much better you feel. I feel sick and miserable almost every day. I have a one year old daughter and I put on a happy face for her and we are very active but I never feel well while playing with her. And I know one day she will catch on. I was recently told by all of my doctors that I should not get pregnant again until my blood sugars are under control. My husband and I weren't expecting to have our first baby when we did, but are extremely happy and ready for another. It was a huge shock when every one of my doctors said I could get sick and suffer major complications if I got pregnant again. The combination of always feeling tired and sick with being told no more kids for now was my light bulb moment. Again, thank you for the reminder and sharing with me.
  20. Jencovi


    Thank you Linda. I am so happy to hear you and your husband have both had the surgery and both feel great! That's so encouraging. Thanks for responding.
  21. Jencovi

    Date set

    Call the surgeon and see if they can answer your question or see if they can get you in touch with the anesthesiologist. I suffered a partially collapsed lung in surgery once and told my surgeon that when he removed my band. The anesthesiologist and I talked before my procedure and he was able to make adjustments to my treatment plan. I had no issue with the band removal. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  22. Jencovi

    6 month anniversary!

    Congrats, girl! You look great.
  23. Jencovi

    My sleeve Day 1

    What a great thread. I am getting the sleeve on 2/13 and am very anxious. Reading stories like yours help me feel less anxious and more excited!
  24. Jencovi

    My sleeve Day 1

    Thank you for this info! Getting sleeved in four weeks and anxious to be done with it. But I am not a fan of protein shakes. This will be so helpful!
  25. Jencovi

    Any Type 1 diabetics here?

    Please keep us updated! have you had any improvement in your blood sugars? I was given a surgery date of February 13th and am super anxious. I am hoping this improves my diabetes. Other than my type 1 diabetes I have no other major health concerns but my sugars are out of control and I feel sick daily. I had the lap band in 2009 then had to have it removed in 2012. I am desperate to be feeling better! Good luck in your recovery and thanks for responding.

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