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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jencovi

  1. I started liquids today and will start my period any minute now. I'm glad to see I am not alone. You're almost there Hun!
  2. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Will do. I had diarrhea this AM but am also on antibiotics. Emailed my surgeon and he said take my next pill with a small greek yogurt. I did that and had my vanilla shake at dinner and am fine. Thank God! Because this morning wasn't fun. Lol.
  3. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    On Amazon the Bariatric Advantage unflavored has good reviews. I use their vanilla and just ordered chocolate and unflavored today.
  4. Jencovi

    chat room... ?

    Lol. I'm usually on my ipad and never realized there was a chat room. Good to know!
  5. Interesting. Did she give a possible reason for having low copper? Is the BA multi not enough? That's what I have. I'm getting sleeved on 2/13.
  6. Any advice? Also has anyone ever had to be on antibiotics while on liquids? I have three days left and am almost rid of this awful sinus infection but the antibiotic tears my tummy up if not taken with food. Will the shake be enough the help with that? I will suffer through it if not but I'm just curious.
  7. Wahoo! Surgeon said I can eat greek yogurt when I take my antibiotics. I've never been so happy to be told to eat yogurt. He also said tofu. That's not happening. Haha!
  8. Let me tell you what a cheerful happy person my family thinks I am! Haha. I am trying my best to not be cranky and they are definitely being patient with me. Today is my surgeons surgery day so I doubt I hear from him before tonight. Day one is almost over! Lol.
  9. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I'm having the opposite issue since I'm on antibiotics. I just emailed my surgeon to see what he recommends. As for constipation I was told juice plus is helpful. You can also go to your pharmacy and pick up some colace. It takes 24 hours to really work but taking that and drinking a ton of water helps me.
  10. Yeah. I finally emailed my surgeon. I have only had one shake so far today but my stomach is torn up! We will see what he says. After today I have three days left on the meds.
  11. Jencovi

    Urgent help needed!

    Do you ever sleep woman? Lol.
  12. Jencovi

    Urgent help needed!

    I was at first. Then I realized its a post I saw earlier only the person who started the thread has deleted all their posts. Someone has quoted a few of them but the originals are gone.
  13. Jencovi

    Possible Stricture ahhh!

    You are in my thoughts! What a tough experience. Thank you for keeping us updated. Good luck!
  14. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I got it! I had sent you the PM then decided to post here too. Thanks!
  15. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Where do I even find the complications thread? I was given a list by my surgeon but I would still like to see what others have to say.
  16. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Oh man. I didn't know about the complications thread. I start my liquids on Thursday. I want to go look but I also don't. I know I shouldn't!
  17. Jencovi

    band to sleeve

  18. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Oh yeah. I am not looking forward to that part. Haha. But I know it's good for us!
  19. So glad you posted! I am at 222 (possibly a few more now due to food funerals, lol) and am 2.5 weeks from my surgery date. I am so ready and seeing your great results and positive attitude even with all the complications you had is so encouraging. Thank you!
  20. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    All surgeries have risks. But I agree that the risk of not doing it is greater. There's a great article in the Research and Statistics section of the site/app that talks about how safe bariatric procedures have become. It helped put my mind at ease.
  21. Jencovi

    Surgery Jan 13 2014

    Oh gosh. That would be tough! I wish you the best of luck.
  22. Congratulations Holly! The best thing coming from this woman's episode is the motivation people are feeling. Her situation is unfortunate but ours doesn't have to be!
  23. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I'm 2/13 too! Good luck! I know how the nerves go. I have been dealing with them too. But it will be fine!
  24. Jencovi

    4 months post op

    I agree with mamachef. I had my first pregnancy while banded. I ate a ton of protein and ate often. I had to graze but it worked out great. I weighed 206 when I got pregnant and the day I brought my daughter home from the hospital I weighed 179. I had a healthy pregnancy and a very healthy baby. You can do this!
  25. When I was pregnant I started at 206 (was banded and struggling with it, also wasn't a planned pregnancy). I maintained a workout routine and ate very often and very well. I lost weight through my entire pregnancy until the third trimester. I gained 30ish pounds in the third trimester. On ultrasound my daughter was weighing in at ten pounds and her measurements were large as well (long legs and arms). I have type one diabetes and also large babies run in my husbands "Viking" genes. His entire family is tall and lean. His mom and sister are 6' and hubs, dad and bro are 6'3", 6'2" and 6'4". Welp...my daughter was 11lbs14oz and 23 inches long. I left the hospital weighing 179! Pregnancy was the best diet and workout plan for me. After my daughter I had complications with my band. So I am being sleeved in three weeks. I'm back up to 226. The day I had my daughter I weight 227. What I'm trying to say is pregnancy can do crazy things to your metabolism. I ate many times a day (and night if I couldn't sleep) and maintained steady weight loss until the end there. But I had a healthy pregnancy. No heart burn. No swelling. No sciatic pain. I slept fairly well too. And my daughter is super healthy. Tall and lean like her daddy. How I envy those Viking genes! Haha.

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