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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jencovi

  1. Jencovi

    Need surgery date

    I'm sure it depends on how busy your surgeon is and also if they operate at a big hospital vs. a surgery center. There are so many things that go into a surgery date that we don't even think of. Let us know when you have your date!
  2. Jencovi

    Endoscopy findings...

    Gastritis can also be from allergies/intolerances. My husband was diagnosed with Celiac after having a scope. His biopsies came back normal and since he started eating gluten free his health has improved tremendously.
  3. Jencovi

    Need surgery date

    I got approved January 17th. The surgery coordinator emailed me and said I had been approved. I replied immediately and asked when I could get a surgery date. She replied an hour later that they had a Feb 13th opening. Not sure if this is how it would be in other offices but I had my band removed there 8 months before. I think most people get phone calls. Lol.
  4. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    You will do great! God is watching over you and will be with you in surgery and along for the ride after it.
  5. My long time PCP retired last year. He was always so supportive of me wanting to try anything to help me lose weight. When he retired I started seeing a woman (who really is a wonderful doctor and nice lady). We started talking about my weight struggle and how I had my band removed from complications. I told her my new surgeon suggested the gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. She said "Oh honey, you aren't big enough to have one of those barbaric surgeries" and suggested a diet book and prescribed an appetite suppressant. Jump to 8 months later. I couldn't get in to see her for a refill on my ADHD meds so they put me in with her partner. My quick "I just need a refill" appt became an hour long discussion on my medical history, my weight and my type 1 diabetes. She then asked if I had thought about weight loss surgery again and I said I had brought it up to the other doc but she clearly wasn't on board. My new doctor ( I had already adopted her as my new doc before we even got to the WLS talk) then went on to tell me about her brother who was obese and had the band. He had a band failure story similar to mine and then had the sleeve. What I loved was she didn't just say "you need this" but she gave me a real, personal story about her brother who really was near death and now has a healthy fulfilling life. We ended the appointment with her simply asking me to go see my surgeon again. She encouraged me to take my husband and ask all our questions and voice our concerns. So we did. I'm scheduled for surgery 2/13 and am so grateful for my new PCP. I know my first one meant well. She was never mean and always encouraged me to try something new, whether it am activity or meal plan. But I do wonder where I could be now if I had started off with Dr. Warner. I guess it's all about the journey. It's a learning experience.
  6. Jencovi

    First Pangs of Regret

    Hi there, I am sorry to hear how much you are struggling and could only imagine how discouraging it is when you have sacrificed so much. I don't want to throw more at you, but on top of thyroid have you ever been tested for food intolerances? If you are intolerant of any gluten, dairy or soy that can also cause your body to fight against itself and hold on to unnecessary body fat. If you don't have money for testing you can try the elimination diet. You simply cut one of those things out for three weeks and see how you feel. At the end of three weeks if you feel the same or don't notice a difference, you cut out another one of the foods and go back on the one you had cut out before (so if you cut gluten and didn't feel any different then the next three weeks cut dairy and go back to eating gluten). I couldn't believe how much better I felt going gluten free. I am still pre-op but I'm sure this is something you can do post-op. It's just something else to maybe think about and try. You can google elimination diet and get a lot of different explanations and diet plans. Good luck hun! Jen
  7. How far out are you? Just wondering when I will see food like that again. I'm on day 3 of liquids. Lol.
  8. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Add me to your list please. I was like a lost puppy yesterday trying to clean up the house and thinking "will I need this?" As I put things away. Haha.
  9. Jencovi

    Pre op diet

    Sorry! I've convinced myself its not as bad as I'm making it out to be in my head. But being "hangry" makes everything seem 10 times worse than it is. Lol.
  10. Jencovi

    Pre op diet

    Water water water! And if you can, rest. I am in day three. This is the first day I didn't have a headache when I woke up. Yesterday I tried to walk around the block every time I felt hungry. My daughter loved it and it helped distract me and may be the reason I feel better today. I'm down 6lbs since Thursday. In my head I'm Dory from Finding Nemo. "Just keep swimming...just keep swimming." Lol.
  11. I am hoping to lose some boob. Lol. Currently a 38G and have lots of shoulder and back pain. I'm also really active and have trouble in my Zumba classes. I tried to take up running over the summer. That was too much. I'm a size 16/18 now. I couldn't imagine being a size 10. How exciting!
  12. 1mjs, with all of your hormone changes seeing a psychiatrist is definitely a good idea, especially if they have experience with bariatric patients. I hope you are feeling well soon!
  13. What powder is that? I need it!!!
  14. Jencovi

    Pre op diet

    Me too! I am only on day two and almost ate some of my husband's chili. Can't wait to be done!
  15. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Happy Valentine's Day! Lol.
  16. Anyone else experiencing awful headaches on your liquid diet? It's killing me not being able to take any Tylenol and I am plenty hydrated so I do think water will make it go away.
  17. You're welcome! I posted a thread about pre-op diet and antibiotics and was surprised more people didn't respond. Glad I could help!
  18. Yes. My preference is fage 2% plain but I'm being a good girl and having Fage 0% plain.
  19. You're the best. Thanks for the heads up. I have dealt with foot and leg cramps in the past.
  20. Yes. I am realizing that. I was definitely hitting those carbs hard the last week. Lol.
  21. I went back and checked my list of no-no meds and its not on there. Hooray! Thanks for posting!
  22. I am on antibiotics too! I had the worst stomach stuff going yesterday and emailed my surgeon. He said I could have greek yogurt when I take it. Email your surgeon. I feel so much better today!
  23. I drink 150-200oz of water a day and have added more these past two days due to hunger. Haha.
  24. Definitely not dehydrated and I don't drink enough caffeine to cause withdrawal headaches. It's keeping me up tonight. I don't normally get headaches.
  25. Had my band removed last year and will be sleeved on 2/13. I will be following your progress. I am so ready to be back on track and feeling better. Good luck and keep updating for those of us going in after you!

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