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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jencovi

  1. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I wasn't. But doc did let me have Greek yogurt twice a day because of the antibiotics I was on. That was my life saver! I want some now. Lol.
  2. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Better then something like pizza or something super fatty and carby. Just be careful with the cruciferous veggies. They can cause major gas which may not be helpful so close to surgery!
  3. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    About time is the brand name? Thanks. I will go looking for it.
  4. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    You mean you didn't have to drink it through a straw?! SOOO jealous. I am not feeling too much hunger but I am missing food. My mom had the nerve to go out of her way to feed my husband and daughter this morning and of course she cooked bacon and eggs! Wench. Seriously, I don't know where we would be without the extra help from mom and dad. But the smell was killer. Brought on a mix of nausea and envy. Lol.
  5. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Well in post-op you may gain. I came home six pounds up. All those fluids just hang in your body. I know in a few days it will be gone and I will be feeling better than ever. But I hate seeing those extra lbs on the scale!
  6. Jencovi

    Debating sugery

    I am 29. Had the band at 25 which didn't pan out. I was sleeved three days ago. I also attend support group meetings at my hospital. I had no troubles with activity after my band. I am only three days out from bring sleeved but I know I will be able to do anything I want when I'm ready for it. My goal is to run a marathon. And I know I will do that someday. There's a woman in her 60s in my support group meetings. She hikes once a week, weight lifts three times a week, and rows crew twice a week. She's far more active than any of my late 20s/early 30s friends. And she's double our age. This surgery won't limit you. It will help you be free to pursue whatever activity you wish to enjoy.
  7. Jencovi

    Pre op diet

    How are you feeling? Congrats!
  8. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    SuperFab which unflavored protein do you use? I know you've mentioned it before. I have the Bariatric Advantage (I know you can't use that) and I like theirs but its slightly sweet. So I can't mix it with savory things, like that oh so fabulous chicken broth. Lol.
  9. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Pretty good. I have had a little bit of gas pains today but I'm moving around a lot which does help. I will say a prayer for you Monday. It's almost here. Remember, surgery is the easy part. Lol. The recovery is the hard part! It's been tough not being able to pick up my daughter. She just doesn't understand. She just threw a mini-fit at my feet. I just have to stand or sit there until my husband can get her. Poor baby
  10. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Before the 'quids I never realized how many food/restaurant commercials there really were. Lol.
  11. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Me too! Lol. Considering this is the worst I have felt I should consider myself lucky. And I'm up and moving around so hopefully it will be gone before too long. Shower wasn't the trick though. Boo.
  12. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I have some gas pains in my ribs now. I have been walking around the island in my parents kitchen just hoping it will go away. My next step is hop in the shower. Maybe the stretching and moving will get it out of there.
  13. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I was so much better after they took me off the IV pain meds. I seem to like both the hot and cold liquids. Ice pops and broth have both been nice to my new tummy.
  14. I saw someone had mentioned on another thread I can't find that they have an app that tracks their eating time. Anyone know what app that might be?
  15. Thanks for the advice!
  16. Well I'm on day three post op. I'm sure further in it would be annoying but I'm getting nauseas pretty easily from 2oz of Protein shake. Thought it might be helpful these first few weeks.
  17. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Another observation. Percocet does not make me perky. Not even close. Lol! I just want to sleep.
  18. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Yes! Haha. Go see a taping of Ellen or something!
  19. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    And then we can all go back to my place (1 hour flight, 4 hour drive) and have a beach day!!!
  20. Hi Mandie, I am on day three post op and my insulin is down to 1/4 of what I was taking before. I was getting 3-4 units an hour on my pump and now am on 1 unit an hour and my sugars have stayed between 100-140. So far so good. Also not in too much pain. I will let you know how I'm doing as time goes by. Jen
  21. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I like eggs and spicy foods. But I'm trying to keep positive thoughts that I will be able to enjoy my spicy chicken again some day. With no bun. Cut up. And only 1/3 to 1/2 a patty at a time. Lol. I figure a lifetime of health is worth not being able to have those things again. And speaking of health, my insulin has been cut down to 1/4 of what it was the day before my surgery and my sugars are staying between 100-140. It's incredible.
  22. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Then we will stop talking about weather. I don't want to be mean!
  23. Jencovi

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I felt like I was really fighting to keep it down at first. Cuz I was. But I'm so glad I fought it because now that's its passed I feel so much better having a little something in my new compact tummy. I went from having a Hummer to a 3 series BMW. She's a more fragile and high maintenance vehicle.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
