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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by krfarrell99

  1. krfarrell99

    Help! What is the secret?

    I totally know where you are coming from. First, the no soda thing about killed me but I have gone almost 2 mths without ANY. That is huge for me. I work midnights so I loved my mt. dew. and then there is the no drinking thing....that about killed me. but it is worth it....I do see results for the first time and that makes it all worth it. I also just don't have anything near by that I could drink and my family does remind me...especially my 5 year old....he will say "mommy, you aren't supposed to drink with your food" then I realize what I did this for in the first place...GOOD LUCK TO YOU....stay with it....it will get easier.:clap2:
  2. I'm new to this chat room and I'm so glad that I have found you guys. It seems like a great support system. I got banded 4 wks ago today and I'm down 26 lbs. I get my first band adjustment on Monday. I'm kinda nervous about that cause I don't know if it hurts. I'm sure it is uncomfortable. I'm looking forward to chating with everyone and good luck to those who are starting there journey.

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