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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissMom24

  1. Welcome Tiny and Cara!! You will love it here! I am going in for fill #3 at 2:00 today, and am really hoping for some good restriction. I did have something scary happen yesterday, I have been having a headache for a week now. I went to the chiro. (never been) and he adjusted me. As soon as he was done, I knew something was up. I RAN to the bathroom and threw up. Heaving and all. I couldn't stop it. Do you think the band is OK? I will die if something goes wrong with it!!! I will ask today as well... Also, what form or receipt do I need to ask for for my taxes? That was something else that I need to get today, but not sure what I ask for. I am praying for you girls on the untimely deaths. It is such an ugly thing! With my son going into HS next year, it really, truly scares me. Brandy
  2. I use my highest, because that is where I was when I began this journey!
  3. MissMom24

    Could it be RESTRICTION??? Yay!!

    YAY Krista!!! Hopefully, that will be all you need!
  4. MissMom24

    FILL # 8 hurt like HELL!!

    Yikes!!! I am going for my 3rd fill on Thursday. I am praying I don't have to go in for 8!!! Hopefully, you will be at your sweet spot after all that!
  5. MissMom24

    FILL # 8 hurt like HELL!!

    Ouch! What size band do you have and what is your amt. that you have in right now?
  6. Has anyone seen Tom yet? I go in on Thursday. I had an appt next week, but they bumped Hannah's surgery forward, so I wanted to get in earlier, just in case their was an issue!
  7. I am in too!! I need some support!! It appears Destiny used a list that was earlier than the last, so... Name...........Start........Current.......Goal.........To Go Candle..........205...........205........197..........8 cQQlgirl........215...........215........200.........15 destiny79.......255...........255........240.........15 Foofy...........242.5.........242.5......234........8.5 Jovi2673........217...........217........200.........17 kjl315..........227...........227........217.........10 kristin1031.....240...........240........225.........15 legster.........209...........209........196.........13 LessnLess.......164...........164........157..........7 Linda Lu........228...........228........215.........13 Longhorn........204...........201........195..........6 Rainer..........251...........251........241.........10 Redtulips3......225...........225........215.........10 Renewedhope.....213...........213........199.........14 Sades...........201...........201........190.........11 Suzzzie.........291...........291........280.........11 wombat712.......145...........145........135.........10 Brandymom1234...200...........200........185.........15
  8. MMMMMMMMMMM!!! Man candy would be good...I go in on Thursday. I will let you know Lap!
  9. I had a great time!!! Although, it was rainy and chilly! Got LOTS of shopping done! Thanks for asking!
  10. Hi Everyone~ I am back and 4-5 pounds HEAVIER than when I left!! ACK!!! I am definately due for a fill and hopefully can get in SOON! You would have been amazaed at the amt. that I ate. Just like vacation....
  11. MissMom24

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    I was 227 at 5' 6". My only co-morb was my knee issues. Sounds like you should be fine!
  12. Yay Viri!!! Don't mind anyone and just do what feels right to you! Lap: Your crazy girl!!! When were all teeny, we should get togther and take a little belly class. It may be fun! Michelle: You do look so healthy!!! I did the whole Slim4Life thing as well. What a waste of money!! The weight FLEW back on when I was done! Just like everything else, I suppose! LA: I am with you, I went to a lb meeting 2 years ago and fought with insurance to no avail. I agree whole heartedly, it just wasn't the time. I did a good 45 minute cardio workout this morning, estimating 500 or so calories. I read something that said if you are able to 2 smaller workouts per day, the more calories you burn. Makes sense. I think I will TRY to go this afternoon too. We will see, it is usually MASS CHAOS by 3!
  13. This is becoming a biggie for me!! :tongue: I just want to eat, no rhyme or reason, I guess I just miss it! I could use lots of tips on how others deal with head hunger. Thank you so much! :tt1: Brandy
  14. I also went with Dr. Kirshenbaum in Denver. Nothing but rave reviews here. Good luck! Lap Band Surgery in Denver Colorado | Lap Band Surgeon in Denver | Gastric Band Surgery Denver | Bariatric Surgery
  15. MissMom24

    Breakfast 02-08-08- Post it please!

    Scrambled eggs and 2% cheddar cheese
  16. I was banded on 12/12, and am down 35 pounds. I am not at my optimal restriction, so it is mostly will power and LOTS of activity at the gym 45-90 minutes, 5 days a week. :thumbdown: I have about 45 more to lose until goal and I hope to hit that by early fall! Good luck to you~:thumbup:
  17. Thanks girls! I feel better (not great) this morning. I was really beating myself up last night!! Could have been the wine though. True, everything was half and I only ate 1/4 of the whole bun. I couldn't believe how easily everything went down. On the upside, our friends noticed immediately and couldn't get over the loss. I saw them about 3 months ago and they were floored! So that was fun. On the downside, my son's competitve team lost one of their best players. Needless to say, my hubby is very grumpy. I knew it would be stressful and YES, I AM A STRESS EATER!!!! Thanks again!
  18. Are you all at your optimal restriction? It seems like your eating so little....
  19. I will admit it, I ate nothing but crap!!! :thumbup::cursing: I am losing, but not from restriction, it is only becuase I am being VERY disciplined!!! Down 34 pounds (banded 12/12). Just for dinner: :tt1: 3 glasses of white zin 3 wings 1/2 buffalo burger with cheese (sans the bread) 1/2 order of bread pudding Go ahead and chastise me...I deserve it. I will be better tomorrow. I promise!!! I am hoping that since I posted, I will be better to move on, rather than feel guilty. Brandy
  20. :thumbup::cursing:CONFESSION:cursing::tt1::cursing: Ok...Alright...I admit it!!! I totally screwed (myself) up tonight...and no, not in that way. We met some friends for dinner, and I knew that it was going to be stressful. So I started with a glass of wine, then 2, the 3. ACK!!!! I ate 3 chicken wings, half of a buffalo burger (with cheese), then I ate half of a bread pudding WITH ice cream. :eek: I really could scream!!! Why, oh why do I do this???? As I told everyone last night, I am losing, but NOT FROM RESTRICTION (DUH?!?!) but because of disipline. But....obviously not tonight. I am hoping that because I shared my little (or big) transgretion, I can move on and start anew tomorrow. It is 10:19 tonight, and I will move on. I will be at the gym in the morning and will get back on track with eating!! AAARRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate when I do this!!! :tt2::cursing::wub:
  21. MissMom24

    baby food

    I agree, it is yucky. I think after feeding it to 4 kiddos it just grosses me out now. I couldn't even be brave and try it. Yuck!
  22. MissMom24

    proteins shakes/liquid vitamins

    I take the GNC Solotron Chewable. It is very complete and more for grown ups than taking a childrens. I have the berry flavor and it is not bad!
  23. MissMom24

    Questions about fluids....

    I like to add the Special K protein water mix. It is more expensive, but 5 grams of protein. Every little bit helps!!!
  24. MissMom24


    I have had it and it is fine...even with the rice. I am not at full restriction though, so that may be why the rice was ok. Eat and Enjoy!!
  25. MissMom24

    What would you do???

    Yikes...what did you find out from your meeting???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
