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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissMom24

  1. Possibly...call now and let them know your plight, if they know your coming from out of town, they may be able to work with you a little more. On Thursdays, he does have the PA, if that is an option...
  2. I had NO idea about straws!!! That is usually the best way for me to get fluids...eek!! Guess, I will be breaking that habit!!!
  3. MissMom24

    Got my surgery date!!

    Yay for you both! Congrats!!!
  4. My last fill was done by a PA
  5. MissMom24

    Is this common??

    Has anyone else experienced this? I am nice and open and am able to eat "normally" as well as get my fluids in, about half the time. I can do this with zero problems. The other part, I am tight and PB'ing and lots of things get stuck, eventually, everything goes down. Obviously, except if I PB. Although, at night, nothing is coming up and I am not refluxing. Do you think that I am a tad to tight? I like that I am full for so long, but don't want to be risking any damage to the band...I have also heard that once your to tight, you have a difficult time finding the sweet spot. I am just wondering if this is common or not. :laugh: Thanks! Brandy
  6. Lap~ Get well soon!!! You have about as much on your plate right now as I do!!! My DD (4) just had her 28th surgery on Wed and I did something major with my ankle...I get to go see a surgeon on Friday!!! I am thinking of you!
  7. Remember - Red Robin Thursday, 3/6 at 7pm (please copy and paste) Dynamo (michelle) Woofay (anita) Mal (maalani) Tied2Bfit (dee) Anyone else?????? Brandy *As long as DD is doing ok...* Things here are going as weill as can be expected...the stress has caused my weight loss to come on strong. I am down 42 pounds (185.6) as of this morning, I am excited about that. Has anyone else experienced this? I am nice and open and am able to eat "normally" as well as get my fluids in. The other part, I am tight and PB'ing and lots of things get stuck. Although, at night, nothing is coming up and I am not refluxing. Do you think that I am a tad to tight? I like that I am full for so long, but don't want to be risking any damage to the band...I have also heard that once your to tight, you have a difficult time finding the sweet spot. Thanks guys!! Everyone sounds like they are doing so great!!!
  8. Thanks for sharing liteweight!! I am all on board for the RR thing too. LA: Sounds like your doing wonderful...if you don't feel like you need a fill yet, post-pone it. Keep up the great work!
  9. MissMom24

    Can't lose any weight!

    I lost the most when I was doing liquids. Have you tried that? Just make sure it has all the vitamins and protein that you need.
  10. Dee~ Your doing so amazing!! I am proud of you!! I agree 100% with you regarding the fills. I have had 3, and my thought is that I paid all this $$ for my band, the least it can do is work for me! Michelle~ Your so strong, I admire your positive attitude so much!! The way you take things in stride is awesome!! Your doing/looking so great as well!
  11. GC~ I know what you mean, I have not shared my surgery with my in-laws for the same reason, they are judgemental and always worried about our $$. It is really hard to be excited and know your changing only to have them make it difficult.
  12. MissMom24

    Dry skin...

    Hi~ Just curious who else is having dry skin? I am getting at least 65g Protein per day as well as staying hydrated but I am still alot dryer than normal. I have tried various lotions and potions, but it is not working!!! Any other advice?
  13. Great job!!! I am almost overweight!! It will be a big goal!!
  14. MissMom24

    I'm Back!

    82 pounds is nothing to sneeze at! You have done very well, and welcome back! I hope you get the answers your looking for!
  15. I've lost a 5-gallon bottle of Water or human leg....now if I could she more off my "OWN" legs.... Same for me...I would love to lose a leg...fat wise that is!<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  16. Hi Everyone~ Sorry I have not posted and it has taken me a little while to catch up!! My fill is great, I was a little tight and thought I may need a slight unfill, but I think that it is getting looser. I am almost (.6) away from the 180's! I am thrilled, I was 180 when I delivered my daughter, so that would be a huge feat! On the exercize side, won't be happening for a while...On Friday, my bum knee gave out on the stairs and my ankle went sideways for 4 stairs. We all thought that it was broken and the ER said "it is a sprain from hell". Needless to say, I am in a half cast and all wrapped up for a week or so until the swelling is down. I am also on crutches. This couldn't have happened at a more terrible time, my daughter, Hannah, is going in for surgery #28 on Wed. So hopefully, I will be decent by then. I hope everyone starts feeling better soon and good luck to amerilu. Welcome Cara, you will fit right in! Brandy
  17. MissMom24

    Carb Cleanse???

    I was on vacation last week, and my SIL mom and dad were there. They have been doing high Protein, and very low calorie. They said when they get home they will be eating as much protein and green veggies as they want for 4 days. Nothing else. Also, nothing to drink except for Water. They said that this will cleanse them from all the carbs that they had been eating. Is this true? Anyone try this? Sounds good in theory, but just wondering if this would be ok? I gained 4 pounds while away . I need to get back on track! Thanks
  18. Yikes...thanks, I will remember that! My husband is constantly clearing his throat, I will have to ask him about that!
  19. MissMom24

    Kidney Stone

    I am so sorry!!! I have had stones twice. I would rather give birth again! I agree, have it tested so that you know what type it is and drink, drink, drink...
  20. MissMom24

    How to deal

    I had to get to a point where I just had to ignore it. ALL of it, it didn't matter where it was coming from. Only you know what you need to do and if lap band is it, well then, you go for it. In the end, it matters if your happy, not what others are thinking!
  21. MissMom24

    found out bcbs michigan

    I have BCBS of Alabama, and after the 6 months, I was denied. I hope it is better for you in Michigan! Good luck!!!
  22. I am back!! I really liked Tom alot, he explained alot to me and was very friendly and patient. He spent almost 40 minutes with me! I am up to 5.4 now, and am feeling it. I hope that I am not to tight. He said not to worry about the whole throw up thing. I am in far enough that I should be fine. I do have another appt. tomorrow with the chiro. again, so I am really going to watch and see what is going on. Mal~ Your so sweet, my heart breaks for you. My sons friend was recently injured pretty bad, and I about lost it. I am praying and rooting for you and your son. It always makes me wonder why these kids think life is so hard, that it is just not worth it. Especially over a boy. Absolutely heart breaking.
  23. MissMom24

    This Is Normal.....Right?

    I was banded 12/12, Today was my 3rd fill. I have 5.4 in my 10cc band. I am just now feeling restriction! Lets hope it lasts!
  24. MissMom24

    Post Op Vitamin

    I do a chewable from GNC, it has been fine and I have no complaints. Some docs get a percentage of certain things they sell, so he may just want the money!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
