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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissMom24

  1. You look so fab now Lap! It will be an amazing transformation to see you minus 100 pounds!! Your so positive, there is NO WAY you WONT make your goal!!!
  2. Shelbie~ I even count cleaning as moving...I am moving more than I normally would! Right??? You can do it!! Your ticker is looking great and your moving right along! Good for you!
  3. I am back!!! I have missed this site like crazy!!! Everyone seems to be doing great!!! Dee~ I will give you a great big bear hug when I see you!!! Hang in there... I have been on vacation for baseball this past week and am up 3 pounds!!!! I am going in tomorrow to have a little more put back in...I am able to eat more than I like, so that would explain the gain. Also, eating out at EVERY meal does not help. I am starting the gym again, plus the fill and am hoping to drop another 15-20 by Memorial day. Do you all set up goals like that? Or is it just whatever? Glad I am back and am so happy to "see" everyone. Can't wait for RR and to meet you Lap! Brandy
  4. Happy Easter Everyone...I must admit that my hand keeps dippin' into my 4 kiddos baskets!!! I am glad that I won't be here tomorrow and so I will hopefully, get back on track. Didn't do tooooo bad at dinner, but think that I could have done better. Tomorrow is a new day!!! I will start with a Protein shake and will get my Water in!!! Now, I feel better for admiting this. On a plus side, my MIL said that I look like a totally different person. This coming from her is a HUGE, HUGE compliment. She also said it in front of everyone, so that was exciting! Everyone have a great night and a happy Monday! Brandy
  5. Name...........Start........Current......Goal.......To Go Brandymom1234...200...........200........177.........23 Candle..........205...........195........197..........0 cQQlgirl........215...........209........205..........4 destiny79.......255...........245........240..........5 Foofy...........242.5.........240........234..........6 Jackie..........164...........160........157..........3 Jill............220...........212........210..........2 Jovi2673........217...........217........200.........17 KarenG .........189...........179........181..........-2 kjl315..........227...........220........217..........3 kristin1031.....240...........220........225..........-5 legster.........209...........199........196..........3 LessnLess.......164...........157........157..........0 Linda Lu........228...........217.2......215..........2.2 Longhorn........204...........195........195..........0 Mumof2boys......188...........188........175.........13 Marimaru........206...........202........195..........7 PhDiva..........208...........208........195.........13 Rainer..........251...........247........241..........6 Redtulips3......225...........217........215..........2 Renewedhope.....213...........206........199..........7 Sades...........201...........197........190..........7 Skinny_Jill.....186...........179........178..........1 Stacy73.........222...........219........212..........7 Sunny112........143...........143........135..........8 Suzzzie.........291...........291........280.........11 Valstar.........269...........262........260..........2 wombat712.......145...........141.8......135..........6.8 debihaines......254...........219........209.........10 4jin............225...........220........220..........0 Trixie..........241...........219.5........221..........0! Jennypoo........199...........193.5......194..........0!!! __________________
  6. I made it!!! Exceeded it even!!! I hit 177!!! YAY!!!!! :thumbdown: :) Brandy
  7. MissMom24

    Only one more time

    Good luck with your flight and enjoy that your short, but sweet visit!!
  8. MissMom24

    Coming out of hiding...

    Cool!!! I love celebrities!!! I am glad that your feeling better. It is hard for me to know that men lose so much easier and quicker than us girls! Remember that you can do this!!! Brandy
  9. WELL I MADE IT THROUGH SCHOOL!!!!! I have my clinicals next week, state boards in a month and then I am done. I am also SERIOUSLY considering going to nursing school. Everything that has happened with my kiddos, I just really enjoy knowing the "why" of how everything happened. Went in on Thursday for a slight unfill and I saw Tom again, I really like him. You all are going to be shocked (and obviously I was a tad to tight) I lost 21 pounds last month. You heard me, 21!!! I am lower now, than I have been in years!!! But, being to tight is not the way to do it. I was PB'ing everthing and even starting to slime water. I am on Prilosec and feeling much better! Cant wait to see everyone at RR!!! I am ready for a night out with FUN people!!! Brandy
  10. MissMom24

    night time bile

    I was refluxing too, I was to tight. I went in yesterday for a slight unfill, and started with the Prilosec. I had immediate relief and slept great last night!!! I would try a slight unfill and see how you do! Good luck!
  11. MissMom24

    Those of you who PB/reflux a LOT....

    I had the same thing. Not under fluro though. I just had some taken out yesterday and I started on Prilosec to calm everything down. I will also be back in 2 weeks. The reief was immediate. I can drink again without praying it will go down!
  12. Lap~ I am excited to meet you!! Can't wait!! Dee~ Glad the fill went well, and that Dr. K is sticking around for awhile. I go in Thurs...I think that I am going to do a slight unfill. Brandy
  13. HMMMMM!!!! Don't know why that went twice...maybe that means that I REALLY want to be there!!
  14. I could do either day...just let me know! I am excited to see how everyone is changin'!!!
  15. I could do either day...just let me know! I am excited to see how everyone is changin'!!!
  16. Hi Girls~ Everyone sounds like they are doing phenominal!!! I am almost done with school (this week, 3 days of clinicals next week and then the state exam). I am VERY happy about that. I am even HAPPIER that I am down almost 50 pounds...I am over half way to goal!!! Now if I could just exercize again, life would be better!! I will keep checking in on you all. Even though I have not posted, I am reading daily and am still raring to go to RR!! Brandy
  17. Congrats~ I was banded by Dr. K in December, by far the best $$ I have ever spent on myself! Brandy
  18. I had my first big family lunch yesterday since surgery and it didn't go very well. To make a long story short, I PB'd. It is so much more difficult, I'm finding, to eat slowly and chew a lot when there are a lot of people around and chatting with me. And I always feel like they're watching me, as the resident fatty, when I eat anyway. If I eat a lot then I'm a pig, if I don't eat much then I must be sick. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Too much pressure. I know exactly how you feel. Take today, ate way to fast. Got stuck, waited 40 minutes to drink and when I did, I PB's the water. Nice. Why is it so stinkin' difficult to eat slow????
  19. officially packed my bags and moved to TWOterville this weekend!!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to share in all the happy dancing going on in here!!!! :sneaky::drool::Dancing_ shocked: YAY FOR YOU!!!!
  20. I can already tell a big difference in your face. Keep taking pictures...you will see it, sooner than later!
  21. MissMom24

    Have you tried Special K protein water?

    Yes, I love it!!!
  22. WOW DEE!!! I can already see you changing!! Keep it up!
  23. Glad to hear that your doing so well Amieru!
  24. That is crazy, but if you think of it, it is true!!
  25. Hi Guys~ Sorry that I missed RR, between my ankle, school (2 1/2 more weeks!!!) and my daughter, I just couldn't swing it! I will be there next month with bells on! Shelbie~ Everything that I have learned from my DD is that you have to be their advocate. No one else cares. They really dont. They dont know the heartache, the struggles, the frustrations and the tears. Only you do. You are doing the right thing. Just keep fighting girl! They will either do it willingly or will do it just to get rid of you. Keep fighting!! Keep advocating!! Were the only ambassadors for our kiddos! On a positive note, as of this morning, I am down 45 pounds. I am almost 3 dress sizes smaller and am 3 pounds away from what I was when I delived my daughter. I am so excited and hopefully, will be at goal by one year! Take care everyone! Brandy

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