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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissMom24

  1. MissMom24

    How much weight can you really lose? How fast?

    I was 227 pre-op, 217 on day of surgery and as of this morning I was 171.4. I was banded 12/12/07!
  2. MissMom24

    How normal is this?

    For me, I was really tight at first...they said it was swelling. After about 10 days, I felt fine. I also tend to get real tight around TOM. It could be swelling...
  3. MissMom24

    So I need a refresher guys!

    I have had to really watch the carbs, calories (800-1200 per day) and bust my tail at the gym. I know that every person is different, but this is what is working for me!
  4. MissMom24

    This was the last straw

    Mine was having my orthopedic doc tell me that my knee would be replaced this year if I didn't lose...4 months out and I am down 55 pounds!!
  5. I am such a dope!!!! This whole time I was thinking that Wednesday was tonight!! DUH!!! I was even telling my hubby, I sure hope I can make it down tonight, the weather seems pretty ugly out. DARN IT!! DARN IT!! DARN IT!!!! I am kicking myself Dee, I am glad that you had a good time, I REALLY WAS COMING only, it was "tonight". DUH!
  6. MissMom24

    What does a small bite look like?

    I will have to try the smaller fork and spoon thing...I never thought of that and even though I am restricted, I am still taking to big of bites! Thanks for the tips
  7. MissMom24

    Halfway there!

    Yay!!! That is so great!!!
  8. MissMom24

    Any suggestions on Vitamins?

    I take a chewable from GNC
  9. MissMom24

    Low Fat Creamy Mashed Cauliflower

    Yum!! Sounds good!
  10. I am so sorry...I know that you must be really upset. I will keep my fingers crossed that you will be in for surgery next week! It will happen!!!
  11. MissMom24


    When I hiccup, that is my stopping point. Some people get runny noses, cough or a sigh. For me it is the hiccups!
  12. MissMom24

    I'm TOTALLY ready.

    Sometimes our friends (espically the big ones) don't want us to do this, because if we change, who is going to be fat with them? Just know that no matter what, your still you!
  13. MissMom24

    Need some reassurance pretty please

    It will work, you will see! I agree, go to the before and afters and you will see! It sounds like your doing well, just a little down after vacation? That is how I got, I knew that I didn't do as well as I could have, so when I got home I was bummed out. The beauty of the band is that even if you messed up and feel to lose, you can get it adjusted and get back on track!
  14. Amazing isn't it Sadie!!! Exciting too!
  15. MissMom24

    Emotional Eating!

    I am also thankful for the band! It has saved me LOTS of bingeing and emotional eating episodes! Glad to hear that it is working for you!
  16. YIKES!!! What is it with eggs? I tried some yesterday and after 3 or 4 bites, I was stuck! Not doing the egg thing again! It is to bad because the protein is so good!
  17. MissMom24

    Clothing sizes

    It does take forever, I am down 50 pounds and still am only down 2 dress sizes. It is very frustrating...but at least the sizes are going down and not up!
  18. MissMom24

    Scared that I won't be able to have surgery

    I didn't deal with it, but have heard of people who have. They just had a longer hospital stay with the extra precautions. Take care of your clots first, the band can come next. Good luck! Brandy
  19. MissMom24

    I just dont care anymore

    Bravo for you! You are making the best decision (IMHO)!! Brandy
  20. Woofay~ I can relate girl! I was on vaca. last week and gained too. I just have to take a deep breath and begin again. I had a slight fill today, so hopefully that will spur me along again! Brandy
  21. Red Robin Banditos gathering. 7pm, I-25 and Arapahoe: Woofay Lap Dancer Brandy
  22. MissMom24

    How to stop overeating

    I have been sticking with the 5 bite rule...after 5 bites I am done...it is amazing, because after that, it really doesn't taste as good as it did at first!
  23. MissMom24

    Bestest Nsv Ever!!!!

    Congrats!! That is great!!!
  24. MissMom24

    Approved today @ 4pm!!!

    YAY!!! Great news!
  25. Oh man! We will miss you Michelle. Have fun at the gallery though and with your new friend!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
