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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissMom24

  1. YAY SHELBI!!!! My dd is begging me to go jump on the trampoline with her, but now I am tired!!! Didn't sleep good and then to be up so early... Blah! I am glad I inspired someone today! Now someone PLEASE tell me how to inspire my kids to clean their rooms!
  2. I am married and you know what? Sometimes I wish it was the bike and not my hubby calling.... Your crazy!!! The next guy who comes along is gonna be in trouble!
  3. What are everyones immediate goals???? Brandy: Work out 4 days week/lose 12 pounds by Memorial day!
  4. Sounds like your quite the workout gal yourself, Miss Dee!!! Good for you and you rock lady!!! Look at all the weight that you have lost! So much better than gaining isn't it?
  5. Yay!! 60 minutes of cardio! 40 on elliptical 10 on treadmill (3.6 on 5% incline) 10 on bike (for my knees) Feel great!!
  6. I know what you mean Dee!! I think that each person has to find what works for them...I have also fallen off a bit. Eating to fast, drinking to little Water etc. I am really trying, heading off to the gym right now and hopefully today will be a better eating day! My life just seems chaotic right now, so I am trying to re-organize my house and get back to "normal". Whatever that is!
  7. I can definately say that I too, was having 2nd thoughts. But I also knew that I could not go on like this. So, I went ahead with it. You know what? The best decision of my life!! I was banded 12/12, am dow 60 pounds and am only 35 from goal!! Even though the nerves can get you, look at where you will be 3, 6, 9 even a year from now.
  8. MAL~ How is it going with your fill???
  9. Your so helpful and sweet Dee! God love ya!!!
  10. That is so sweet!! Gotta love those boys!
  11. Well I finally hit the gym EARLY this morning...4:45 to be exact! Yikes!! I am happy to say that I did 45 minutes cardio and did all the weights in the circut!! I feel great and hope I can get up early in the morning tomorrow to go again! Everyone do great today and get your protein and water in!!! Brandy
  12. MissMom24

    I hit ONEderland on Saturday

    Congrats!!! That is a huge milestone!
  13. I can't figure the size of clothes out to save my soul...there are some things that are a 12 that fit, but I turn around and am wearing a 16/18 W. It is very hard!!! I agree, that I have really enjoyed following you and you look AMAZING!!! The best is yet to come...
  14. I hope that I didn't make anyone feel bad because I shared my weight loss...that was not my intent. I am just excited. If I was down 20, I would be excited as well!!! No worries slow losers, it is going to come down. I just know it!
  15. Yay!!! Good choice...I was banded by him in December, I am already down 60 pounds and more than half way to goal!
  16. Welcome all the newbies! You have made the best choice in getting Dr. K to do your band! BIG BIG BIG NEWS: I am 4.5 months out and have lost 60 pounds as of this morning!!! Only 40 more to go and I am to goal!!! I will make it by my bandiversary!!!! :thumbup: :tt1: :w00t: :biggrin: :thumbup: :tt1: :w00t: :thumbup:
  17. MissMom24

    Greetings from Grrrl!

    Congrats...I live in Brighton and was banded in December. Dr. Kirshenbaum in Aurora, did my band! You will soon be feeling like your old self!
  18. I need to go check Wal Mart out for the Spanx too! I am getting a really loose, baggy, nasty tummy. Thanks for the info Dee! John~ you are rockin' my man! Congrats!! Mal~ I am with you on the whole gym thing. After I hurt my ankle, I didn't go...now I can and should, but I haven't!!! We need to kick our own booties! If I was closer, I would come drag you with me! Nurse7263~ You have found the best part of this website...US! Welcome!!! Michelle~ Oh, to be falling in love again!!! Falling in love is the fun part, staying is the hard part! Have fun with your new fellow. He is a lucky guy! Lap~ Love, love, love the pictures and all your insights. Your doing such a great, great job! I am happy for you! Everyone have a great night! Brandy
  19. I see Dr. Kirshenbaum in Denver...fills for his patients is very cheap, so you may want to call and see if could take you in. lapbandrockies.com
  20. Hi there! You have come to an excellent place for support and advice. Welcome! I was in the same boat as you, I am 32 and was told that I needed to have knee replacement as well. This was last October, I went in for my lap band procedure and it was a peice of cake next to my other surgeries (3 knee, 2 c-sections). I had my surgery on 12/12/07, as of today, I am down 58 pounds and getting close to goal. Besides the annoying popping and clicking, I feel like a new woman! No pain at all. Good luck in your decision, let me know if you have any other questions! Brandy
  21. MissMom24

    Hello I to am a newbe-

    Awesome!! Your doing great! Keep it up!
  22. Dee~ My stomach is a huge mess too!!! The more I lose, the grosser it gets! ACK!
  23. WHO NEEDS CLOTHES????? I have LOTS of 18-20 size clothes...shorts, pants, jeans. Anyone want them? I can bring them to RR next time. Just let me know!!! I am dropping sizes like crazy, so let me know!! :rolleyes2:
  24. LA: They are scheduling fills 4-6 weeks out right now. Even with Tom, I think it is about 3 weeks. I have seen Tom 3 times and really like him. He is very thorough and takes time for every possible question. Dr. K is great too, but everyone wants to see him so he is usually pretty quick. I think that you would be in great hands who ever you decide to see!
  25. MissMom24


    Although, it is difficult to wait, there are cheaper surgeons out there. I had my surgery with Dr.Kirshenbaum, in Aurora, Colorado. His price was $9975.00 that included everything. Maybe this could be an option? If not, just keep moving forward. Insurance is horribly slow, but it will get here and you will be in band land before you know it! Brandy

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