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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissMom24

  1. I was just curious when everyone made their initial consult...I have about 35 pound more to go. I am wanting a tummy tuck and a breast lift. Did you wait until you were at goal? I am also going to try to get insurance to pay, but we will see! Thanks Brandy
  2. Yikes Lap!! Glad to hear that everything is ok...it is always so scary when a baby is involved!
  3. AAAWWWW!!!! Your such a sweetie Denise. You should be proud of YOU, look at well you have done!!! I agree with you, I was lower BMI, but I was determined not to be a slow loser. No way, no how! I love how fast has worked. Although it is slowing down...how about you? Has it stalled yet?
  4. MissMom24

    can't get my groove ( restriction) back

    I had an unfill too, although slight, I can't get back to where I was. It is hard!! I too, am trying so hard not to eat as much as I know that I can. Don't feel alone, were in the same boat! Brandy
  5. We need to do another swap in the fall, when baseball is over and life is not so utterly crazy!!! I am glad you go to go and get some things Mal...I have turned into the thrift store queen. I hate buying clothes that I am only wearing for a month or two and then need to get new. It is fun though, I must say! I have to get up on stage tonight for my sons 8th grade graduation, I actually won't be mortified or embarrassed by the way I look. That will be a first!
  6. Would that be considered canibalisim???
  7. Well, if you must know, I was eating a piece of cookie dough pie while reading the posts...scoot over Mal...my turn in the naughty chair. WHY, OH WHY, DOES STRESS MAKE ME EAT?????!!!!?????
  8. Your not a failure Mal!! No matter what, this is still hard! Easier? A tad because we have a tool, but the tool is not in our heads so that is why it is difficult. I struggle every day on making the right food choices, I screw up ALOT!! I think for me losing has been the exercise, not so much eating. Please don't call yourself a failure, this is a process, and we just "keep swimming" (FINDING NEMO!).
  9. Happy BANDIVERSARY Mal!!! Take a pic as soon as you can! I can't wait to see your changes! I will post my 6 month in June!
  10. Hi Guys... Yes, I am alive. Busy as all get out, but still alive and kickin'!!! We have been crazy busy with all the baseball, but I am lovin' it! My oldest just made the legion team, my 2nd qualified for a tourney in DISNEYWORLD!!! Don't know if we will go, but the beach would be a huge motivator and my 8 year old is going to Omaha to play. WHEW! The scale is S...L...O...W...L...Y creeping back down and I am getting impatient. I went in for a fill last Thursday, it is still a tad loose (I got my period the next day, so I was tight). But I am plugging away! Where can I get the info on the plateau buster diet? I want to join and give my fanny a kick!! You gals are all rockin'! I just love you!!
  11. MissMom24

    Insurance Coverage

    You would have to call. BCBS of Alabama would not, no matter the co-morb. Good luck though!
  12. MissMom24

    Off Topic-But Excited!

  13. Even though I have been married for 12 years, I still love getting attemtion that I rarely had! I love my band too!!!
  14. Congrats Mini~ You will be so happy!!!
  15. Ok...I am slipping back into my old habits help!!! I have even had a soda today!!! And cheetos and cookies and fried chicken...this is nuts!! Someone pass me some advice! QUICK!!!
  16. MissMom24

    Extreme muscle weaknes, soreness, awful

    Yikes! Please keep us posted, I will be sending healing vibes your way.
  17. WoW!!! Misty your transformation is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing!
  18. MissMom24

    Anyone Else Fight This Feeling ?

    I still fight the head hunger on a daily basis. Somedays it almost feels overwhelming! This weekend I went to dinner with some friends and I had a half of a piece of bread with a cup of soup. Everything they had looked SOOO good that it was hard not wanting to eat what they had. My biggest change is that the portions look ginormous now, which is good. Were heading in the right direction and some day it will not even be an issue. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
  19. I want to go Dee!!! Let me know what night!
  20. Anyone working out today??? I got in 45 cardio, 150 sit-ups and weights~ Its not raining yet, so get your fannies out there!!
  22. Nurse: I have had 4 fills so far, and they have never suggested a liquid diet afterwards. I, myself will do it, it I am filling tight. But that is me and not the per Dr. K. You can always call and they can let you know as well.
  23. I am having a hard time with negative thoughts too. I know that I have lost and people are noticing, but I am still constantly comparing myself to others. My SIL said that she is only 1 size bigger than me (although her clothes are REALLY tight) I freaked because she looks really heavy. I don't know if she just said it to un-nerve me or if she is jealous or what, but the goal is to not look heavy!! Also, at all the baseball games I am at, I am always thinking "Do I look like that mom"? "Could I ever look like her"? "Could I wear that"??? So that is where I am struggling!!! On a positive, it does keep me motivated and wanting to lose.
  24. MissMom24

    unhappy with results

    I agree, track the calories and make sure your getting enough Protein in. To make my weight move, I had to have at least 60g protein a day, plus Water and LOTS of working out!
  25. MissMom24

    Horrifying First Fill

    As I get skinner, the easier it is to access my port. I also know what to expect now, so it is not nearly as bad as the first fill. It will get easier...

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