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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissMom24

  1. On the car stories...my best friend had an orange red beetle. Back in the day we used to cruise the Westminster Mall at night. One night, we couldn't see squat. We parked, got out and one headlight is streaming toward heaven, the other is pointed down and her trunk would not close (thank goodness for the bungi cords). It was Christmas break and with no heater we would bundle up and hang on! Those of you from CO did you ever go to the High School drags at Bandimere?
  2. YAY MARCY AND MAL!!! Good for you guys!!! WERE DOIN' IT!!!
  3. PLEASE DONT HATE ME...I don't know what I am doing...but it is working...so I am taking it!! I am down 5.7 this week for a total of 10.2 in the last 2 weeks (huh?!?) I have on a med top and size 10 Gap capris...needless to say I am feeling a tad weepy. I am just thrilled. Thrilled!!! I am down 68 pounds as of today and my 6 month bandiversary is on Thursday...I will be taking pictures and posting my before and afters. This is unbelievable.
  4. My first car was a GIANT blue cargo van that we used to call the Gator Mobile...it was horrible. Now I want to do it to my kids! LOL! LOL!!!
  5. Yay for you Mal!! I used to roller blade and loved it! That was pre-knee...if you catch my drift!! Still fun though!
  6. Sad thing is, I can remember being 16, just like it was yesterday. Oh to have that much fun again! Tell her to enjoy EVERY second!
  7. Yay for gold stars!!! Congrats on your band!
  8. My son said it is more like this... :lol: :tt2: :wink2: :smile: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  9. Mini~ You will want a sports car when you are all done with everything...just so you can show your hot self off!!! :wink2:
  10. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! My 14 year old is SOOOOOOOOO jealous!! :lol: Lucky, lucky girl! You guys have fun!!!:wink2:
  11. MissMom24

    Starbucks..what do you order??

    They now have the skinny shakes...sorry don't know what they are called, my son orders for me. But they are super good!
  12. I just love your insight Lap! Keep it coming Lady!!!
  13. Hubs is having a cardiac catheterization done on 6/17. Test results indicate that he has had an MI and that he has a blockage. So, we'll do what we have to do to get him healthy. Shelbi~ Please, please, please know that I am praying for you!! That is such a scary thing and your a tough little cookie, for not falling apart! I'm off to the beach for a few days. My baby's turning 11 and he wants to Celebrate at the beach. Cardiologist said ok, so we're off. I'll weigh on Monday when I get back and hopefully won't have a gain. You will do great Missy...soak up the sun for me. I LOVE the beach, I could so live close to one! I have an 11 year old too, only instead of hanging out on the beach, I will be hanging out at the ball fields (AGAIN) Happy Weekend everyone!
  14. Mini~ I learned how to drive right here in Denver. Sounds like you'll be ready if you have drivers like me in your town! HA
  15. Yowza Miss. Dee~ Girl, we gotta go out and get you a man. A guy I went to HS with is a stripper here in Denver...we could do that and get a good laugh!!! You will lose this week, I just know it! You beat the socks off of me working out this month!!! Great, Great, GREAT job!!!!
  16. Mini~ Yay for your son! That is a HUGE step and must be very exciting for you and him! Congrats!
  17. Bahot~ It is nice to have the hubby chase you around, huh? Mine is doing the same thing. I am only 10 pounds away from the weight I was when we were married 12 years ago! Have fun with the new car!!! Even if it isn't yours... Tell your hubby that I need a new one too. I also am an excellent driver and I can multi-task. Talk on the cell, control 4 kids, mess with the radio and drive all at once!!!
  18. Thanks Lap!! WTG FOR YOU GIRL!! You will get there! I know it!
  19. MissMom24

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    ...because I finally busted my plateau and want to keep losing! 25 pounds by August!
  20. MissMom24

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    You look amazing!! Thanks for the inspiration!!
  21. You look great!! If only we could carry giant erasers around and erase what is bugging us!
  22. MissMom24

    slipped band??

    When that happened to me, I did liquids for a day or two. I also took some prevacid and I felt MUCH better!
  23. MissMom24

    banded today!

    Congratulations!! You will be so happy with your decision. Now drink, drink, drink and rest, rest, rest!! You will be back to normal before you know it!
  24. DEE~ YAY for you for making it 3-12's!! I don't even know if I could do that. Yikes! But awesome for you! And for the Lane Bryant! I also will be able to make it on the 11th, no games! FAT WIDOW~ I chose the lap band because I wanted something that was reversible if I ended up having problems. I was scared to death of GBS because like Dee mentioned, having your stomach cut up. One of my friends mothers is constantly in and out of the hospital because of complications from GBS. After seeing that, I wanted no part of it. She always would say that "yes, her mom is skinny but she lost her. She was to UNHEALTHY to participate in their lives." Although I was a lower BMI, I am only 30-35 pounds from goal. And it will be 6 months on June 12. I think it depends on your own motivation, your activity etc... My motivation was not having a knee replacement this year. Although, I will need one in the future, I am so happy post-poning it for years! You in the end must decide and you must be comfortable with your choice. If your not, you will just set yourself up to fail. Good luck with your decision and keep us posted on whatever way you decide to go!
  25. DEB~ I have heard good things about the Holiday Inn, but I am local, so I don't really count. Good luck in your search!

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