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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissMom24

  1. MissMom24

    No Fill for me today

    That is where I am lucky, my doctor will give me a fill, if I fell like I need one. There are times I am losing really well, but I know that alot of it is will power!! Keep chuggin' along, you will get where you need to be!
  2. Yay Anita I can't wait to see you!! Bahot am I finally going to meet you?!? I hope so!!
  3. I couldn't agree with you more Mini..although my children don't have a mental illness, my sweet little girl, Hannah, has gone through 28 surgeries in her short 5 years and were expecting 5-10 more in her future. My son was also diagonosed with dyslexia and a broad based language learning disorder. Between them I could put my head in a wall...but I am SO much stronger (and vocal) then I ever was. Losing weight has even made me better (now I just don't look like the crazy fat lady). God bless you and your son...it is amazing the different roads that we all travel.
  4. :smile2::crying::smile2: Mal I am so sorry to hear about Buster. I am rootin' for him and know that someday, you and I will finally get to meet!! Give him a loving pat on the head for me!! I hope things get better soon!
  5. OH Lap...my heart is with you. I know how difficult family can be, thankfully my family is WONDERFUL, but my in-laws are another issue. My SIL will not even look at me since I have lost weight and ther creepy thing is that her husband looks at me more. One word. EEWWW! I am so glad that your DD is fine as is the baby! It always is a little scary come the end! As always Dee, great advice!!! I am super excited about tomorrow!
  6. LA~ I am feeling lazy this morning... Schedule your fill and DON'T GIVE UP!!! You have come so far, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming" A little Nemo mantra for you!
  7. MissMom24

    Tom ???

    Ok so I am due to go in for a fill on Thursday, but I am also due to start my period next week. I have had great restriction this week (lost 5.7) but know 3-4 days after I start the restriction will fade (I am guessing this is hormonal). So when I go in, I know that I will be tighter, but do I have them add a little more, knowing that I will be looser? Anyone been here? Thanks in advance!
  8. MissMom24

    8 Month Bandiversary

    Yay for you!!!
  9. MissMom24

    considering getting banded, but....

    For me, I was looking for the positive...not the negative. I knew in my gut that this is what was best for me and I stuck with it. I knew that the band was a tool and I have treated it as such, as soon as I feel at all loose, I schedule a fill. I work out and only have Water. I was banded on 12/12 and am down 70 pounds. I only have 27 more to get to my goal of 130. If you want it bad enough, you bust your tail and you will get it! I started with a size 22 pant and am wearing 10/12 now. In 6 months...it is pretty remarkable!
  10. MissMom24

    Banded today and doing good so far!

    Sounds like your rockin' your band!! Good luck to you!
  11. MissMom24


    Hi there~ My surgeon also found cysts on my liver (I still have them and need to get them removed). I believe that there were 4, he said they were most likely from birth control pills or from phentermine. He also said the are usually 99% benign, so not to worry. I went ahead and had the band placed (12/12) and have done and felt great! Good luck to you! Brandy
  12. Wish you could come too Mini...can't say that I blame you though!
  13. MissMom24

    Lost 7 pounds in one day and some NSV's+

    Awesome!!! Good for you!
  14. Shelbi~ You will lose your 2 pounds like nothing flat! Your a good bandster and will do just fine! Enjoy your memories!
  15. Dee~ You so sweet...I can't wait to see you! Wednesday, right???
  16. I honestly am not doing anything different...maybe upped my H2O to make sure everything is being flushed out. Plus, I am working out. I don't eat BEFORE working out and make sure I am staying hydrated. Also, I don't eat AFTER working out UNLESS I NEED IT. I am getting into the habbit of not telling myself "well, I burned calories today, so I can have it" Last night, I did horrible. Had friends over, ate to much, including FRIED ICE CREAM!!! ACK So, as you can see, I am far, far, FAR from perfect!!!
  17. Your welcome Sidann!! Anytime... I agree with the support issue as well...I love it here! My absolute favorite place to be! I have really short hair, spiky and will have 2 little girls with me. An adorable brown haired one and one who is blonde curly top!
  18. Miss Widow~ I know for me that if I had to travel, it would have been a nightmare 1 day out. I went to Princess' on Ice, and don't remember a thing. Nothing, nada and if my best friend had not been there, my daughter would have been left! I would say wait at least 2 days before going home...that is me though!
  19. Sidann~ If you want, I can come a little early and I can hold your hand...seriously, I will. I am local so it would be no problem at all for me! Just let me know! Brandy
  20. Yay Everyone!!! The weight is falling off of us!!! YAY US!!!
  21. MissMom24

    Protein Supplement Suggestions

    I like the protein bullets, I just put one in a bottle of water and off we go! I got them at GNC...
  22. I was yellow too...for quite awhile. It was just bruising and eventually went away.
  23. YAY Miss. Widow...How exciting! I would offer to sit with you, but with 4 kids running around, not sure that would be your best bet!
  24. SIDANN~ What time on Thursday?? I will be there at 10:30...hopefully I can meet you!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
