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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sarahjane79

  1. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I could probably stand to drink a bit more actual water. I drink water with my protidiet concentrates and at night, b UT during the day the last week I pretty much drink powerade or gaterade G2.
  2. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I have to do the whole miralax thing next Tuesday... but I'd love to just have a good poop before then! Haha. Maybe I'll hit up Walgreens tomorrow and see what they recommend.
  3. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Get some rest. I hope ya feel better asap!
  4. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    If your doc wants you to stop taking it, why wouldn't you listen to them? (Not trying to be rude here, just wondering.)
  5. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I drink a lot of fluids and still don't poop. I know a week from today I'm going to regret wishing I could poop my brains out.... Hahahaha.
  6. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    True. What was I thinking? Oh, I wasn't. I'm a bot. Lolz
  7. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Why does technology hate so much??
  8. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I laughed my ass off then showed my roommate. And then explained to her my poop issues, even though she can't stand to talk about any of those kinds of things. Bahahahaha.
  9. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Yeah. Im.wondering if I should take a laxative. Maybe. And then drink lots.
  10. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Bahahahahhahaha. I meant for my bowel prep. I'm not pooping at all right now!
  11. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Hahah. Shoot. I don't even poop now.... Speaking of... People on or have done the pre op diet... Anyone else basically not poop? I've pooped twice since last Wednesday. And no farts. Nothing. So weird.
  12. Sarahjane79

    psychology evaluation today!

    Yeah, I used the psyc that is in the same building/offices as my surgeon. I think it must usually take a little bit, because they told me the psyc "rushed" to give the surgeon her results.
  13. Sarahjane79

    psychology evaluation today!

    My psychological evaluation was on 1/21, and my doctor had it either on the 22nd or 23rd, because they submitted everything to insurance on the 23rd. Buuuuut, my whole experience was rushed as I'm a student and only had a few days I could do this. So the psyc had a rush on getting my doc her answer.
  14. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I'm just lazy. Nothing subconscious about it. Hahahaha Same. I think I live like 7-10 miles from the hospital. Plus, I will probably procrastinate and wait until the night before. Plus, I'll need something to do in between pooping my non existent food out of me, and not being able to sleep because of nerves and excitement. Hah. I didn't sleep a wink before my knee surgery a few years ago. I figure I'll catch up when they put me out.
  15. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Some of us are on our pre op diets and are totally slap happy from lack of food. Hahahaha But seriously. Welcome!
  16. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Sher- take extra vitamin c and sleep. That's WHAT my doc recommended when I thought I was getting sick Friday.
  17. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    . Stupid technology.
  18. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Bahahahaha hahahahaha. Omg. So was us. And now I want mac and cheese you beotches. Hah. Although, let's be serious. I always want mac and cheese. It's probably my favorite. Jencovi- when is your surgery again? I'm a night owl. I'll be happy to squash the anxiety with my awesomely witty humor. (I'll just go ahead and brush my shoulder off) hahahaha
  19. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Wouldn't it be some sh!t if you were a sleep walker/eater?! Oh man.
  20. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Seriously. We're totally twins. I can't wait for ALL of this. Lol
  21. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

  22. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    I can't wait to not be a sweaty mess. BUT. Since I started this liquid diet, I was always warm. Hot. Sweaty even walking around school. Since Wednesday, I've been freezing. As in my heat is almost never set higher than 68 cause I'm just usually that warm, but since Friday, I've set it at 70, 72, even 73 today! I loving it!! I can't wait go walk into ANY store and shop for clothes. To not be so out if breath by stairs that I use the elevator and look like a fat lazy person. ENERGY. I can't wait to play tennis again. I really can't wait until the first person says "holy **** you look amazing" Or to put my boots on without needing stairs cause I'm to fat to bend over too far. Lol And so many more that I can't think of right now.
  23. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    Yeah. And thankfully alllllll my friends have been super awesome.
  24. Sarahjane79

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    She totally is! I'm so glad I have her to help me/to pick her brain. She called me tonight to see how I was doing on my liquid diet. ❤️

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