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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ready2Live76

  1. Hello All, I will be getting sleeved on 3/3/14. I wanted to reach out to other AA women to see how much, if any problems you all had with excess or sagging skin; what preventative measures you took, if any; what you are doing about excess skin?
  2. Ready2Live76

    single, traveling and other adventures

    I was in the same boat. So I joined a travel club. IT'S AMAZING. It's fun and exciting. I would love to share more about it with you. If you are interested you can email at lifestyleconcierge76@gmail.com
  3. Ready2Live76


    When were you sleeved? How are you doing. I am in Tallahassee, but was sleeved in Jacksonville on 3/3/14.
  4. I just hit 4wks from the date I was sleeved, but they had to go back and do an emergency hernia removal 3days later so I didn't lose anything the first week after surgery. I have lost 29lbs since surgery
  5. Ready2Live76


    Bariatric Advantage has chewable mutlivitamin that work really well. They are not gummies the cheweable like a flinstone Vitamin.
  6. Very interesting read. Quite relatable. While I am far from where she is, I am already experiencing some of the same things regarding women/friendships/relationships with people. Especially because those who thought they were of significance in my life, are not aware of me having surgery and can't quite figure out what is going on. LOL!
  7. Ready2Live76


    This was really helpful. I am a slow loser as well. However, I am only 2wks post op. I was concerned because other sleevers seem to have lost between 15-20lbs by now. I have only lost 8 since my surgery. I know I am having a hard time getting my Protein in so I will be working on that. I'm still on softees/purees so I will have to amp up my shake intake.
  8. So I do not want anyone to think that I am not taking this seriously because I by far am SO SERIOUS!!! With that said, I want to know if you think it will cause any issues if I go out to Celebrate my birthday tomorrow? The instructions I recieved at scheduling was midnight the night before to fast and I could have my bariatric shake the morning of surgery but only mixed with Water. My current pre-op diet consist of salad plate sized meals with 1/4 Protein, 1/4 carb, & 1/2 fresh/frozen fruits/veggies, and one Meal Replacement shake. Standardly I have my shake for Breakfast, no lunch, and a carbless dinner. Just my choice. If I go out tonight and have a few drinks and mexican food, is it going to kill everything I have been working towards? My surgery is scheduled for Monday 3/3 11:50a
  9. Yes it is because the weight comes off faster than the skin has time to catch up. I have been doing some research and found that it seems to be a 50/50 chance of this happening. In am glad my insurance will cover removal of excess skin when it's medically necessary. Thank you for sharing.
  10. Ready2Live76


    I ask the same question and was told as long as it was mixed with only with water. It doesn't matter anyway. Id already decided I wasn't eating prior to.
  11. So today was my final appointment with the surgeon to schedule my surgery! I am SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! However, my mother just informed me that she thinks I need to recuperate at my sister's house because she doesn't have stairs, and my excitement just turned to dread!!! My sister has this ANNOYING SPOILED OBNOXIOUS granddaughter. Now I loooooove kids, but me and this kid are like oil and Water because I can't stand a DISRESPECTFUL KID! I say this to say, what do you guys think about going up and down the stairs the first week after surgery? I know we are suppose to move anyway but I don't want to over do it. However, I do want to be comfy and in mown bed at my own house. It would only be to go down stairs or my lovely liquid diet drinks. Maybe I should just put a hotplate and a small fridge in my bedroom. Just kidding. Anyway, any advice about the stairs? sorry about the rambling about the family issue, but I am jus tso excited!!! LOL!
  12. Ready2Live76

    transformation tuesday.jpg

    Congrats! SO INSPIRING! I am being sleved in 3days!!! I can't wait until May/June/July to post these type pics!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ready2Live76


      Thanks guys! It is my true date! I have not been excited about a b-day in a while, but this one is special! This is the last b-day at this weight!

    3. kll724


      Yeah! Congrats and best wishes for your next birthday, too!

    4. Carlotta1


      Happy bd to YOU

  14. Ready2Live76


    Thank you for your candor. I think you are right. She is just trying to hold on cause she is on borrowed time at this point.
  15. Ready2Live76


    Good question. I can confidently say no. I only decided to celebrate about 4hrs ago. It dawned on me that this is the last b-day that the old me would have and because I love her I felt she deserved a good send off. However, I don't love her enough to keep her around. While she is a good person with a loving heart, she wasn't always the best person to herself. It's time for her to go!
  16. Thanks for the info. I do plan o getting with a PT the week after surgery. I pray its not too much because plastic surgery is not I my budget. Removal of excess skin is covered by my insurance as long as it's medically necessary.
  17. What an inspiration! Congrats!
  18. Hello fellow pisces Sweeteyes27!!! My Birthday is Friday 2/28 and my surgery is Monday 3/3! I agee with everyone about taking sometime out for you to mentally prepare yourself for this next phase in your life. It sounds like you are well on your way with your ability to take a stance against the exBF's sabotage attempts!!! It's great you have support in your ex husband and mom! Well I just wanted to give you a shout out since we are a part of an elite group of individuals that were born in the month of February! We are special and for those that don't see, ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!!! Good Luck on your surgery and I can't wait to hear all about your progress!!!
  19. Ready2Live76

    Advice please...

    This is awesome! Thanks everyone! I felt like stairs would be fine but I thought I'll just ask my support team cause I knew you guys would know! LOL!!! Thanks again, SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!
  20. I am so excited!!!!! 3/3/14 will be the first day of the rest of my life!

    1. DairyFairy42


      I am happy that you have found a way to move forward, life is like that sometimes. All the best for your op and new journey.

  21. Ready2Live76

    Nervous about Insurance Approval

    It is possible. I was approved within 2wks. It would have been less but it sat on someone's desk for a week and a half even though I was calling daily to confirm that the process was progressing...when I got someone on the phone who told me the truth that it was sitting for a week and a half and had not moved he immediately escalated it and it was approved within 24 hours... My suggestion to you will be want the insurance documents are turned into your insurance company call them on the third day after you sent them and call them regularly and ask them what stage in the process your document yet I only say this because I used to work for health insurance companies and I know how the pre certification process can go it is not a priority for the nurses is not a priority for Provider Relations they will drag it out so be diligent about following up on your documents. Remember you have support here do not be nervous stay in prayer and everything is going to work out exactly how it's supposed to.
  22. Ready2Live76

    Starting my journey...

    I started my mental journey about 12yrs ago, and I wasn't ready then. I then went full on into my spriritual journey that has been a journey since birth. However, in 2010 I really got into my relationship with God. Once that was on track, my mental preparedness for this surgery also got on track. I truly believe that God opened this door for me at this time only because He knew I was ready. I say that because I have WORKED for Health Insurance companies 2000, but WLS was never a covered service. I find that to be ironic, now that I no longer work for a Health Insurance company. LOL. My current position of which I have only had for the last 8mths, has allowed MANY door to open for me, including WLS! I can only thank God for it. I chose to keep my decision between me and God for about a month. Then, I gradually told people that were close to me, but only on a "need to know" basis. My mother, a friend who also struggles with weight, BFF of 20yrs and 2 of my 3 sisters...not all at one time, but gradually over the last 6mths. I told a co-worker because she was safe in that we aren't really friends but we have one thing in common, neither of us deal with the other people we work around. LOL! So far those that know have been very supportive. However, it is comforting to know that things like this website are available. It's nothing like being able to sound off with people that have been through or are going through what you are going through. As for preop dieting....I AM STRUGGLING , but I have lost 11lbs since I started on 2/3...my preop diet isn't difficult though. One Meal Replacement shake, saucer sized meals which includes more Protein than anything, little to know carbs and lots of fresh or frozen fruits or veggies. So I made it easy for myself. I found 3 low/no carb meals that I could eat regularly w/o issue. I prepare them at the begining of the week take them for lunch and eat them for dinner. I use my meal replacement shake for Breakfast. REMEMBER: The preop diet is created to reduce the size of your liver. It's purpose is to cleanse your liver. If you can began to REDUCE your starch intake now, and if you can, sit in a Sauna 2-3 times a week now up until your surgery date, you will be way ahead of the game.
  23. Ready2Live76

    The wait is killing me!

    I was right there with you until last week Friday. I got the best Valentie's Day gift could ever give me. I started my journey at the end of Oct 2013 and finished my 90days 1/30/14 paperwork was submitted on 2/3/14. I called every other day!! I am actually glad I did because my docs sat on someone's desk for a week and a half before it moved. I called them on Thursday and got it escalated. I had an approval before Friday afternoon. Now I am waiting to go to my surgeon to schedule my surgery. I pray that happens Thursday morning. I know it's tough. Stay positive and don't feel bad if you wanna call your insurance company until you get your approval.
  24. Ready2Live76

    People who have never been fat!

    I understand. Sometimes, family is the worst with the criticism. Just know that you can come here for support. We have your back. As for the naysayers, you have to become a "DUCK"! Let it slide off your back like Water to a duck! LOL! Besides when you reach your goal, you will find, EVERYONE is going to want to be on your team then! You will have your revenge when you show your success! Keep pressing forward! You only have one true judge and as long as you and the Man upstairs are in agreement, no one can take this away from you.
  25. Ready2Live76

    People who have never been fat!

    I actually decided to keep my decision private until I got closer in my journey. Only a small bit of people are aware even now. I have to say I have a great support system, but I also know that not everyone will get it. Keep your head up, don't let them bother you. Like you said, you have to do this for you. YOLO!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
