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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by Postop

  1. Very possible and I know of many who've had it done. I've sent you a PM.
  2. Postop

    Low to no energy

    Most DSers don't take B12 so I doubt it's that. (That's more RNYers). Sounds as if you may be dehydrated. That's more common early out.
  3. Postop


    OTC. "Bariatric" vitamins often don't have what DSers need.
  4. Postop


    Your insurance should cover Iron infusions, if you need them. Generally, what happens is your iron numbers have to get low enough that your doctor recommends infusions. I do know quite a few DSers who need them. As for vitamins: I take 40+ per day. You will probably want to buy vit/minerals in bulk. costco, BJs, etc. Online places as well. I generally buy 6 months or more at a time so I save on shipping. As I have my bloods done every 6 months there is often a tweak made to my routine.
  5. Postop

    Getting in Protein

    The rule of thumb is 30 grams at 30 days, 60 grams at 60 days and 90 grams at 90 days. I came nowhere near that. I wasn't able to eat 50 grams until 6 months out. So I supplemented with a Protein shake everyday for the first 2 years. You're only 2 weeks out! Hydration is waaaayyyy more important than protein right now. Keep sipping and walking. BTW, I ate 1 tsp. of scrambled eggs (as a meal) when I was at your stage and then I was full. In addition, it took a long time for any hunger to return. Thankfully, it does. If you PM me your email addy, I can send you the documents my DS surgeons & nutrit. distribute. There are meal ideas in there. You're right to aim for 120 grams, eventually. I eat more than that a day. But you have an infant DSers' stomach right now. You'd never be able to get 120 grams in at 2 weeks out.
  6. What can't I do is probably the better question ? I have boundless energy. My mother movd this August. I moved this September. The movers commented on how I just never stopped lifting, carrying, etc. The packing of her house alone took the better part of a year. I NEVER could have done any of that before.
  7. The fact that I never have to look at the calorie count of anything again. That I would probably suffer lactose intolerance for the first year.
  8. Postop

    Newbie (Pre-op)

    Sent you a PM.
  9. Postop

    Hair Loss with DS

    It began at about 3-4 mos. out & lasted till about a year or so out.
  10. Postop

    Anything helps, I'm new here!

    Hello, I'm 11+ years out from a DS. Sagging skin is just a fact (unless you're 18 years old), I'm afraid. I lift weights to help strengthen bones & help w/the skin, but still have osteo. With the malabsorption from the DS, and as you age - some of us see this. It is treatable. I take a ton of Calcium & Vit. D3 and take osteo. treatment. I'd suggest a Dexa bone scan, preop, so you have a baseline. Realize you'll be taking a lot ​of vitamins/minerals each day. Plus, blood tests every 6 or 12 mos. (after the first year) depending on your doctor. This isn't negotiable. It's for life. My life after surgery is pretty good. I eat every couple of hours. Tons of Protein, constantly. I'll even go down to McDonald's for a triple w/catsup & cheese when hungry at work. I generally skip the bun: 1. It takes up too much room in my stomach & I want the protein; 2. I don't want the carbs, unless I'm trying to gain weight. Who's your surgeon?
  11. Postop


    Yes. 40+ per day. Some take more, some fewer. But almost all of us take quite a lot.
  12. Eggs are fine. Esp. when you're a new DSer. I ate 1 tsp. of scrambled eggs the first week. It's all I coukd get in for breakfast. Nowadays, it's 3 eggs scrambled with cream cheese and ham mixed in. Others have that much plus toast. You'll see eggs work well for us.
  13. The sugar intake for the shakes is OK. Don't worry about the calories. I know it's a hard mindset to change but that's a DS benefit. If you can, I'd eat instead of drink, but that's up to you. I also sent you a PM.
  14. Definitely don't count calories. DSers do not. We count Protein grams. At barely 2 months out it may be hard to eat enough protein. If you feel you need 3 shakes a day then do it. How many sugar grams are in each shake? Is it under 10? I had 1 shake for the first 2 years (each day) bc I couldn't get enough protein in. I didn't get to 50 gr. protein till 6 mos. out. Are you getting in 80 gr. of Water comfortably? That is a lot. If it's too hard you can drop it back. I only weighed when I went to my surgeons' office. That meant 1 mo. out, 3 mos. out, etc. That way I never saw ups, downs, stalls. I did take pics every 3 mos. My first mo. I lost 19 lbs. as I recall. Why the low fat? As a DSer, I eat pretty much all the fat I want. Full fat mayo, yogurt, etc. That's one of the beauties of the DS.
  15. Postop

    DS log book

    You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, it isn't uncommon once you're out of the hospital.
  16. Postop

    DS log book

    Concentrate on the fluids. They're most important. The protein can wait.
  17. Postop

    3rd Week Post Op, lower belly cramping

    Sounds like a good idea.
  18. Postop

    3rd Week Post Op, lower belly cramping

    Sounds pretty normal. Your brand new stomach trying to figure itself out. But definitely ask so you'll feel better. As long as they used staples,sutures, etc.; it would be really hard to do any damage. I'm over 11 years out and have never had an issue. In fact, I don't believe I've ever heard of an issue like that. So try not to worry.
  19. Postop

    DS log book

    I stayed 5 days instead of 4. Had a slight fever. It's better they're being safe than sorry with you. Good on them.
  20. Postop

    DS log book

    Hope it went well.
  21. Postop

    DS on Aug 25

    Tiredness. I remember I was exhausted after eating & had to lie down. Learning my new stomach: what did that cramp mean? Did I really have to 'go'? My surgeon helped a lot on this one. He told me to remember I had 1 stomach for my whole life & now I have a brand new infant's stomach. I had to treat it as such. Lactose intolerance. Happens to many of us for the first year. I used Lactaid pills, milk & cheese.
  22. Postop

    Internal plumbing fear

    If you're passing gas or stretching; don't worry. If you're pushing too hard when you go to the bathroom, then try a stool softener. Your insides will be OK.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
