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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HumanMerelyBeing

  1. HumanMerelyBeing

    I'm trying to come to terms with the idea that...

    This is so uplifting. Your list of "non-scale victories" so to speak is so highly relevant, I think I will print it out. It really is all of these small things which add up to contribute to the experience of the 'fat life.' I look forward to reaping some of the benefits you describe!! : )
  2. HumanMerelyBeing

    What my doctor says about stalls...

    Phew! I needed this! Thanks for the wisdom.
  3. HumanMerelyBeing

    Starvation mode, stall & atrophy

    OK, I really appreciated all the replies. I especially smiled at the overthinking comments. Wow - that's pretty accurate and a great reminder. I suspect I might be an overthinker. Hee hee - In fact, I am also an over-researcher. For example, on Day 4 or 5 post op, I almost lost my voice (probably just post-anesthesia stuff) but of course, I googled it and found a number of sites that said some people never regained a normal voice post-op or could never sing again. Immediately, I imagined my new voiceless life. I was going to be like the Little Mermaid who had gotten her much wanted feet, but would never speak again. Quite a trade-off. Of course, 2 days later my voice fully returned and that was that. It's probably good I am back to work this week - too much time to think = bad things!!!
  4. HumanMerelyBeing

    Side Sleeping ?

    Thanks for posting this...I'm 2 weeks post-op and still cannot comfortably sleep on my side (either one). I have been wondering the exact same thing. I am a major side sleeper and so staying on my back makes for a pretty crumby night's sleep. I'll be interested to see what others say who are further out.
  5. HumanMerelyBeing

    Liquid Colace!

    Ahhhhh yes, see my post from a few days ago entitled, "Liquid Colace is the Devil!!". It's no joke. I am never having that again. Someone turned me on to Miralax which I have found effective since trying it. Also, as I have started to get more active with walking since the pain is diminishing (10 days post op today), that has helped too. Good luck and by all means throw your $17 bottle of colace into the pit!
  6. Seriously people...doc said go with a liquid colace during these first few post ops days. But it is soooooooo gross even with water or juice and with my pain I cannot afford to be dry heaving. It is like the makers of this product didn't even try to make it palatable. What else can I take.....
  7. Oh, forgot to mention that switching from cold to warm fluids helped me a lot too. The warm just seemed to go down easier and provoke less violent reactions.
  8. Yes, first day post op I couldn't get the sips in due to this gagging, over salivation state of nausea that I would go through. Horrible feeling. 2nd day it didn't happen at all and I feel I can actually get the fluids in. It should pass soon.
  9. HumanMerelyBeing

    Wow - this sucks

    I am 3 days post op and I too came to grips with the fact that this is really a major surgery. Just because a lot of people have done it and the risks are low doesn't make it less intense...so I hear you. Also, I had some thoughts that I might return to work in a week, but seeing as how near that is, I am starting to have doubts based on my pain levels. I do feel that I am getting better each day, but it feels a little slow. Keep up the great work. We are strong enough for this and we are not alone.
  10. HumanMerelyBeing

    Superbowl Madness

    The Superbowl has become a national holiday of sorts, hasn't it? I don't know how or why this has occurred, but the amount of shopping, planning, cooking and eating that occurs in this country rivals Thanksgiving, I think. My husband made a bunch of delicious smelling items that filled the house and overwhelmed me on my 10TH DAY OF PRE-OP DIET. Seriously??? I mean, I haven't had more than 650 calories a day for the last 10 days. Man, was I fighting the head hunger and the physical response of the nearness of the food and for a few seconds I had a good old Pity Party and then.... I remembered! I remembered reading on one of the many wise posts on here, that sometimes you just have to get yourself outta there. And that's what I did - I took my Water and myself upstairs and closed the bedroom door and absorbed myself in other things and yes...it passed. And I got through it. I have had to do this a few times during the pre-op and I hope I will be able to apply some of these skillful behaviors once I've post-op.
  11. Bleh!! 3 PM surgery time tomorrow. So late in the day. Ugh.

    1. LindafromFlorida


      I had a 3pm surgery, was out of hospital by 3pm next day. It will pass. Best wishes.

    2. jallsop


      on the other hand....yay!!!! you're finally having surgery tomorrow!!!! Good luck!

  12. HumanMerelyBeing

    One day OMG!

    So, how are you doing? Looks like you are a few days out now. Hopefully, you are feeling good and no complications. Check in when you can.
  13. HumanMerelyBeing


    Tomorrow is my day too!!! Get your liquids in today! I wish us both luck and I'll look for your posts after the fact!
  14. T-minus 24 hours to surgery! Clear liquids today. Here I go.

    1. Carlotta1


      Good luck.. U must be excited. Let us know how u r doing when u up to it.

  15. February 4 Dr. Papasavas Hartford Hospital Hartford, CT Let's stay connected and make sure we are all doing OK!!!
  16. Argh!! I just got asked the exact same thing. My surgery is in 5 days and I'm too smart to fall for that crock. Been there, done that. Losing weight is not the problem, is it? Keeping it off is, of course.
  17. I am 7 days out to surgery (2/4/2014). I had a vivid dream last night that I was on a long journey on foot. Suddenly I had wheels on my feet (not exactly roller skates, but wheels) and I started picking up speed. I approached a long downhill and easily maneuvered down it, rolling smoothly along. It was a long, winding hill with beautiful trees on both sides of the road, their branches hanging over the pavement. I felt free with the wind flying right through me. Interestingly, during this I was very aware of the need to stay focused, to watch the road, to manage the landscapes and not fly out of control. When I woke up, all I could think is that the dream was a wonderful metaphor for the new journey I'm about to begin. I'm claiming it.
  18. HumanMerelyBeing

    Day 0

    Best of luck. Keep us posted after your surgery!
  19. Pre-Op physical today! Tminus 8 days to surgery!

  20. HumanMerelyBeing

    My 600 lb Life: Whoa

    I recently saw "My 600 Pound Life" for the first time, featuring Melissa Morris. I was flipping through channels and I stumbled upon this and I couldn't look away. I watched the show with a mix of astonishment, disgust and yes - recognition. I am not 600 pounds. No. I am *only* 275 pounds. But let's be honest: during the first 10 minutes of watching, you're sitting there thinking, "Oh my gosh, how did she get like this? How did she let this happen? What a tragedy." And for the final 50 minutes you watch in a sickened sense of recognition. Recognition of the same focus on food, the same addictions, the same shame and the same feeling of helplessness to really fix it all by yourself. I won't watch the show with my husband or kids because I don't want want them to recognize me in those behaviors. I don't want to see the thought dawn on them - somehow I want to keep up the delusion that I'm not that bad. But I could be. It makes me grateful that I'm getting help and support. It strengthens my decision to have surgery (12 days away!!). It keeps me out of denial. Let's face it - I'm not just a few Weight Watchers meetings away from a healthy weight anymore.
  21. HumanMerelyBeing

    My 600 lb Life: Whoa

    Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. As I head into surgery I am really working on staying out of denial and coming out of hiding.
  22. HumanMerelyBeing

    got my date feb28th

    Yay you! Congrats. The countdown has begun. When do you start your pre-op diet? I'm being sleeved Feb 4th - started pre-op today.
  23. HumanMerelyBeing

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I'm scheduled for February 4th. I'm on Day 1 of the Pre-Op diet.
  24. How do I post a thread, not just status update? What am I mising?

    1. BigGirlPanties


      I had a similar problem until I asked recently as there is no "help" here... you go to the forum that you want to post at itself...like "gastric sleeve success stories" when you open that, you will see all the postings and to the right you will see "start new topic" good luck

  25. HumanMerelyBeing

    Just approved!

    Yay, you!!! I got the same call on Tuesday of this week!!! What a great feeling. 13 days till my surgery!! Good luck!

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