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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by fleabag1975

  1. Hi there, I am 5 ft 2 as well. I just did huge post with photos on the gastric bypass journey page...have a look this will inspire you! In 6 months I have gone from size 24 to 12km and still have 10kg to go. You can do this...it's all about mindset...do you really want it so bad? Then you can only be the one to make it happen! Hugs. .

    quote name="AuriP" post="3621960" timestamp="1412597206"]I'm post op day 4 and looking for some progress to go off on. Starting weight was 250, surgery weight was 242. I'm sore, in pain and in the regret phase due to the pain right now. I need some motivators, please.

  2. Well done!!! That's so inspirational for me. I had my Omega loop (revision from band then sleeve) just over 2 weeks ago and have lost 6kgs.

    So happy for you, thanks for updating us!

    Any tips on eating/habits/learnings?

    by the way...dumping is no fun which is why I don't eat any foods with fat or sugar. I Try stay around 10g fat and 10g sugar on any nutrition panel per serving....had full cream latte with full sugar accidently msde for someone else, and was vomiting. Had overeating experience which was soosss painful had to lay down until is passed. It's not worth it. I was overweight most of my 20's and 30's and I love who iam now and it's only taken 6 months! I was insulin resistant and had the beginning of kidney and liver failure. My fasting insulin was 58! I was given 9 months to live so had to have this procedure and I guess now I have this second chance at life I am not going to abuse it. i want to share it with the world! I can control what I eat now and it's wonderful that I rule food and not the other way around. I know if I want to loose weight I have to eat and exercise, and the key is easy guys....If you can just understand.....eat from the food pyramid....All your grains, dairy, essential fats, etc are right there.....you burn calories just to stay alive so add this to your food intake and try and burn it off, you will guarantee loose weight and once you realise this forumula like I have, you are a true winner...i have a fitbit also in every colour and this matches with what ever outfit I wear. It keeps me motivated and if I can do over 10 thousand steps per day, I am happy with that . I can believe I am 39 and have only worked all this our now in life....I feel 29 now though and hubby loves the new me...YOU can do it. Just plan ahead with meals and I promise you will succeed

  3. Eat from the food pyramid, eat often, eat small...I eat off an entrée size plate. A typical day for me is porridge, muesli or 2 weetbix, fruit at morning tea, ricecakes x 2 with ham cheese and Tomato, or baked Beans on ricecakes cakes, or tin of tuna on crackers, snack on more fruit or sakata crackers, or vita wheats x 2 with filly , apple, orange, dinner I have anything from fish and veg, salmon and salad, chicken and veg, turkey breast with melted cheese and ham with corn cob... i will make a salad with low fat feta, pumpkin pieces, pine nuts, red onion and beetroot. After dinner cut up fruit like rasberries, strawberries, blueberries, almonds x 6 and put into Greek yoghurt! Yum! I never get hungry....but keep fruit on me always. I do at least 2 aerobic step class per week and 2 full on work out days at the gym. I don't drink so alcohol is not a problem thank god. Haven't had soft drink for 6 months and coping well with just Water, tea and coffee....I will have lightly sparkling water but drink this over about 1 hrs so I don't get too gassy. I have had issues with Constipation and have to use laxettes c often, take benefibre and drink about 2ltrs water daily, so it's a pain...but other than that have been going great. Stay away from anything that has fat and sugar. Won't risk it....

  4. Wish I could go to tell my story and meet you both....I only had 9 months left to live in March this year when I had my op....with my 25kg loss so far with the Omega loop gastric bypass I would be an inspiration to this new procedure. It saved my life....Carnie Wilson was always an inspiration to me and the 80's and 90's were my fondest era for music...then watching her procedure and how open she was about it...I too wish I could get the message out....life changing...Anyway hope you all have fun.....One day when I have the money I will be there! Best regards to all leanne Perth, Western Australia.

  5. 16 wks post op now have lost 23kg, everything is going well. No problem at all. Loads of exercise and eating well is my new life and I would never look back. Down from size 22 to 16 and almost out of 16 too...drank latte with full cream milk was very ill from that loads of diarrhea shakes etc, ate and drank at same time and vomited everything up, so 2 mistakes so far but all is fabulous otherwise!

  6. hi Paul

    I eat of an entrée size plate now for every meal. Dietician only had me on quarter cup until after I got used to normal solids food, so just go with what you body needs and stop. It had been hard as I didn't get the full feeling but with this surgery the full feeling means being sick and I did that by pushing it too much and having 2 big pieces of silverside. Should have stopped at 1. It hurt like he'll and then vomited it up. I start my day with 1 high Protein

    weetbix and quarter cup of kelloggs high Fibre all bran toppers, or will have porridge and they come in potion sachets. I have tea once I get work,

    then a banana. lunch is anything from ricecakes with ham and Tomato, or

    rivitas with tuna, baked Beans on ricecakes. I have some low fat cheese

    singles x 2 with some turkey or ham as an afternoon snack and then either

    an apple on way home or Protein shake or bar if working out. dinner is basa

    fish with veggies or salad, tuna patties, pork, small piece of meat or I will

    make a turkey meatloaf and have the slices for lunch or dinner. I use vegeta, which is like steak seasoning and I put this on everything! Beats fatty marinades.. I have lots of kiwi and oranges as Snacks sometimes cut them

    up at eat as last meal for night.

    Hubby is so proud of me. He sees a new me emerging and is so nice to hear him compliment me more now. Iam not a runner either but at the gym my

    body just wants to go now! I am used to walking and a bit of jogging sheds

    the weight. I don't run, just jog . I brought a fitbit which tracks your steps and I aim for 10 thousand per day. My sister got me a heart rate monitor which I wear at the gym and use the watch to keep track of my heart rate so I know when I am burning fat. I get up to 700 calories per workout some days which is sometimes more than I eat in a day! There are me and some

    work mates doing the city to surf, and it's just going to be the 12km walk.

    They don't want to run. I just want to know I can actually walk that far!

    13kg is a great effort Paul so far just be ready for it to slow down when you

    are on solids. I plateaued a few times and stay the same weight for 2wks

    some times but don't worry it will move again. Happens about week 5 so be prepared!

    I look at food labels and stay under 10g fat, carbs and sugar with everything.

    I do have diet yoghurt in between meals too it does have a lot of sugar in it

    so just be careful...

    my email is mcguireleanne@hotmail.com email there if you want from now on. So chuffed for both of us many receiving support from our partners.

    Your wife will love ya to death for this change and stay positive when you

    have a bad day...I will normally go for a walk on bad days. Sometimes when

    I take a few days off from exercise the scales move which is funny.

    Cant work that out! I should have done measurements coz you will plateau

    but the waist line changes so don't beat yourself up! Iam only 5ft 4 so Dr

    Dolan is hoping for 68kg, I wish for 65 so see what happens.

    I am 80.8 today and wrapped. I take liquid dulcolax quite a bit as I get

    constipated a lot which sux even though I try to have a whole approach to

    the 5 food groups each day it still happens! Iam down from size 22 to 16

    and even some things are getting loose in 16. In think I may have to have

    Tummy Tuck and Dr Dolan said he can do this but iam going to wait and see

    how bad the skin is once iam at goal. The trauma scares me and so does 7

    nights in hospital. Those 5 for the bypass drove me nuts and to have 2

    drains on each side for tummy tuck...no thanks but at the end of the day, if

    it separates me from 2 sizes I am gonna get it done! We are renewing our

    wedding vows for our 10th anniversary March next year so I hope to have a

    gorgeous dress this time instead of a tent! Its my 40th in May next yr too

    and I always swore I would be trim and terrific by my 40th and looks like I

    just may achieve this!

    Anyway, I am home sick with the flu today. I was scared of getting it but

    some people on the bus are pigs and don't cover their mouth so I was

    bound to get it. Poor hubby feels bad. I keep

    an eye on the receipies section and find i google stuff to cook. If you want

    to start emailing I can then email some receipies ideas that I use.

  7. Hi , all going really well thanks, back to work next Monday, kinda looking forward to it, I'm over this boredom lol. How are you doing?

    hi Paul, so glad to hear you are doing well. Dr Dolan is such a great man. Iam doing just great. Have had 1 overeating experience which is soon painful and one incident were I didn't wait long enough to drink after eating and vomited my life away!

    Its been 12 wks now and iam down 19kg. Weigh 81kg now. Over half way mark in only 3 months! Only have 16kg to go! I am doing full on gym work about 4 days per week and feel really fit now. I run 3km straight on the treadmill which is a first for me, so proud. Doing weights and about 110 sit ups. Just started weights and sit ups in last 3 wks as I wanted to get used to walking etc first. I always hated exercise so trying to change my mind set. Anyway, I signed up for my 1st challenge. The city to surf 12km-walkrun walk on 31 Aug,! Also off to brisbane on 9 August and signed up for the storey bridge climb on 13 Aug! Can't believe iam doing the things at a weight

    were iam able to! So happy and will never look back...

  8. I there I am booked in for an Omega loop gastric bypass revised from a stretched sleeve in Australia on the 29th May, is there anyone else here from Oz that's had the same op?

    Just stopped by to say good luck phil for Thurs! I am doing great have updated my progress at the end of this post. Don't be scared and be confident and proud a new you and new life is about to amerge!

  9. Hi everyone, I have been doing so well! Just thought I would check in. I now weigh 84.5! 186 pounds for those who find it easier than kilos....I am 8 wks and 3 days post op. So Damnhhappy....15.5 kilos lost....have my next appt 26th Dr Dolan on 3rd June, he set me a goal if 83 by then and I sad I couldn't do it....well I think I might just get there! I am also out of size 22, 20, 18 and now into size 16!

  10. Hellos have a personal question, I understand if you don't want to answer on here but what was your gap with Kevin and what did the apnea thesis charge?


    Dr Dolan charged 6k and anethatist charged 3. I used my super as mine was lifesaving surgery my diabetes was out of control and affecting my kidney and liver and I could have died, so I was approved through, my super fund for the whole amount otherwise 9k was just not happening!

  11. Ok, I am 1 month out and today I had me first experience with dumping..... Funny thing is, today was the first day I got to eat cereal and I got Special K Protein plus and it was no bueno:( I was so excited to eat cereal and am a little crushed. Anybody have this experience and what foods triggered it? I'm scared to eat anything but egg whites and cottage cheese:/

    yep, sugar in special K. stick to porridge and weetbix....no probs here...

  12. Hi everyone I had gastric bypass in Perth WA in 2005. My first few days after surgery were fine but I could only tolerate Water and little bit of orange juice.

    I went home 1 week later but started to feel unwell with pain in left shoulder. 3 days after the pain started I was in agony so went back to hospital and was given injection for pain but it did nothing. I was sent for a scan and they found that I had abceses internally.

    I had student doctors trying to insert a drain but it kept going the wrong way so then I had to have it done under a ct scan. After being readmitted to hospital I was there 1month when I demanded from the surgeon to open me up and see what was going on.I went back into theatre 3 days later and was told that yes they did have to operate to clean up the mess inside. I was on antibiotics but nothing was working. Nurses were telling me that the antibiotics that I was having were so strong that they should have fixed it.

    I had to stay another week as I had a very high temp and another infection. When I finally went home I refused to go back to that hospital ever again.

    I did have to go back to another hospital as I ended up with a bleeding ulcer.

    It has been 9 years and I am sorry that I ever had gastric bypass surgery as there are to many ongoing problems associated with this surgery. I am 63 years old now and have not been able to work full time since this surgery as I keep getting the pain in my left shoulder especially when I eat and I have a continual pain in the left side where the bowel is. The left shoulder pain I think is a nerve that sits on the diaphragm and when you eat that nerve responds.

    To anybody thinking of having this operation, think twice, think again, then think again, then find people who have had bad experiences.

    medical profession and surgery procecdures are way more advanced now. I am 4 1/2 wks post op and also in Perth, I wouldnt turn back at all. I have had the best treatment and feel the best i have in years. No regrets here.

    Perhaps you may have been better researching surgeons , sucess rates with their patients and stuff first before going ahead. Shame you had this expereince, even so i wouldnt have ever let trainee staff touch me after going through that....

    best of luck...perhaps get relooked at and you may find they can better your health and you will be more happier with it. there is ALWAYS a fix

  13. Like I said I'm 4 1/2 weeks post op. I lost 27 lbs the first month, but now my weight hasn't moved at all this past week. I am following the doctors orders, drinking my fluids and I do spin class 3 days a week. Anyone have any ideas of why I would stall out so quickly? It's a little frustrating :angry:


    I am 4 1/2 weeks post op and same thing has happened to me. stayed same weight for nearly 2 weeks. I was given a goal of loosing 8kilo by 3 June and it just wont happen, but to me, any loss is a loss, I am doing the right thing by exercising and eating the right thing, so he willl just have to be happy with that!

  14. I had my surgery on March 6th and have only loss 27lbs so far. Is this normal? Is anyone else having the same issue? I've been walking some but I have a bad knee so I can't push myself like I need to. Eating has been good and I'm consuming between 600 and 800 calories a day. The Fluid intake is getting better. So I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Could really use some advice.

    my surgery was 26 March and I have only lost 24 pounds. I am not being hard on myself, I know I am doing the right thing with food and eating nutritional and healthy stuff so I am just being patient. I am exercising every day though, doing 3km walks to get fit and tone up. dont be hard on yourself

  15. Hi Paul

    yeah I have a new sleeve, not a pouch.

    I wasn't in Intensive care, Dr Dolan did say I would be. I told people at work as I needed the support. But I understand if you don't. It is very personal. I get my Vitamins from chemist warehouse it's so much cheaper! Hopefully you can go back to work after a week. I still felt bit giddy... be strong thru the Fluid and puree stage as it really takes it out of you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
