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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by fleabag1975

  1. fleabag1975

    Omega loop gastric bypass Australia

    Just stopped by to say good luck phil for Thurs! I am doing great have updated my progress at the end of this post. Don't be scared and be confident and proud a new you and new life is about to amerge!
  2. fleabag1975

    Omega loop gastric bypass Australia

    Hi everyone, I have been doing so well! Just thought I would check in. I now weigh 84.5! 186 pounds for those who find it easier than kilos....I am 8 wks and 3 days post op. So Damnhhappy....15.5 kilos lost....have my next appt 26th Dr Dolan on 3rd June, he set me a goal if 83 by then and I sad I couldn't do it....well I think I might just get there! I am also out of size 22, 20, 18 and now into size 16!
  3. fleabag1975

    Omega loop gastric bypass Australia

    yes sorry I was in hollywood
  4. fleabag1975

    Omega loop gastric bypass Australia

    Dr Dolan charged 6k and anethatist charged 3. I used my super as mine was lifesaving surgery my diabetes was out of control and affecting my kidney and liver and I could have died, so I was approved through, my super fund for the whole amount otherwise 9k was just not happening!
  5. fleabag1975


    yep, sugar in special K. stick to porridge and weetbix....no probs here...
  6. fleabag1975

    Gastric Bypass 9 years on.

    medical profession and surgery procecdures are way more advanced now. I am 4 1/2 wks post op and also in Perth, I wouldnt turn back at all. I have had the best treatment and feel the best i have in years. No regrets here. Perhaps you may have been better researching surgeons , sucess rates with their patients and stuff first before going ahead. Shame you had this expereince, even so i wouldnt have ever let trainee staff touch me after going through that.... best of luck...perhaps get relooked at and you may find they can better your health and you will be more happier with it. there is ALWAYS a fix
  7. I am 4 1/2 weeks post op and same thing has happened to me. stayed same weight for nearly 2 weeks. I was given a goal of loosing 8kilo by 3 June and it just wont happen, but to me, any loss is a loss, I am doing the right thing by exercising and eating the right thing, so he willl just have to be happy with that!
  8. fleabag1975

    Slow weight loss

    my surgery was 26 March and I have only lost 24 pounds. I am not being hard on myself, I know I am doing the right thing with food and eating nutritional and healthy stuff so I am just being patient. I am exercising every day though, doing 3km walks to get fit and tone up. dont be hard on yourself
  9. fleabag1975

    Omega loop gastric bypass Australia

    Hi Paul yeah I have a new sleeve, not a pouch. I wasn't in Intensive care, Dr Dolan did say I would be. I told people at work as I needed the support. But I understand if you don't. It is very personal. I get my vitamins from chemist warehouse it's so much cheaper! Hopefully you can go back to work after a week. I still felt bit giddy... be strong thru the fluid and puree stage as it really takes it out of you!
  10. fleabag1975

    Omega loop gastric bypass Australia

    hi there I had the omega loop bypass 4 weeks ago! We have the same surgeon. I had a band and a sleeve and stretched the sleeve also. This was another surgeon too. I cannot fault Dr Dolan he is the best. My surgery was 26 March. I spent full five days in hospital because the drain was still draining so until it runs nearly clear you have to stay in! I was ready to go home at day 2! So far I have lost 11kg in the 4 weeks. I am wrapped. You have to be careful as you don't feel any restriction so you have to be disciplined and stop and a cup of food. Definitely don't eat then drink wait 30 mins , as I did this the other day and had the shakes, sweats and was vomiting and vomiting. Lucky I was not at work. I am now back at work and doing great. I am so happy. I am back to power walking 3 km every day and try get a day in for a break. Now I am on solids iam eating high protein foods, turkey, fish, chicken, etc. I am on the net researching receipe ideas all the time. You will love Jessica the dietician she is great. Really take on board her advice. I started at 117 in 2003 when I was first banded. I did loose 25kg with the sleeve in 2007 and put it back on after the stretching. I weighed 100 on the 26 March for my bypass and now 89. I am down from 22, 20, to size 18. Get excited as its a new life! If the surgery is Keyhole you will be up and running after 2 weeks like me. Although Dr Dolan wanted me to rest for 4, so that's the advice I took and didn't go back to work but I did start walking! I haven't experienced dumping yet as I am too scared to eat or drink 1 thing bad, so that's good! My next appt with dietician and Dr Dolan is 3 June. He gave me a goal of 83 and I hope I can get there! Keep in touch! Leanne Keep in touch! Leanne
  11. hang in there, I am 3 1/2 wks post op and stalled for a week and a half, it then comes off so dont pressure yourself. your body is going through changes and is currently in shock! hang in there, you are doing everything right, on fluids you can also retain water so dont stress.
  12. I am 12 days post op and taking my Vitamins now. I was told to take: Iron - chewable B12 - spray Calcium with vit D - chewable mulitvitamin - chewable wondering if this is enough. What about teeth? What Vitamin stops teeth deteriorating?
  13. fleabag1975

    3 day puree menu

    try this is gorgeous! on a bed of mash refried beans (blend for 20 secs its lovely trusT ME) salsa dip grated cheese low fat microwave then cover in some sour cream! its just like having nachos but its all smooth and without the chips!
  14. i am in my first week of puree food. I got a tin of refried beans and blended them. Added some low fat cheese, salsa and zapped in the microwave. Then added some sour cream. OMG ! yummo! just like nachos but without the chips!
  15. fleabag1975

    found awsome puree food!

    I am in my 3rd week, so puree now. not upset at all. i had the omega loop bypass done so i have a small sleeve and then the bypass not a pouch
  16. fleabag1975

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    so when do you think you will take the next step and go for it?
  17. try this i GUARENTEE you will love it. on a bed of mash potato blend some refried Beans (for only 20 seconds) trust me they are yumm this way salsa dip sour cream cheese low fat melt it all over bed of mash its THE BEST!
  18. i just had this done 26th March, I am 6 days post op and have lost 6kg already. Surgeon is wrapped with the results so far. I feel 100% apart from really severe muscle pain from the left side, but that will heal, it will just take time. I am so far so glad I have done this, my blood sugar readings are down from over 17 to between 6-8 and I know i am going to look after myself so much better now...I feel like I have been given a 2nd chance at life and this is all mine now for the taking and boy am I going to do so much with it!
  19. fleabag1975

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    You too good luck on your journey
  20. fleabag1975

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    for sure! nice to meet you too...! I have had a bypass but a reversable and safer option one. Its relitively new in Australia here. Here is the website have a look and compare the stats there is a chart throughout the site that shows you the complications of full bypass versus this one http://clos.net/ yeah my sleeve stretched unfortunatley. Only after 6 months too. I def had restriction and is was great i had lost 25 kg. I still reckon they didnt do it right the first time. The band slipped before that and i was left with a terrible scarred and deformed stomach too. I was lucky to have this procedure done. Anyway I feel great I have lost 10 kilos now and only 12 days out..
  21. fleabag1975

    Bumpy Road but making progress

    I had my surgery 26 March 2014, so 12 days out now and doing well. I still get some left side pain but this is apparently cut muscle trying to heal. I too know its along road ahead and we have to have patience and persist after all we all persisted when the weight was piling on so lets have a positive outlook this time on the weight coming off! I have just gone from size 22 back to 20 as of today, 9 kilo down (or 19 pounds) keep going we can do this, and its so great to have a forum like this to share !
  22. fleabag1975

    Muscle aches?

    you need magnesium luv
  23. fleabag1975

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    hi there I started with a band, went to sleeve, this stretched and now I am 12 days out from having Omega Loop gastric bypass. Apart from scar tissue apparently everything went okay. Feeling really well so far...
  24. fleabag1975

    Not a sugar dumper but....

    I was wondering about other things that made people have this! I havent yet as I am only on puree so far. But I have stopped caffeine and had a small reduced fat ice coffee, it had sugar in it still and I had a bit of an upset stomach after it. Butter was a worry for me for sure - thanks for that honest and personal post...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
