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Everything posted by R@VEN

  1. I have a lot of selfies on my FB but when I signed up on this page right after surgery. I chose one taken right before surgery so as I lose maybe it will be inspiration to myself and others just coming in.
  2. R@VEN


    I'm about three hours from ft worth. I'm going back for my post op appt. I really like ft worth. It's funny for a larger town. People are very friendly.
  3. R@VEN

    room for newbies?

    Thank you so much for the welcome. Yes. I'm needing some info. Have my binder and info from the nutritionist but it's not the same as talking to others who are walking down the same path.
  4. R@VEN

    December Dates...Anyone?

    My surgery was dec 31. In ft worth texas.
  5. R@VEN

    room for newbies?

    I'm a newbie. Had my lapband removed and bypass done dec 31 st 2013.
  6. R@VEN

    Drinking pop

    The reason sodas are not recommended to my understanding is because they can cause discomfort, stretch your pouch making you eat more, and when I was banded I was told the acid in soda can cause erosion where the band is if it sits there waiting to go down. That place isn't like our stomach and the acid can damage it.
  7. Thanks gmanbat. As I have learned he is that way with all his overweight patients. It has a long time but that day is still hurtful but now I just feel sorry for him. He lucked out on a good patient with very good habit of paying her bills. Lol. So I'm new to this site and so far I'm seeing a lot if good info. Hope to get to read more of your post.
  8. I'm so thankful for my PCP. He has been rooting for my approval all the way. There are two Physicians and two RN's that have had WLS in the same office. When I first came in to discuss it with him he took me around to meet all of them that day. We have to remember physicians are just as human as we are. They can have character flaws as well. We have a choice if we want them to be our Dr. My by far worse experience was years ago, I just moved here and went to a new gyno. I had just began my weightless journey with another office that specialized in that area. Anyway, this man waited until I was on my back in Stirrups and said so, why are you so fat? Then began a degrading lecture along with assumptions that I had to listen to due to the fact of my vulnerable position. All the while I'm laying there openly crying. As soon as he was done I quickly sat up and told him I was seeing a dr for my weight and that was his specialty, and he need to just worry about the health of my vagina since that was his specialty. Then I looked at the nurse and said can you bring me the bill for my chargers for today so I can leave. He took off his gloves and threw them and told her no charges for today. Haven't been back since. Afterwards I have heard many stories of him with his over weight patients. Not this girl.
  9. R@VEN


    Two I mean. Lol
  10. R@VEN


    Birthsjourney. Very kind words and great advice. I always have to replays to those kind of comments. " bless your heart" or " how nice" sound very pleasant to the but have a different meaning in my head. Lol. Anyway you seem to have a very kind heart. Good to see.
  11. R@VEN

    Gaunt and an Amazon, really!

    I'm so sorry she hurt your feelings. I'm sad for her also because it looks like she may have list a good friend. I just had my bypass last week but I had a lapband four three years that was placed wrong and couldn't get a fill but anyway, I found that I was constantly on display and had friends making remarks that were hurtful. I had a conversation with someone yesterday that was headed that way so I was ready this time. I want to keep our friendship so I told her we all have different journeys but still end with the same destination. I know the situation is different but maybe evaluate what her friendship means to you. If you want to save it, explain that you were hurt and how it made you feel. If she continues to be hurtful know this. Well maybe the friendship means more to you than it does to her.
  12. R@VEN

    Confused about post op food!

    My plan says no pasta at this point. It says lean ground or canned meats like ground beef that's 90% lean or ground turkey. Canned meats packed it water like tuna and chicken. I was given a notebook of foods I can have with stages and a week menu example for each stage from my dietician. So message me if have any questions. Oh and the soft food stage you can also get protein through egg beaters and fat free re fried beans.
  13. But my food rules do say never eat popcorn. Along with sirloin and nuts. And ofcourse sugar and sodas.
  14. I'm wondering if some patients have different diets than others. I was talking to a friend tonight that had hers a year ago and she said she can't believe I'm eating what I do. I was on clear liquids for four days then moved to full liquids. Things like malt o meal sugar free pudding and blended cream soups. She said she was told to do clear liquid for five weeks after.
  15. R@VEN

    Online dating

    I would go out and have a nice evening. Don't mention where you are staying. I always met the man somewhere for the first time. If you get too caught up with the minor details of the night before it happens you may come off as tense or miss out in an awesome time with someone. Of course if he ask where your staying I wouldn't lie either. If asked be honest. You usually get a room when you visit due to lack if space. That way he don't get the idea you did it in anticipation of a sexual encounter because it's something you usually do. Then move to next subject. So your not nervously offering info of your room which could cause awkwardness for both And your also being honest when asked a question. And I'm sure we can all appreciate honesty.
  16. Love the attitude. True inspiration.
  17. Same here. Can't add through screen name. It was contacts, Facebook friends or email. Add me if you want. My screen name is bokay2014
  18. R@VEN


    hi. I had my surgery in ft worth but I live in brownwood tx

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