I do notice that all these stories are from 2011, So I wanted to ask if you are still on this site can you inform us on what is going on currently in your lives. I am truely inspired by all the stories. I have not had a normal period since I was 13 years old. I am 23 now, was diagnosed with PCOS in 2011, had my surgery after TTC for 3 years. My husband and I were pregnant the year before surgery and with twins. We lost them at 20 weeks. It was difficult for both of us as it was our first babies. In January 2014 I had Gastric Bypass Surgery and now 4 months later I have lost a total of 107 lbs I am currently 203 Lbs. I have worked super hard at trying to get all this weight off just to concieve at least once. I dont think the stress from the Military and a Husband works for me. Between getting stationed at a new home and leaving family it has been hard. So your stories are motivation for me! Just so you know. I understand I am young and I have time, However with a husband in the service I am not sure what time I do have with him so I take it day by day with hoping that I can keep a piece of him forever.