Why am I fat? I was a skinny kid and in high school I weighed around 135 @ 5'2". Yet I can hear my father telling me that I was getting fat. As a kid you were expected to eat whatever was on your plate, and from the south and lower middle class it was often fried foods, homemade breads, then dessert of cake or pie. After moving out and getting married, it was making big dinners then getting up late at nite and eating again. This really packed on the pounds. Add a baby and you have more weight. Divorce and eating for company and alcohol for socialization adds on a few more. I got remarried and lets begin the celebration by dragging out all of the favorite recpies. Then as the marriage got troubled food was my comforter again. Even at work we celebrated every holiday and event with a potluck. It seems like I celebrated everything with food. I have tried to loose the weight on my own only to regain it within a few months of loosing it.
The band has kept me from overeating - now only a small amt of food satisfies me- no overeating. I have lost 19 lbs since the banding, and feel GREAT!!!! No regrets- except for not doing it sooner.